
  1. 基于J2EE平台的雅马哈ERP系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of YAMAHA ERP System Based on J2EE Platform

  2. 花费了几年时间在技术维修服务部门后,在英国为雅马哈进口商工作的我和摩托越野赛和Trials(技巧赛?)赛事产生了关联。

    When I worked in the UK for the Yamaha importer after spending a couple of years in the Technical Service Division I got involved in the Motocross and Trials programs .

  3. 雅马哈在欧洲上市的500mL级坐式踏板摩托车

    Yamaha 500 mL Scooter Stepping into the European Market

  4. 在这一过程中,力帆和其它数百家中国公司向本田(honda)、雅马哈(yamaha)等日本摩托车巨头发起了猛烈挑战。

    In the process , Lifan and hundreds of other Chinese companies have presented a fierce challenge to Japanese giants such as Honda and Yamaha .

  5. 走这条路线的一些公司已成功做到这点:上世纪80年代初,雅马哈发动机(yamahamotor)在日本聘用了1.1万名员工,当时其四分之三的摩托车是在国内生产的。

    Some that have moved down this road have managed it : Yamaha Motor employed 11000 workers in Japan at the start of the 1980s , when it made three out of four of its motorcycles locally .

  6. 我比较之前,雅马哈DG60-112决定很多很多的放大器。

    I compared many , many amps before deciding on the Yamaha DG60-112 .

  7. 这位歌手拍卖的大量衣物多数是出自顶级设计师之手的男装,最后以在eBay网站上拍卖自己的红色雅马哈(Yamaha)钢琴而告终。

    The singer auctioned off a huge range of clothes , mostly menswear from top designers , and then topped this off by putting his red Yamaha piano up for auction on eBay .

  8. 内置的音响效应器由YAMAHA(雅马哈)YSS系列数码芯片组成,让您建立专业的逼真声场而不需要额外的设备。

    The built-in effector composed of YAMAHA YSS series digital chips allows you to create professional sounding mixes without the need of additional equipment .

  9. 雅马哈XV250电起动及点火系统原理和维修要领(3)

    Theory and Main Points for Maintenance of Electric Starting and Ignition System for YAMAHA XV250 ( 3 )

  10. 其他乐器制造商,比如雅马哈(Yamaha),把制造业务从美国搬到了成本低廉的亚洲国家,可是它依然只在皇后区长岛市和汉堡这两个主要基地设立工厂。

    And it kept factories in its two main bases in Long Island City , Queens , and Hamburg , even as other instrument makers like Yamaha moved manufacturing operations from the United States to low-cost Asian countries .

  11. 日本雅马哈公司已经有一种被称为“Vocaloid”的唱歌合成器,它允许用户作曲及演奏新的歌曲。

    There is already a singing synthesizer , marketed by the Japanese company Yamaha , called " Vocaloid ," that allows users to compose and perform new songs .

  12. 还有更怪的,我保持着自己用一把雅马哈(Yamaha)SV-200电子小提琴、一个超简单的USB音频接口(买小提琴时带的ApogeeJam96k)和一部iPhone录制弦乐二重奏和合奏,还有一些小提琴和民俗音乐的习惯。

    I also keep going more down the rabbit hole on recording string duets and ensembles , plus some fiddle and folk music , with myself using a Yamaha SV-200 electric violin , a supersimple USB audio interface ( the Apogee Jam 96k - it came with my violin when I bought it ) and an iPhone .

  13. 相信我,雅马哈功放听起来很不错。

    And believe me , the yamaha amp sounds really good .

  14. 雅马哈5气门超高速型单缸发动机

    Superhigh Speed Single Cylinder Engine with 5 Valves of YAMAHA

  15. 雅马哈现场再现格伦·古尔德

    Glenn Gould Reappears in the Live Demonstration at Yamaha 's

  16. 雅马哈开发并拟推行电动自行车用蓄电池智能化管理系统

    Yamaha Development of Intellectualization Management System of Electric Bike Battery

  17. 我骑的是2001款黑白花雅马哈XJR1300摩托车。

    I ride a 2001 blue , white and black Yamaha XJR1300 .

  18. 其后,本文对雅马哈音乐教育系统进行分析,并重点研究了雅马哈音乐教育的系统音乐课程。

    After that , this essay analyzes the system of Yamaha music education program .

  19. 雅马哈株式会社是一家大型综合制造企业。

    Yamaha Corporation is a big multi-manufacturing company .

  20. 雅马哈:这是一个美妙的钢琴。

    Yamaha : This is a wonderful piano .

  21. 部分内容有助于雅马哈的试验是一个钢铁底盘。

    Part of what contributes to the Yamaha 's heft is a steel chassis .

  22. 现在,市面上所有的雅马哈电子琴都有路顺阳的月琴音色。

    Now , almost all Yamaha electronic organs on the market contain the tune of yu-kin .

  23. 我发现,有雅马哈店南侧镇,过去的简易机场。

    I found that there was a Yamaha shop on the south side of town , past the airstrip .

  24. 在本手册中,我们在全球推行的授权就下列对象雅马哈服务活动的视觉特征。

    In this manual , we globally introduce authorized visual identities regarding Yamaha service activities for the following object .

  25. 我们要进一步认识到改善,渗透和固定高雅马哈服务和高质量图像的目的。

    We want to improve high-quality image of the Yamaha service and aim at greater recognition , permeation and fixation .

  26. 一些成员已经在与雅马哈和安桥,虽然没有正式的是,它看起来可能性很高。

    Certain members have been in contact with Yamaha and Onkyo , though nothing official yet , it does look promising .

  27. 然而他和雅马哈队的合同到现在还未续签,这位前摩托车越野赛明星正在思考自己的前途。

    Nevertheless , his contract with Yamaha has not been renewed and the former motorcross star is thinking about his future career .

  28. 我们会选择所有的视觉特性的雅马哈每年服务活动,积累他们这个视觉识别手册。

    We would choose the visual identities from all the Yamaha service activities annually , and accumulate them to this Visual Identity Manual .

  29. 从市场的角度看,雅马哈肯定失望,但他也不能占着茅坑不拉屎。

    From a marketing point of view , Yamaha is of course disappointed , but it cannot bank roll something it cannot afford .

  30. 管用到七次拿到总冠军,所以不管杜卡迪做什么就是要整个全部的把他们从雅马哈那里请过来。

    Seven-times a world championship it works , so whatever Ducati should do is to get the whole shooting match over from Yamaha .