
qǐng shì
  • Request for instructions;ask (beg) for instructions;request instructions;ask instructions from
请示 [qǐng shì]
  • [ask (beg) for instructions] 下级向上级请求指示

  • 向中央请示

请示[qǐng shì]
  1. 若当地法律规定与国内相关法规冲突,要及时向国内相关政府部门请示。

    Where local laws and regulations conflict with domestic laws and regulations , it shall request instructions from relevant domestic governmental departments in a timely manner .

  2. 推托不了时应请示领导,如领导同意,可接受委托并收钱;

    But make an excuse should request instructions if the leader , leading agreement without end now and then , the acceptance entrusts money and collects ;

  3. 他们在德尔斐神示所向神请示。

    They consulted the oracle at Delphi .

  4. 地方管理机构应请示中央主管部门。

    Local authorities must refer everything to the central ministries .

  5. 女售货员说关于这件事她得请示主管人。

    The salesgirl said she would have to consult the supervisor about the matter .

  6. 这件事我们得请示,不能自作主张。

    This is something we can 't decide ourselves and must ask for instructions first .

  7. 在战争的最后几周,登陆Grant舰之后,士兵向林肯请示怎样处置李将军当初降伏的叛军。

    In the war 's final weeks , aboard Grant 's flagship , The River Queen , President Lincoln was asked what was to be done with the rebel armies once General Lee surrendered .

  8. 进近,CSN3102能见跑道,请示目视进近。

    Approach CSN3102 runway in sight , request visual approach .

  9. 修正法案引起了强烈的公愤.juancarlosesguerra,一个极力促成法案通过的司法部长,(被迫)辞职了.民间团体正在积极地为一个国民请示书收集签名来达到推翻它的目的。

    The amendment has been greeted with popular outrage . Juan Carlos esguerra , the justice minister , who had urged its approval , resigned . Citizen groups are collecting signatures for a referendum to overturn it .

  10. 我喜欢单身,不要请示。

    I 'm better off single , not answering to anyone .

  11. 指挥官向伦敦海军部发电请示。

    The commander radioed to the Admiralty in London for instructions .

  12. 什么时候该独自行动而什么时候该请示。

    When to act on your own and when to consult .

  13. 我们明天再谈怎么样?我回去请示一下经理。

    Shall we discuss it tomorrow after I consult my manager ?

  14. 我不该预先不请示你就订购了设备。

    I shouldn 't have ordered the equipment without asking you first .

  15. 我不是来先请示你了么。

    I did say I had to ask you first .

  16. 小男孩请示:请问战争会带来任何好的结果吗?

    Question : will any good come of the war ?

  17. 她未请示上级擅自把所有这些请柬都发了出去。

    She issued all these invitations without any reference to her superiors .

  18. 申请人请示获得司法复审撤消命令。

    The applicant seek judicial review to quash the order .

  19. 我必须向上级请示那一件事。

    I 'll have to ask my superiors about that .

  20. 我得请示上级,没时间了

    I 'm gonna get my supervisor . There is no time !

  21. 关于案件请示制度的若干思考

    Some Reflections on the System of Referring Legal Cases to the Superior

  22. 实际工作中报告与请示误用、混用的情况时有发生。

    However , in practice , report and request are often misused .

  23. 你不必向我请示可自行做些变动。

    You do not need my say-so to change things .

  24. 既然是这样的话,我得请示经理。

    Such being the case , I have to consult my manager .

  25. 报告与请示文种的历史演变及其现行运用

    Historical Evolution and Current Application of Report and Request

  26. 关于请示与报告的写作学研究

    Research on Writings on Requesting Instructions and Submitting Reports

  27. 请对我的请示作出答复。

    Please give me an answer to my request .

  28. 原告通过法院请示获得救济。

    The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the court .

  29. 没有请示就从单位拿东西是偷窃。

    Taking something from work without asking is stealing .

  30. 在金犊之前所崇拜时,他有没有要求一个请示书呢?

    Prostrate before the golden calf , did he call for a referendum ?