
yī qiè xiǎn
  • all risk insurance;all risks
  1. 买家开立的信用证也多是要求出口方投保一切险。

    Buyers to open letters of credit also requires exporters of all risk insurance .

  2. 业主应当是工程施工及搭建一切险的保险方,包括第三方责任险,并且应保管保险单。

    The employer shall be the insuring Party for construction and Erection all risk insurance for works including the third party liability and shall have the insurance maintained .

  3. 在CIF术语下保险通常是按照中国保险条例投保一切险和战争险。

    Under CIF term insurance usually covers all risks and war risk as per the China Insurance Clauses , please confirm this urgently .

  4. 以可转让形式的保单或其证明,空白背书,投一切险,以cif价值的110%投保,注明由德国的保险代理进行调查及索赔。

    Insurance policy or certificate in assignable form and blank endorsed , covering all risks , for110 percent of cif-value , marked-premium agent in Germany responsible for survey and claim settlement .

  5. 请将此货投保一切险及战争险。

    Please insure the goods against all risks and war risk .

  6. 买方应投保一切险。

    Insurance should be covered by the buyer against all risks .

  7. 我们已经为货物投保了一切险和偷窍,提货不着险。

    We have covered the goods against All Risks and TPND .

  8. 我们将为你方投保一切险和战争险。

    We shall cover all risks and war risk for you .

  9. 人保海洋运输货物保险条款中的一切险条款

    Analysis of " all risks " clause in PICC marine cargo insurance

  10. 承包商一切险保单覆盖下列工程项目。

    A contractors all risks insurance policy to cover the contract works .

  11. 一份投保一切险的保单保各种风险。

    An All Risks policy is to cover every sort of hazard .

  12. 一切险应包括全部主要风险。

    All Risks @ insurance should cover all principal risks .

  13. 提供专业的私人物品运输门到门一切险。

    Trust Mover provide professional all risk personal goods and effects insurance .

  14. 这些呆板投保一切险。

    The machines are to be insured against all risks .

  15. 你们的一切险包括哪些风险?

    What losses will be covered by your all risks ?

  16. 建筑工程一切险属于工程保险的一种。

    Construction project all risks belongs to a the project is safe kind .

  17. 显然,我方是想保一切险。

    Well , obviously I want All Risks cover .

  18. 卖方应投保海运一切险及战争险。

    The Seller shall effect marine insurance against All Risks and War Risks .

  19. 那个进口商想要投保一切险。

    That importer wishes to insure against All Risks .

  20. 这份保单给我们保了一切险和战争险。

    This insurance policy has covered us against All Risks and War Risk .

  21. 显然你不想保一切险。

    Obviously you won 't want all risks cover .

  22. 按照你方指示,我们已为该投保了一切险。

    In accordance with your instructions we have covered the goods against All Risks .

  23. 我们想知道你方是否能给我们提供一份为此批货物投保一切险的保险单。

    We wonder whether you may offer us an All policy for the consignment .

  24. 如果你方将货物投保一切险。

    If you desire to cover All Risks .

  25. 一切险也包括战争险吗?

    Does All Risks include War Risk ?

  26. 危险:叶片旋转,注意安全.一切险应包括全部主要风险。

    Danger : rotating blades . All Risks @ insurance should cover all principal risks .

  27. 我们已经对我们的货投保了一切险和战争险,金额为合同金额的110%。

    We insure our goods for110 % of order amount against all risks and war risks .

  28. 工程监理、工程质量事故处理、建筑砌块和砌块建筑。建筑工程一切险(建工险)

    Construction supervision treament of project accident caused by quality , building block and block building .

  29. 请投保一切险。

    Please insure against all risk .

  30. 建筑工程一切险(建工险)

    CAR ( construction all risks )