
  • 网络Trajectory Intersection Theory;Orbit Intersecting Theory
  1. 从轨迹交叉论看煤矿安全事故致因及预防措施

    Analysis on Reason and Precautionary Measures of Safety Accident in Coal Mine from a Viewpoint of " Trajectory Intersection Theory "

  2. 群死群伤火灾事故成因分析&轨迹交叉论分析吉林省辽源市中心医院12.15特大火灾

    Analysis of the Causes of Casualty & Using the " Track-cross Theory " to Analyze the Cause of " 12.15 " Fire Casualty in Central Hospital of Liaoyuan City , Jilin Province

  3. 本文结合我国交通运输事故与安全管理的特点,以安全工程理论为基础,提出了基于轨迹交叉论的交通运输事故的机理模型,从理论层面推导出防止发生交通事故应从改进管理做起的结论。

    Considering the characteristics of safety management of traffic and transportation in China , a mechanism model based on Track Crossing Theory for traffic and transportation accidents is put forward . A conclusion is obtained theoretically that the management should be promoted firstly .