
  • 网络Avon;AVP
  1. 目前,钟彬娴是苹果电脑公司(AppleComputer)、通用电气公司(GeneralElectric)和雅芳公司的董事会成员。

    Jung is on the boards of Apple Computer ( APLL ) and General Electric ( GE ) , as well as Avon .

  2. 举例来说,雅芳公司(Avon)最近就已经宣布将退出韩国和越南市场。

    Avon ( AVP ) , for example , recently announced that it would exit South Korea and Vietnam .

  3. 钟彬娴从1999年便一直担任雅芳公司CEO,是《财富》500强公司(Fortune500)中任期最长的女性CEO。同时,她还在苹果公司(Apple)与通用电气公司(GeneralElectric)董事会任职。

    In the CEO role since 1999 , she 's now the longest-serving female chief in the Fortune 500 , and she 's on the Apple ( AAPL ) and General Electric ( GE ) boards .

  4. 琳达·斯科特(LindaScott,音译)是牛津大学研究项目的带头人之一,她表示,那些直销人员谈起雅芳公司总会用到一些有宗教色彩的词,比如“救世”。

    Linda Scott , one of the Oxford project 's leaders , says that reps spoke of Avon in semi-religious terms , using words like " salvation . "

  5. 当然,偶尔也会有亚裔走上企业高管的位置,比如雅芳公司(AvonProducts)首席执行官钟彬娴,还有花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官潘伟迪。

    Granted , every now and then someone who identifies as Asian or Asian American scales the corporate heights , like Andrea Jung , CEO of Avon products ( AVP ) , and Citigroup ( c ) chief Vikram Pandit .

  6. 此后中国一直都是雅芳公司的重要战略市场。

    Since then , China has remained a major strategic focus for the company .

  7. 雅芳公司似乎是显而易见的选择。

    Avon may seem the obvious choice .

  8. (于是)雅芳公司把货品运到邮局里,以便直销人员领取。若附近没有银行,雅芳公司就通过邮局或某个大型零售商来支付款项。

    Where there is no bank nearby , Avon organises payment through the post office or a big retailer .

  9. 雅芳公司近期撤换首席执行官,目前其在中国的业务正在接受调查。

    Avon , which recently pushed out its long-time chief executive , is being investigated for its dealings in China .

  10. 雅芳公司并不要求任何的正式资历,只要求有热情的笑容和一笔75兰特的开办费用。

    Avon does not demand any formal qualifications ; only a warm smile and a start-up fee of 75 rand .

  11. 当雅芳公司股价像日光灯下的睫毛膏一样萎缩时,钟彬娴女士确实被推到风口浪尖。

    As Avon 's share price has wilted like mascara under a sunlamp , Ms Jung is being pushed out for real .

  12. 事实上,由于雅芳公司的大多数客户都没有正式的信贷记录或者收入,这使得该公司更容易通过信贷审查。

    The company 's credit checks have been eased to allow for the fact that few customers have any formal credit history or income .

  13. 雅芳公司制定了一套评级系统,记录了各项固定可靠的详细数据,例如手机号码或者正式地址。

    Avon has devised a rating system that takes account of small indices of permanence and responsibility , such as a mobile phone number or a formal address .

  14. 除了其它职责外,威瑟斯彭还将参与雅芳公司的产品开发计划,并将出现在雅芳全球广告、网站及公司的宣传手册中。

    In addition to her other duties , Witherspoon will also be involved in product development initiatives , and appear globally in Avon advertising , web sites and in the company 's brochures .

  15. 威瑟斯彭凭借其在电影《一往无前》中饰演琼·卡特·卡什一角荣获2005年奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。她与雅芳公司签署了一项多年的合约,但她的报酬并未公开。

    Witherspoon , who won the2005 Oscar for best actress for her portrayal of June Carter Cash in " Walk the line ," signed a multi-year agreement , but her compensation was not disclosed .

  16. 其中一位联席董事是雅芳化妆品公司(AVON)的CEO钟彬娴,她同时也是薪酬委员会主席。

    One co-lead director is Avon ( AVP ) CEO Andrea Jung , who also chairs the compensation committee .

  17. 可以说,雅芳产品公司(AvonProducts)CEO钟彬娴的成功靠的就是这句话。

    Avon products ( AVP ) CEO Andrea Jung lives by this advice , ever since she got passed over the first time around , for the CEO job .

  18. 可以说,雅芳产品公司(AvonProducts)CEO钟彬娴的成功靠的就是这句话。当时,她在公司CEO的首次角逐中败北,时任雅芳董事会成员、时代集团(TimeInc.)前任CEO的安•摩尔给了她这条忠告。

    Avon Products ( AVP ) CEO Andrea Jung lives by this advice , ever since she got passed over the first time around , for the CEO job . Former Time Inc. ( TWX ) CEO Ann Moore , on the Avon board at the time , gave Jung this advice .

  19. 雅芳表示,公司目前正在处理逾3.1万份新的销售职位申请。

    Avon said it was processing more than 31000 new applications for sales jobs .

  20. 上周,雅芳(Avon)公司公布第三季度业绩的时后,分析师们瞄准的却是这家公司正在接受的《海外反腐败法》(FCPA)调查。

    When Avon products ( AVP ) reported third-quarter earnings last week , analysts zeroed in on the ongoing Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ( FCPA ) investigation into the company .

  21. 去年冬天,雅芳推出了抗皮肤衰老的护肤品Retroactive,并一举获得巨大成功。1999年11月,43岁的钟彬娴接管了雅芳,而此时公司正处于困境之中。

    Last winter , Avon launched Retroactive , an anti-aging skin cream that has been a runaway hit . When Jung , 43 , took over Avon in November 1999 , the company was in deep trouble .