
  • 网络faw group;China FAW Group
  1. 本文对ASP的内嵌对象,服务器组件和工作流程进行了详尽地介绍,并以一汽集团网络数据库为例,提出利用ASP实现网络数据库的多种检索方式的方法。

    This paper expounds the imbedded object , server component and work procedure of ASP , then by citing the example of Web database constructed by FAW , presents the retrieval methods of Wed database realized by using ASP .

  2. 图为一汽集团生产车间和长春轨道客车公司产品。

    The pictures show the workshop in FAW and products Changchun Track Passenger Car Co.

  3. 对一汽集团长春齿轮厂的42台CNC车床的故障情况进行了跟踪调查。

    An investigation is made on troubles taken place on 42 CNC lathes in operating in Changchun Gear Works .

  4. 中国一汽集团三种车型设计。

    The Chinese FAW group three kind of vehicle types design .

  5. 一汽集团富江公司薪酬管理模式及薪酬结构设计

    The Design of FJC Compensation and Benefit Management Mode and Structure

  6. 一汽集团核心业务扩张模式研究

    Researches on Expanding Modes of the Core Businesses of YiQi Group

  7. 一汽集团分销渠道整合方案设计

    The Design of the Integration Distribution Channel of FAW Group

  8. 一汽集团持续营销力评审方案设计

    The Scheme Design to Evaluate the Continued Marketing Force for FAW Group

  9. 结构调整使中国一汽集团发生深刻变革

    Structure adjustments have triggered deep changes within the FAW Group of China

  10. 一汽集团公司内部监督机制研究

    Research on Interior Supervision Mechanism for FAW Group Corporation

  11. 有中国最大的汽车工业企业中国一汽集团公司。

    Chinas automobile industry , the largest enterprise in China FAW Group Corporation .

  12. 一汽集团技术中心重型车开发项目管理

    The Project Management of FAW RD CENTER 's Heavy Duty Vehicle Develop Project

  13. 以产权为纽带重组国有资产&一汽集团轻型车企业并购简析

    On the Reorganization of National Assets by Means of the Link of Property

  14. 一汽集团中级轿车产品规划方案研究

    Research on the Product Planning Project on Middle Class Car of FAW Group

  15. 一汽集团公司组合战略研究

    The Study of Combinatorial Strategy of FAW Group Corporation

  16. 一汽集团子公司高级经理绩效管理体系设计与实施研究

    Study on Performance Management System Design and Implementation for Senior Managers of FAW Subsidiaries

  17. 依托一汽集团提升长春汽车产业竞争力研究

    Research of Upgrade Competitiveness of Changchun Auto Industry Backed up by the FAW Group

  18. 一汽集团开拓哥伦比亚汽车市场的前期研究

    Forward Research in Developing Colombia Automobile Market by the First Automobile Group of China

  19. 一汽集团是以汽车制造为主营业务的大型企业集团。

    FAW Group is a large enterprise group with car manufacturing as the main business .

  20. 中国另一家大型卡车制造商一汽集团排名第三,产量为18.2万辆。

    FAW , the other big Chinese producer , is number three , producing 182000 .

  21. 一汽集团中重型载货车驾驶室焊装线技术改造项目投资分析

    The Investment Analysis on Project of Technology Reforming for FAW Middle-heavy Truck Cab Welding Assembly Line

  22. 一汽集团产品出口战略研究

    FAW Group Export Strategy Research

  23. 经过本次改造后,将使一汽集团继续保持中重型卡车在同行业的领先地位。

    The technique reform will make FAW continuously keep the middle-heavy type truck be in the leading of industry the position .

  24. CAS5-25Q7技改项目是长春齿轮厂于1998年提出立项申请并经一汽集团公司批准实施的技改项目,项目从1999年开始运行至2003年累计生产变速器41313台。

    The technical reconstruction project was applied for register in CHANGCHUN GEAR WORKS in 1998 , and it was approved by FAW .

  25. 一汽集团投资主体正日益多元化,并逐步向资产经营管理公司过渡。

    The main bodies of investment of the FAW Group is increasingly diversifying , and is gradually moving towards an assets operation and management company .

  26. 产品为中国一汽集团、玉柴集团、奇瑞轿车有限公司、常发集团等几十家国内知名企业配套。

    Products for the China FAW Group , Yuchai Group , Chery cars Limited , and often the Group of dozens of well-known domestic enterprises supporting .

  27. 一汽集团内现形成三种管理方式:专业直属厂、全资子公司、控股子公司。

    Three management methods have now formed within the the FAW Group : special factories directly under the factory , wholly-owned subsidiaries , and holding subsidiaries .

  28. 二是一汽集团模式,大力投入技术创新资源,发展拥有我国自主知识产权的民族汽车工业。

    , Ltd , It invests a huge amount of resources to fuel the technology innovation and develop a national auto industry having its own intellectual rights .

  29. 在文章的最后,列举了中国一汽集团完善法人治理结构、建立新型资产经营管理体制的案例,并就全文观点作一总结。

    In the article of finally , enumerated China FAW Group Corporation perfect corporation father structures , and establish the new property management the management the system 's case example .

  30. 重型汽车优势企业为一汽集团、东风集团和中国重汽集团,其产销集中度为98%。

    The heavy duty truck enterprises with a superiority are the FAW Group , Dongfeng Group and China Heavy Duty Truck Group for which production and sales concentration is 98 % .