
  • 网络yahoo;yahoo inc;Yahoo! Inc
  1. 阿里巴巴是私人控股公司,并不会公开其财务状况。但雅虎公司拥有阿里巴巴的股份(雅虎正在逐步减少其份额)。

    Privately held Alibaba does not discuss its finances , but Yahoo ! owns a stake ( which it is winding down ) .

  2. 她在谷歌工作了13年,之后就任雅虎公司的CEO。

    She remained with the company for 13 years before moving on to her role as CEO of Yahoo .

  3. 不过今年夏天市场关注的焦点还是集中在Facebook、雅虎公司(Yahoo)和谷歌身上。

    Much of the discussion about consumer-web stocks this summer has focused on Facebook , Yahoo ( yhoo ) , and Google .

  4. 与此同时,基恩成了网络出版公司AssociatedContent的CEO,并于去年夏天将这家公司以1亿美元的价格卖给了雅虎公司(Yahoo)。

    And Keane , meanwhile , became the CEO of web publishing company associated content before selling it to Yahoo ( yhoo ) for $ 100 million last summer .

  5. 雅虎公司(Yahoo!Inc.)持有阿里巴巴集团的股份,同时也是阿里巴巴网络有限公司的大股东。

    Yahoo Inc. , owns a stake in the Alibaba Group , and is also a significant shareholder in Alibaba.com .

  6. 这个出价也是扎克伯格当初同意接受雅虎公司(Yahoo)出价的三倍,只是后来雅虎看走了眼,自己放弃了。

    Or at up to 3x what Zuckerberg originally agreed to take from Yahoo ( yhoo ) , before Yahoo mistakenly got cold feet .

  7. 雅虎公司(Yahoo)曾经是互联网行业的先驱,当年它的名字与其说是一句嘲弄人的俚语,不如说更像是一声惊叹。

    The carefree days of Yahoo when the web pioneer 's name was more of an exuberant cry rather than a sarcastic remark are behind it .

  8. 在这三年中,包括两位临时的CEO,现任的是第五位,而这一直是雅虎公司迄今为止的命运。

    That has been the fate so far of Yahoo ! , which is now on to its fifth chief executive , including two interim ones , in three years .

  9. 雅虎公司(Yahoo)前高管蒂姆•桑德斯现为作家和咨询师。他把祖母比莉在感恩和自信方面的洞见和经验写进了自己的新书《今天我们很富有》(TodayWeAreRich)。

    Tim Sanders , a former executive at Yahoo and currently an author and consultant , weaved his grandma Billye 's insights and lessons on gratitude and confidence into his latest book , Today We Are Rich .

  10. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,雅虎公司(Yahoo)联合创始人杨致远和董事会其他成员已私下告知四家大型私募基金公司,董事会不会支持对公司的整体收购要约。

    Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang and other board members have privately told four major private equity firms that the board would not support a takeover offer for the entire company , fortune has learned .

  11. 雅虎公司(YahooInc.)董事会寻找下任首席执行长的过程中,董事们正在从多方面挖掘“非杨致远型”(anti-Jerry)帅才。

    As Yahoo Inc. 's board searches for its next chief executive , directors are in many ways looking for the anti-Jerry .

  12. 这家公司将只发行17%的流通股,而且已经得到了几个基础投资者,其中包括美国的雅虎公司(YahooInc)。

    The company will have a free float of just 17 per cent , and has already secured a clutch of cornerstone investors , including Yahoo Inc of the US .

  13. 这样,如果成群结队的球迷今夏手握百事饮品杯或头戴有google标识的帽子去观看比赛,他们可能就得交出这些东西,或者被禁止入场,以保护真正的赞助商可口可乐和雅虎公司。

    Thus if hordes of fans turn up at one of the games this summer carrying Pepsi drink-tumblers or wearing Google caps , they may have to hand them over or be barred entry to protect the real sponsors-coke and Yahoo !

  14. 由于雅虎公司(Yahoo)九年来首次跌出《财富》美国500强排行榜,公司首席执行官玛丽莎o梅耶尔继去年履新后今年也缺席了本榜单。

    This year , for the first time in nine years , Yahoo is not a part of the Fortune 500 and CEO Marissa Mayer has fallen off the list after making her debut last year .

  15. 雅虎公司(YahooInc.)发言人在一封电子邮件中称,雅虎致力于保护用户隐私,公司团队正在努力工作对雅虎的所有产品进行加密。

    ' We 're committed to protecting our users ' privacy and our team is hard at work to encrypt all of Yahoo 's products , ' a spokeswoman for Yahoo Inc. wrote in an email .

  16. 最近,风雨飘摇的科技公司雅虎公司毫不客气地辞退了卡罗尔•巴茨,她也辞去了在雅虎公司董事会的职务。但即便如此,她依然是思科(Cisco)董事会成员。

    Even so , Carol Bartz , who was unceremoniously ousted from struggling Yahoo recently and resigned from the tech company 's board , remains on Cisco 's ( CSCO ) board of directors .

  17. 达洛西奥把自己15岁时开始开发的免费新闻阅读软件卖给了雅虎公司(YahooInc.)。雅虎周一公布了买下Summly的消息,不过没有披露交易价格。

    Mr. D'Aloisio has sold the free newsreader app he began developing at age 15 to Yahoo Inc. , which announced on Monday it bought Summly without disclosing a price .

  18. 尽管拥有多达7亿消费者的庞大用户群,已成立18年的雅虎公司在搜索、社交和移动等需要与谷歌、Facebook齐头并进的领域中根本连一个必备产品都还没有打造出来。

    Though it has a vast user base of 700 million consumers , 18-year-old Yahoo has utterly failedto produce the must-use products in search , social , and mobile that it needs to keep pace with Google and Facebook ( FB ) .

  19. 根据科技新闻网站AllThingsD发布的一份报告,甚至就在微软准备抛弃这种备受争议的评估策略之际,处于困境的另一家科技巨头雅虎公司(Yahoo)依然在采用。

    Even as Microsoft was jettisoning the controversial appraisal practice , the beleaguered tech giant Yahoo ( yhoo ) was adopting it , according to a report from Allthingsd , a technology news site .

  20. 作为目前RDBMS的替代方案,SpliceMachine有效地将传统关系型数据技术与Hadoop向外扩展的能力相结合,而后者实际上正是雅虎公司(Yahoo)、Facebook公司及其他大企业大数据架构的标准。

    An alternative to today 's RDBMSes , Splice Machine effectively combines traditional relational database technology with the scale-out capabilities of Hadoop , the de facto standard for big data architecture at Yahoo ( YHOO ), Facebook ( FB ), and most other major companies .

  21. 当你听说今年3月份,一个17岁的学生把自己设计的一款软件以3000万美元卖给雅虎公司(Yahoo!Inc.,YHOO)的时候。

    UPON HEARING , IN MARCH of this year , reports that a 17-year-old schoolboy had sold a piece of software to Yahoo ! for $ 30 million , you might well have entertained a few preconceived notions about what sort of child this must be .

  22. 根据一家研究公司eMarketer的数据显示,雅虎公司在线广告的份额在美国也直线下滑,从2009年的15.7%下降至2011年的9.5%,

    The firm 's share of online-ad revenues in America has also plummeted , falling from 15.7 % in 2009 to 9.5 % in 2011 , according to eMarketer , a research firm .

  23. 其董事会表示,微软所出价格低估了雅虎公司的价值。

    Its board of directors said the price undervalued the company .

  24. 批评者则猛烈抨击,认为雅虎公司对工作场所的认知过时了。

    Critics lambasted the firm for an antediluvian attitude towards the workplace .

  25. 后来,雅虎公司告诉员工,他们以后不能在家工作了。

    Later , Yahoo told employees they could no longer work from home .

  26. 韦纳曾任雅虎公司首席执行官,他将负责日常业务。

    Weiner was previously a Yahoo Inc executive and he will oversee day-to-day operations .

  27. 雅虎公司用11亿美元收购了在线博客网站坦布尔公司。

    Yahoo is acquiring online blogging forum Tumblr for just over a billion dollars cash .

  28. 把经营重点聚焦在女性身上可以帮助雅虎公司打败竞争对手。

    By narrowing its focus to women , Yahoo can beat the pants off its competitors .

  29. 最终,杨致远在那次展会上展示了一堆雅虎公司至今都没能推出的产品。

    Yang eventually ended up showing off a number of products that the company still hasn 't launched .

  30. 北京&作为削减成本的新措施,雅虎公司将关闭其在北京的研发中心,全面撤出中国。

    Yahoo Inc. is closing its Beijing research and development center and leaving China in a new cost-cutting move .