
shānɡ qínɡ yù cè
  • business forecast;business forecasting
  1. 马尔柯夫法在商情预测中的应用

    Application of Markov 's Method in Business Forecasting

  2. 然而,那些采用最全面,最复杂精深的经济模式做商情预测的经济学家们并不同意:他们的预测表明了税收增长对大宗商品价格和生活费用的预期增长即使有影响,但也很小。

    Yet , those economists who use the most comprehensive and sophisticated econometric models for business forecasts disagree : their projections indicate that the tax increase will have little , if any , impact upon the pro & not ; jected increase in commodity prices and the cost of living .