
  1. 模糊DEA方法及在相对经济效益评价中的应用

    The Method of Fuzzy DEA and Application to the Appraisal of Relative Economic Efficiency

  2. 现值指数反映了资金利用效果,内部收益率反映投资的相对经济效益,这两个指标通常作为辅助指标;

    Both DPI shows the investment return and IRR reflect the relatively economic profit for investment are considered as the supplementary indexes .

  3. 较小的裂缝穿透比只能获得较低的采油速度和采出程度,所获收益较小:但裂缝半径太大,压裂成本增加而增油量相对减小,经济效益并不好。

    The low penetrate ratio can get low oil extraction velocity and low degree of reserve recovery , so it is low income ; but if the ratio is too high , the cost increase and oil increment decrease , economic benefit isn 't very well .