
  • 网络relevant public
  1. 驰名商标是在相关公众中享有较高声誉和知名度的商标。

    Well-known trademark is a trademark with high reputation and popularity in the relevant public .

  2. 知名商品是指在市场上具有相当知名度,并为相关公众所知悉的商品。

    Famous Commodities is with a good name recognition and well known by the relevant public in the market .

  3. 相关公众的注意程度为一般谨慎的注意义务。

    The attention level of related publics is ordinarily cautious attention duty .

  4. 其中,相关公众指一定范围的、与商品或服务相关的经营者和消费者。

    In the definition , the public means business entities and consumers in certain range related to commodities and services .

  5. 驰名商标是指在一国范围内为相关公众广为知晓并享有较高声誉的商标。

    Well-known trademarks are those that are widely known among relevant public and enjoy higher reputation in a national range .

  6. 驰名商标是在市场上享有较高声誉、为相关公众所熟知,并且有较强竞争力的商标。

    A well-known trademark is a trademark with a higher reputation on market , familiar to relevant public and with strong competitiveness .

  7. 从这个意义上讲,商标近似判断模糊性的根源就在于相关公众的界定上。

    In this sense , the resource of the ambiguity of the judgment on similar of the trademark originates the definition of relevant public .

  8. 之后从若干方面明确商标淡化行为的认定标准,包括相关公众产生了错误联想以及驰名商标的显著性降低这两个重要方面。

    Then identify trademark dilution behavior recognized standard from several parts , include related public emerge the error connected and well-know trademark remarkable decrease .

  9. 只有更多消费者添加相关公众帐号并在微信上浏览他们的页面,这种服务才能成为一种主要的收入来源。

    For this to become a major source of revenue , more consumers would have to follow corporate accounts and view their pages on WeChat .

  10. 商标近似的认定主体是生产者或者服务提供者、消费者、经营者等相关公众。

    The determination subjects of the similarity of trademark are the producers or service providers , the consumers , the proprietors and other related publics .

  11. 驰名商标,是指在中国境内享有较高声誉并为相关公众所知晓的商标,蕴涵着巨大的商业价值。

    A well-known trademark is a trademark with a higher reputation in China , favored and approbated by the public . It contains tremendous business value .

  12. 混淆可能性是指由于在后商标的存在,相关公众极有可能误认为其所附着之商品或者服务源于在先商标所有人或与之有关。

    Likelihood of confusion means that the relevant public considers its attaches goods or service are connected with or come from the proprietor of the previous trademark .

  13. 房地产企业的营销形象是相关公众对房地产企业由营销理念指导的营销活动和营销管理过程的总体印象和评价。

    The marketing image of real estate enterprise refers to the relative public 's general impression or evaluation on marketing activities and marketing management process instructed by marketing mind .

  14. 高校体育教师形象,是指相关公众对高校体育教师由其内在特点所决定的外在表现的总体印象和综合评价。

    The image of university PE teacher is the general impression and collective appraisement by the concerning publics on the exterior representation decided by university PE teacher 's internal characters .

  15. 未注册驰名商标具有驰名商标的的两个基本特质&即为相关公众所熟知和享有较高声誉,除此之外未注册驰名商标要想获得法律的保护还必须得到相关部门的认定。

    Unregistered well-known trademark have two basic characteristics , that is , known by the relevant public and enjoy a high reputation . It must get identification for legal protection .

  16. 商标侵权的直接侵害对象是商标,间接指向商标所建立的或可能建立的特定商品或服务与相关公众之间的联系。

    Trademark infringement against the direct object is a trademark or indirectly point to a trademark or may be established by the establishment of specific goods or services between the public and related links .

  17. 所涉及的商标都含有繁体字鸡及鸡图形,从商标标识来看构成商标标识近似,但是,相关公众对两商标标识仍然能够进行区分。

    It constitutes similar trademarks from the trademark signs because both of the signs have the Chinese-traditional version of Ji and the image of chick . However , related publics can still distinguish them .

  18. 公关从业人员职业道德是指公关从业人员在公关实践活动中应当遵循的用以调整社会组织与其相关公众关系的行为规范和准则的总和。

    The profession morality of PR practitioners is the norm code of behavior which regulates the relationship between social organizations and the public that should be followed by PR practitioners in the practical activities of PR.

  19. 而企业的外在形象是由企业的内在特点所决定的外在表现,是相关公众对企业相关的外显事物和现象的看法和评价。

    External image of the business enterprise is the external performance which determined by the intrinsic characteristics of enterprises . It is the perspective and evaluation of relevant public on exon-related things and phenomena of enterprises .

  20. 混淆可能性的存在割裂了商标与商品或服务之间的联系,导致相关公众在购买商品或选择服务时发生了来源误认或关系误认,使商标指示商品或服务来源的基本功能被破坏。

    The existence of likelihood of confusion separates the relationship between the trademark and the merchandise or service , and leads to the source mistaken or misidentification when the related public are purchasing merchandise or choosing service .

  21. 类似服务,是指在服务的目的、内容、方式、对象等方面相同,或者相关公众一般认为存在特定联系、容易造成混淆的服务。

    " Similar service " refers to the services that are identical with each other in purpose , content , way of serving and target consumers ; or services that are likely to lead the relevant public into thinking they are associated with each other and cause confusion .

  22. 公共关系职业道德是是指公关工作人员在公共关系实践活动中应当遵循的用以调节社会组织与其相关公众关系的行为规范和准则的总和,是在特定的工作环境中形成的道德准则规范。

    Professional ethics of public relations is public relations staff in the public relations practice that should be followed for the regulation of social organization associated with the public relations code of conduct and guidelines for the sum of the working environment in a particular form of moral code specifications .

  23. 环保署会举办相关的公众教育活动。

    EPD will organize complementary public education activities .

  24. 校园政治舆论是指在高等学校范围内产生、播散并发挥影响的与政治相关的公众意见或态度。

    Political opinions on campus refer to public opinions or altitudes concerning with politics which originate within a university , spread and exert its influence .

  25. 而这就意味着建立一种与社会优先事项如工作、食物和卫生的需求环境直接相关的公众话语。

    And that means generating a public discourse that directly relates the needs of the environment to social priorities such as jobs , food and health .

  26. 大学的教学和研究范围广泛,既抽象,也和日常生活直接相关,公众可以通过互动游戏和展览接触各科研究成品,从中领略研究的意义。

    While some academic pursuits are necessarily abstract , much of a university 's teaching and research can be brought to life by interactive games and displays .

  27. 为了改变现行环保部门低度执法的状态,为了制约环境污染破坏行为,笔者提出完善一套与环境行政执法紧密相关的公众参与机制。

    In order to change the state of slack law enforcement and prevent environmental pollution and destruction , I put forward a suggestion on improving a public participation system closely linked to administrative enforcement of environmental laws .

  28. 在有关科学相关问题的公众听证会中,也应该遵守适当的程序。

    Appropriate procedures should also be observed at public hearings on science-related issues .

  29. 仅有在相关政策和公众意识的增强的情况下,禁烟活动才能有效的进行。

    " Only a combination of policies and raising public awareness could help achieve effective tobacco control ," Koplan said .

  30. 该委员会的诉讼称,“小睡保姆”的制造商应该把相关风险告知公众,并且向购买产品的顾客退还费用。

    The CPSC 's lawsuit alleges that the maker of Nap Nanny should notify the public about the risks and refund the cost of the product to any customers who bought it .