
  • 网络university of athens;Athens University;National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  1. 斯托纳拉斯在1989年入职雅典大学教经济学。他也是希腊智库“经济与产业研究基金会”(FoundationforEconomicandIndustrialResearch)的主席。

    He joined the University of Athens in 1989 , where he teaches economics , and he also chairs the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research , a Greek think tank .

  2. 他先在雅典大学(UniversityofAthens)学习经济学,后来在牛津大学(Oxforduniversity)取得经济理论与政策方向的博士学位。

    He studied economics at the University of Athens before obtaining a doctorate from Oxford University , specializing in Economic Theory and Policy .

  3. 他是雅典大学的毕业生。

    He was a graduate of Athens University .

  4. 艾夫杰尼斯•齐维扎思毕业于雅典大学的法学、政治学和经济学。

    Eugene Trivizas graduated in law and political and economic sciences from Athens University .

  5. 我在菲律宾马尼拉雅典耀大学读了物业管理课程,为从事这项工作做准备。

    I took courses on property management at the Ateneo de Manila University to prepare for the job .

  6. 发表在《疼痛杂志》的这项研究中,雅典乔治亚大学的研究人员注意到了补充咖啡因对几个年轻女性延迟性肌肉酸痛的影响。

    In the current study , published in the Journal of Pain , researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens looked at the effects of a caffeine supplement on delayed muscle pain in nine young women .

  7. 位于雅典的乔治亚大学的研究者们发现例如短途骑自行车这样的低活动量的运动能将20%精力值提高。

    A low-intensity workout like a short bike ride can boost energy levels by20 percent , researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens found .

  8. 本文作者为雅典经济与商业大学(athensuniversityofeconomicsandbusiness)欧洲政治经济学教授

    The writer is Professor of European politics and economy , Athens University of Economics