
  • 网络business enterprise
  1. 基于现代物流的商贸企业重构研究

    Research on Business Enterprise Restructuring Based on Modern Logistics

  2. 组织出口货源:商贸企业应根据贸易合同或信用证的规定准备好出口商品。

    Business enterprise and importers in consultation on the success of a trade contract .

  3. 商贸企业纳税诚信申报识别研究

    The Discrimination Research on Faithful Declaration of Tax Payment to Trade Enterprise

  4. 商贸企业物流绩效提升的基本工具研究

    A Research on Fundamental Performance-upgrading Tools of Merchandising Enterprises

  5. 商贸企业品牌战略初探

    A Brief View of the Commercial Enterprise Brand Strategy

  6. 连锁商贸企业组织系统研究

    On Organizational System of Chain Commercial Enterprises

  7. 在此基础上对商贸企业新进员工职前培训的未来发展提出对策和建议。

    Lastly , make some countermeasures and suggestions for the future development of the pre-service training .

  8. 一些制造企业、商贸企业开始采用现代物流管理理念、方法和技术;

    China 's manufacturers and trading companies have begun adopting modern logistics management methods & technologies ;

  9. 三峡库区商贸企业搬迁问题与成因分析

    Analysis of Causes and Problems Existing in Movement of Commercial and Trade Enterprises in Three Gorges Area

  10. 支持小商贸企业发展,改善相关金融服务。

    We will also support the growth of small commercial and trading enterprises and improving relevant financial services .

  11. 混合型协同管理和增值服务是商贸企业库存管理的基本内涵。

    The basic connotation of stock management of a trading company is mixed coordinating management and value-added services .

  12. 分销是目前商品市场上绝大多数商贸企业和生产制造类企业选择的产品销售方式。

    Distribution is the most common product sales method that selected by the commercial enterprises and manufacturing enterprises in the commodity markets .

  13. 西单商业街商贸企业的社会消费品零售额目前占全区总量的60%以上,是北京市最繁华的商业街之一。

    Xidan Commercial Street is one of the most business zones in the whole city ; in the current its retail sales in Xicheng distract account to60 % .

  14. 顾客对产品需求的多样化和及时性加剧了全球生产和商贸企业之间的恶性竞争,使得利润空间缩小。

    The competition of global production and business enterprises has been aggravated by the variety and timeliness of customer demand , which has made the profit become smaller .

  15. 在物流理论的指导下,本文具体介绍了一个典型的商贸企业一中钢贸易公司的经营管理模式及其相应的核心库存管理方法。

    Guided by related logistics theories , this article studies in detail operational management mode and corresponding core stock management of a typical trading company & Sinosteel Trading Company .

  16. 同时科学地分析了这个公司经营管理模式中所蕴涵的物流管理理念和商贸企业的物流管理特色。

    This article also scientifically analyzes the logistics management concepts that have been contained in the company 's operational management mode , and logistics management characteristics of trading companies in general .

  17. 通过本研究,希望提出的观点和建议在安阳地区商贸企业新进员工职前培训实践方面和促进企业未来培训方面能够更好发展有一定的参考作用。

    Through this study , I hope my views and suggestions are able to provide some reference to help the practice of the pre-service training and promote the work of the future training .

  18. 在我国工矿商贸企业发生的各类生产安全伤亡事故中,矿山事故约占36.2%,矿山事故频发已成为制约我国安全生产的瓶颈。

    Mining accidents accounted for about 36.2 % in all kinds of security casualties in Chinese industrial , mining and trading enterprises . The frequent mining accidents have been the bottleneck of our national security production .

  19. 中国加入世界贸易组织后,随着对外开放步伐的加快,商贸企业间的竞争愈加激烈,特别是零售业正面临前所未有的挑战。

    After China entered into WTO , with the pace of opening to the outside world quickening ; there will be more intense competition in the field of trade enterprise , especially the retail trade industry will face an unprecedented degree of challenge .

  20. 2008年以来,金融危机爆发和新《劳动法》实施给东莞市商贸企业带来很大的冲击,尤其是和民众生活息息相关的连锁超市企业。

    Since 2008 , the outbreak of financial crisis and the implementation of the New Labor Law brought great impact to commercial and trade companies in Dongguan , especially to those chain supermarkets , which also brought influence to the daily life of the public .

  21. 现代商贸连锁企业物流信息化管理系统

    Logistic Management System of Modern Commercial Chain

  22. 购物节启动当日,市城区八大商贸流通企业销售额同期增长35%。

    On the first day of the festival , the8 enterprises realized a turnover increase of35 % against the same period of2008 .

  23. 因此,如何建立一套基于进销存系统的决策分析系统,对于商贸流通企业来说具有很重要的现实意义。

    Therefore it is very significant for Business trading company how to establish decision support system , which is base on a purchase , sales and inventory system .

  24. 创建于1997年初,已从单一的商贸型企业,发展成为具有一定规模的,以气动、液压、机械制造业为主,集研发、商贸于一体的综合性公司。

    Established in1997 , which has developed from a single trade company to complexed with a certain scale focusing on pneumatics , hydraulics , and machinery manufacture Industries .

  25. 第二个与虚拟经营有关的对策是联合化,这里的联合不是别的,正是生产制作型企业、商贸型企业和虚拟经营企业的合作。

    And virtual second approach is to operate on the joint and the joint here is none other than the production-oriented enterprises , trade companies and virtual co-operation ventures .

  26. 是一家以生产、加工、设计等实业为基础,实施品牌营销的综合性文化与商贸发展企业。

    Basing on the unition of many high quality hand-craft making resources ," GuanZhong Impression " is a preffesional brand that only focus on handcraft product of Guanzhong ( Shaanxi ) Area .

  27. 研究成果可以为城市商贸流通企业开拓农村市场以及农村现行流通企业的创新变革提供有价值的参考,可以使正着手开拓农村市场的大型零售企业直接受益。

    Research findings can not only provide valuable reference for city business distribution companies to develop the rural market and for the existing distribution companies in rural areas to be undergone innovation changes , but also benefit the large-scale retail enterprises who are working on developing the rural market .

  28. 内蒙古腾大商贸有限公司,企业主要从事流通贸易。

    Inner Mongolia leaps the big business Limited company , the enterprise is mainly engaged in the circulation trade .

  29. 在商贸领域,中国企业与当地公司合作开发的安哥拉国际商贸城项目已经开工,建成后将成为西南部非洲最大的商贸物流中心、会展中心和投资服务中心。

    In the field of commerce and trade , the construction of the Angola International Trade Center , jointly initiated by Chinese and local enterprises , has been started . When completed , the project will be the largest commercial logistics , convention and investment service center in southwest Africa .

  30. 透过参与这系列的研讨会,与会人士可以进一步认识电子商贸的应用,了解如何利用电子商贸增强企业竞争力。

    By attending the seminars , audience will be able to learn more about the application of e-commerce and understand how e-commerce can enhance their competitive edge .