
  • 网络ATARI
  1. 那一天,乔布斯走进了游戏制造商雅达利公司(Atari)的大厅,对着被他不修边幅的发型和装扮吓了一跳的人事主管说,

    That day Jobs walked into the lobby of the video game manufacturer Atari and told the personnel director , who was startled by his unkempt hair and attire ,

  2. 乔布斯去雅达利公司咨询奥尔康,他了解老式的电气工程。

    He dropped by Atari to consult with Alcorn , who knew old-fashioned electrical engineering .

  3. 他们向雅达利公司抱怨,说乔布斯的穿着和身上的味道像个流浪汉,而且举止粗鲁。

    They complained to Alcorn that he dressed and smelled like a bum and behaved rudely .

  4. 尽管他很傲慢---或者正是因为他的傲慢---他获得了雅达利公司老板的青睐。

    Despite his arrogance ( or perhaps because of it ) he was able to charm Atari 's boss .

  5. 打砖块1975年初的一天,阿尔·奥尔康正坐在雅达利公司的办公室里,罗恩·韦恩冲了进来。

    Breakout One day in early 1975 Al Alcorn was sitting in his office at Atari when Ron Wayne burst in .

  6. 乔布斯由此成为了雅达利公司第一批50名员工之一,职位是技术员,薪水每小时5美元。

    Jobs thus became one of the first fifty employees at Atari , working as a technician for $ 5 an hour .

  7. 在雅达利公司工作期间,他曾因为个人卫生糟糕且满身异味而被调去上夜班。

    While he worked at Atari , he was moved to the night shift because he had poor personal hygiene and smelled terrible .

  8. 还在雅达利公司的时候,他的行为招致自己被赶出办公室,只能上晚班,但在苹果公司,这是不可能的。

    At Atari his behavior had caused him to be banished to the night shift , but at Apple that was not possible .

  9. 乔布斯想到了一个计划,付钱给雅达利公司的一个熟人,让他帮忙绘制电路板,然后制作50张左右。

    Jobs worked out a plan to pay a guy he knew at Atari to draw the circuit boards and then print up fifty or so .

  10. 直到10年以后,沃兹尼亚克才知道乔布斯得到奖金的事情(他看到了一本讲述雅达利公司历史的书《咔嚓》中的故事)。

    It would be another ten years before Wozniak discovered ( by being shown the tale in a book on the history of Atari titled Zap ) that Jobs had been paid this bonus .