
xiānɡ hù bǎo xiǎn
  • mutual insurance
  1. 第四部分,建立中国相互保险公司制度的必要性分析。

    The analysis about the necessary of mutual insurance company system .

  2. 联合国工作人员疾病和意外相互保险公司

    United Nations Staff Mutual Insurance Society against Sickness and Accident

  3. 你好,我叫亚瑟·百灵爵,自由国相互保险公司。

    Hello . Arthur Bellinger , Liberty State Mutual .

  4. 第一部分,相互保险制度的基本理论。

    The basic theory about the mutual insurance .

  5. 相互保险公司究竟是何许事物?

    What is indeed a mutual insurance company ?

  6. 这就是为什么我们作为一家相互保险公司很重要。

    That 's why it 's important that we 're a mutual insurance company .

  7. 主要表现在遗漏了保险公司的重要组织形式&相互保险公司;

    Leaving out the insurance company 's importantly organized form & the mutually insurance company ;

  8. 相互保险公司法律制度研究

    Legal System Research of Mutual Insurance Company

  9. 中国农业保险的六大缺失&专访阳光农业相互保险公司董事长梁敏

    The six shortcomings of China Agriculture Insurance

  10. 接着,文章阐述了相互保险公司的内涵、地位和特点。

    Then the paper explains the content , position and characteristics of the mutual insurance company .

  11. 最后,文章对在中国设立、发展相互保险公司提出了一些政策建议。

    Finally , some policy and suggestion to develop mutual insurance companies in China are given .

  12. 当前我国农业保险模式的理性选择&以黑龙江阳光农业相互保险公司为例

    Rational Choice of Current Agricultural Insurance Pattern in Our Country : Case Study of Sunlight Agriculture Mutual Insurance Company

  13. 相互保险是农村家庭应付不确定性收入波动的非正式制度安排。

    Mutual insurance is an informal mechanism arrangement for the rural families to cope with the fluctuations in uncertain income .

  14. 除本条所提到的例外,本法的各项规定适用于相互保险。

    Subject to the exceptions mentioned in the section , the provision of this Act apply to a mutual insurance .

  15. 建立专业性相互保险组织和政策性农业保险公司、同时加大对农业保险的宣传和推广力度,提高农民保险意识。

    At the same time , publicity should be enhanced to increase farmer 's awareness for the importance of agricultural insurance .

  16. 相互保险公司在国外已经有二百多年的历史了,但对中国而言,相互保险公司还是一个新鲜事物。

    Though Mutual insurance company has been the history of more than 200 years abroad , it 's still fresh to China .

  17. 两人或两人以上彼此同意互相承保海上损失,称为相互保险。

    Where two or more persons mutually agree to insure each other against marine losses there is said to be a mutual insurance .

  18. 前者表现为逆向选择和道德风险,此时,相互保险机制的实施不是帕累托最优的;

    The former is manifested by the adverse selection and moral hazard , incapable of realizing the optimized Pareto for mutual insurance mechanism implementation ;

  19. 美国非商业性的相互保险公司能为医疗风险提供弹性的保险计划,有力的风险管理,多功能的法律服务,而且低成本运作。

    With low operating cost , American medical liability mutual insurance companies can provide flexible insurance program , effective medical risk management and multifunctional legal service .

  20. 比较分析研究发现:相互保险公司与股份保险公司各自具有各自的比较优势;相互保险公司是一种成熟而又有效率的企业组织形式。

    We find mutual insurance company and stock insurance company have each other 's comparatively advantage and mutual insurance company is a kind of mature and efficient firm .

  21. 相互保险公司能否在中国适用,文章联系中国的实际情况分析了相互保险公司在中国适用的有利因素和不利因素。

    Whether Mutual insurance company can be applied in China ? The paper analyzes advantageous factors and disadvantageous factors for mutual insurance companies applied in China are analyzed .

  22. 2004年阳光农业相互保险公司批准筹建,这引发了我对相互保险公司这种陌生的公司形式的兴趣。

    My interest to the strange form mutual insurance company arose when hearing the news of approval and establishing of the " Sunlight Agricultural Mutual Insurance Company " .

  23. 然后,从产权、公司治理、业绩效率、投融资、风险及偿付能力和销售体系等多角度分析比较了相互保险公司与股份保险公司。

    Mutual insurers and stock insurers are compared from property rights , corporate governance , performance / efficiency , investment , risk control , solvency , and distribution system aspects .

  24. 农业保险合作社和农业相互保险公司可以部分代理国家农业巨灾保险公司、商业保险公司和外资保险公司的农业巨灾保险产品。

    Agricultural cooperatives and agricultural mutual insurance insurance agent can be part of national agricultural catastrophe insurance , commercial insurance companies and foreign insurance companies , agricultural catastrophe insurance products .

  25. 部分发达地区也可以考虑把其部分农业巨灾保险业务委托给商业农业保险公司、农业保险合作社和农业相互保险公司代办经营。

    Some developed areas can also be considered part of their agricultural catastrophe insurance business entrusted to the commercial agricultural insurance , agricultural insurance and agricultural mutual insurance cooperatives operating agency .

  26. 对国有农业保险经营组织、农业相互保险社、相互保险公司和保险合作社应免除一切税收;对商业保险公司经营政策性农业保险,应根据具体情况,或予以免税,或予以减税。

    The business insurance corporation which operates the policy-guided agricultural insurance should be either exempted from taxing or be endowed with preferential treatment of tax reduction variably according to different situations in each country .

  27. 本法有关保险费的各项规定,不适用于相互保险,各方达成的担保或其他类似安排可以替代保险费。

    The provisions of this Act relating to the premium do not apply to mutual insurance , but a guarantee , or such other arrangement as may be agreed upon , may be substituted for the premium .

  28. 我国现阶段多种经济制度并存且地区经济发展不平衡,风险状况不同,对保险保障的需求各不相同,有建立相互保险制度的必要。

    There are different types of economic systems existing in China and the level of economic development , risk exposure and demands for insurance are geographically uneven , therefore it is necessary to introduce the mutual insurance system into China .

  29. 相互制保险公司组织形式研究

    Research on Mutual Insurance Company Form

  30. 在中国,人们对相互型保险公司仍十分生疏,它和我们常见的股份制公司有何区别呢?

    Be in china , people is right mutual model insurance company still very unfamiliar , does the company have it and we common share-holding system why to be distinguished ?