
  1. 现在,这不是一个商业的声明。

    Now , that is not a commercial statement .

  2. 德国第二大银行德国商业银行已声明,将停止国外新借贷,不过对波兰例外,因为它在那儿有分行。

    Already Germany 's second-largest bank , Commerzbank , has said it will suspend new lending outside its home market & although it made Poland , where it has a subsidiary , an exception .

  3. 就在电子商业巨头发表声明之前,马云做出了这一评论,该声明称旗下网站在双十一的收入超过了上一年,增长了将近60%。

    He made the comments right before the e-commerce giant announced that its " Singles Day " sales throughits website on the world 's biggest shopping holiday - November 11 - beat last year 's record by nearly 60percent .

  4. 从我的理解,消除这些标识只是为了更加美观应该没这样做,因为对于这些图还没有什么商业行为或者版权声明。

    From my understanding , removing these logos just to be more aesthetically pleasing should be okay to do , there 's no selling or plagarizing going on here .