
  • 网络Business decisions;Commercial Settlement
  1. 一位雇员说,有些课程的内容是案例研究,就是苹果公司如何作出重大商务决定的事例,比如让iPod和它配套的iTunes软件与微软的Windows系统兼容的决策。

    Some of the courses teach case studies about important business decisions that Apple made , one of the employees said , including the one to make the iPod and its iTunes software compatible with Microsoft 's Windows system .

  2. 国际贸易的动态影响了我们对此所做的商务决定。

    The dynamics of international trade have influenced our business decisions on this matter .

  3. 移动商务速度决定成败

    Mobile Commerce : Speed Determines Results

  4. 由此,电子商务公司决定建设公共事业缴费平台,来满足广大市民的需求。

    As a result , the company decided to build e-commerce payment platform for public utilities , Shandong , to meet the needs of the general public .

  5. 每天,似乎生活的方方面面都有数据在不断堆砌累加,很多不是纯商务性质的决定也越来越趋向数据驱动,即“决定源自或取决于数据收集或数据分析”。

    With more and more data piling up every day on seemingly all aspects of our lives , a lot more than just business decisions are becoming data-driven , which refers to something " determined or dependent on the collection or analysis of data " .

  6. 要求提供保证金、保函或者其他形式的担保,由商务部作出决定并予以公告。

    The request for the provision of deposits , guaranty letter or other forms of guaranty shall be decided on and announced by the MOFCOM .

  7. 在作出终裁决定前,应当由商务部将终裁决定所依据的基本事实通知所有已知的利害关系方。

    Before the final determinations are made , MOFCOM shall inform all known interested parties of the essential facts on which the final determinations are based .

  8. 商务部的决定表明,从土耳其和墨西哥进口钢筋将会收取关税,从墨西哥进口钢筋的税率为10%至66%,而从土耳其进口钢筋产品的税率约为2%。

    The decision by Commerce Department means steel rebar imported from Turkey and Mexico will be subject to immediate duties , the duty 's range from 10 % to 66 % on rebar from Mexico and roughly 2 % product imported from Turkey .

  9. 据彭博社报道,美国商务部宣布初步决定对从中国进口的木地板征收反倾销关税,税率最高达83%。

    The US will impose preliminary anti-dumping duties up to83 % on multi-layered flooring imports from China , the US Commerce Department announced , Bloomberg reported .

  10. 因此,电子商务建设将成为决定饭店客源特别是商务散客数量的重要条件之一。

    Therefore , the Electronic Commerce construction is an important factor for a hotel to attract tourists especially the business tourists from all over the world .

  11. 城市价值决定城市商务成本,城市商务成本又决定企业的生产经营成本,它是企业是否进入某一城市投资的重要决策依据。

    City value decides its business cost while city 's business cost determines firms ' production operations cost , and firms ' production operations cost serves as a key factor of firm 's decision in investing in this city or not .