
  • 网络Coty;Coty Inc
  1. 现在,奥梅利琴科受雇于巴黎的科蒂集团(Coty),她已决定,只在她和她的配偶能以真实身份生活的国家工作。

    Now employed by Coty in Paris , she has decided to work only in countries where she and her partner can live openly .

  2. 几年前,伊丽莎白o雅顿公司开始野心勃勃地进军名人香水市场推出小甜甜布兰妮、泰勒o斯威夫特和贾斯汀o比伯系列香水试图与科蒂集团(Coty)竞争。

    A few years ago , Elizabeth Arden got aggressive in the celebrity fragrance market its roster now includes fragrances by Britney Spears , Taylor Swift , and Justin Bieber in an attempt to go toe-to-toe with Coty COTY - 1.24 % .

  3. 几年前,伊丽莎白o雅顿公司开始野心勃勃地进军名人香水市场——推出小甜甜布兰妮、泰勒o斯威夫特和贾斯汀o比伯系列香水——试图与科蒂集团(Coty)竞争。

    A few years ago , Elizabeth Arden got aggressive in the celebrity fragrance market - its roster now includes fragrances by Britney Spears , Taylor Swift , and Justin Bieber - in an attempt to go toe-to-toe with Coty COTY - 1.24 % .