
yuǎn qī yù cè
  • long-range forecasting
  1. 其中利用GM(1,1)灰色预测法的预测值检验,达到了远期预测的目标。

    The most important is that the forecasting-validated method which adopts GM ( 1,1 ) Grey Forecasting has got the aim of long-term warning .

  2. 基于马尔可夫链的教学阶段性评价和远期预测模型

    Application of Markov Chain in Teaching Evaluation and Long-term Prediction

  3. 豫南丘陵山区农村能源需求远期预测及解决途径

    A long-term forecast of rural energy requirements and their solutions in the hill and mountain regions of Southern Henan Province

  4. 主要探讨了变权组合预测方法,提出了具有多项式形式变权函数的最优变权组合预测方法,该方法非常适合近期预测,其预测误差明显低于其它方法,但对远期预测效果非常差。

    Focusing on the weight changeable combination forecasting method , the optimal weight changeable combination forecast of a polynomial variable weighting function is proposed , which is suitable for short-term forecast with lower forecast error than other methods but not for the long-term forecast .

  5. 目的探讨心肌梗死(MI)溶栓疗法(TIMI)危险评分系统对ST段抬高的急性心肌梗死(STEMI)患者直接经皮冠状动脉介入干预(PCI)远期预后预测的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the predicting values of thrombolysis in myocardial infarction ( TIMI ) risk scoring system for long-term prognosis in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction ( STEMI ) referred for primary percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) .

  6. 基于组合灰色神经网络模型的电力远期价格预测

    Electricity Forward Price Forecasting Based on Combined Gray Neural Network Model

  7. 我国财务分析师远期盈余预测偏差的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Deviation of Long-term Earning Forecast Made by Financial Analysts

  8. 用于电力远期价格预测的组合灰色神经网络方法

    The Composite Grey Neural Network Method Used for the Forecast of Power Forward Prices

  9. 背景-我们对风心病二尖瓣及三尖瓣联合修补的早期和远期结局预测因子进行调查。

    Background & We examined predictors of early and very long-term outcome after combined mitral and tricuspid valve repair for rheumatic disease .

  10. 目的:探讨平衡法核素心室显像(ERNV)对急性心肌梗塞(AMI)远期预后的预测价值。

    PURPOSE The predictive value of equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography ( ERNV ) for the long term prognosis of acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) was studied .

  11. 核素心室显像对急性心肌梗塞远期预后的预测价值

    Predictive value of equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography for long term prognosis of acute myocardial infarction

  12. 因此,我们认为,我们对金砖四国2050年远期梦想'预测成真的可能性增大(而非降低)了,奥尼尔在最近的一份报告中写道。

    As a result , wrote O'Neill in a recent paper , we think our long-term 2050 Bric dream ' projections are more , rather than less , likely to materialise .

  13. 基于罗源湾远期船舶数量预测,罗源湾海域船舶溢油概率为0.0925,约为每10年1次。

    According to the predicted number of ships in and out of Luoyuan Bay in the future , the probability of oil spill from ships is 0.0925 , about once each ten years .

  14. 对港口集装箱吞吐量预测,尤其是对远期作出精确预测,不能指望有一种固定有效的数学模型。

    Therefore , we can not always count on a kind of steadfast , successive maths model to settle the problem we countered in pursuing prediction to throughput of container , especially on a long term .

  15. 一方面使用远期运价来预测即期运价,另一方面用即期运价来推导远期运价,然后对其预测的精度进行了比较分析。

    On the one hand , the thesis predicts the current tariffs by utilizing the future tariffs . One the other hand , the thesis uses current tariffs to derive future tariffs and compares the prediction accuracies .

  16. 由于本研究只对近期疗效进行观察,仅凭统计数据,无法对远期效果进行预测和推断。

    Since this study were observed only curative effect , statistics alone can not predict the effects of long-term and inference . Looking at the results from this study , temperature effects through treatment better than the western group of recent topical treatment group .

  17. 针对这一特点,采用灰色动态预测模型对电力远期价格进行预测,提出一种组合灰色神经网络预测模型,并对不同模型的预测结果进行了研究。

    Pointing to this feature , the grey dynamic forecast model was adapted to forecast the power forward prices , a kind of composite grey neural network forecast model was put forward , and the research on forecast result of various models were carried out .

  18. CAN患者在肾功能异常前尿TGFβ1已显著升高,肾移植后早期检测尿TGFβ1对远期肾功能具有预测作用。

    The level of urine TGF - β 1 in early stage after renal transplantation can predict long-term renal function .

  19. 脑利钠肽对心力衰竭远期心脏事件的预测价值

    Long prognostic value of B-natriuretic peptide on admission in patients with chronic heart failure