
  • 网络mutual bank
  1. 这个时期的代表作品有女子学院,大分县图书馆,福冈相互银行,大分县分行。

    The representative works of this period are women college Oita Library , Fukuoka Mutual Bank , Oita branch .

  2. 此次挤兑还收紧了当地银行从事相互借贷的银行间市场的流动性。

    The withdrawals also tightened liquidity in the interbank market , where local banks borrow from each other .

  3. 只要市场持续上涨,金融-工业联合体(相互支持的银行及其企业客户)就是强劲走势的来源。

    The financial-industrial matrix banks and clients supporting each other was a source of strength as long as markets kept rising .

  4. 它采用“强化信贷支持”策略,在吓得不敢相互拆借的银行之间充当媒介。

    Using the " enhanced credit support " strategy , it acted as intermediary between banks too frightened to lend to each other .

  5. 全面研究基于官方监管、市场约束、存款保险之间相互关系的银行监管问题是一个新的课题,可借鉴的系统性方法、理论更是匮乏。

    There are few valuable research experiences , systemic methods and theories of banking regulation based on the relationship among official supervision , market discipline and deposit insurance .

  6. 由于市场之间相互关联,一些银行占据着近似于垄断的地位,我们必须思考如何打破垄断。

    Since markets are interconnected and some banks occupy quasi-monopolistic positions , we must consider breaking them up .

  7. 所有权结构分为两个方面:法人相互持股和主银行制。

    The structure of propriety rights is consisted of two parts : artificial persons ' inter-holding and the main bank system .

  8. 分析的重点侧重于基于稳定与效率相互协调的有效银行监管体系构建,并指出资本充足监管及市场约束对提高银行机构的运营效率有着积极的影响,且对此进行了相关论证。

    This paper indicates that there will be active effects on rising bank efficiency through Capital Adequacy Regulation and Market discipline , and respectively makes relative examinations .

  9. 银行相互拆借的中国银行间市场利率上周四一度飙升至30%的高位,上周五又大幅回落。

    Rates on China 's interbank market , where banks lend money to each other , spiked as high as 30 % on Thursday before a significant easing on Friday .

  10. 第三部分:分析日本公司治理模式中所有权结构对日本经济造成的影响,即相互持股与主银行制对日本经济产生的积极与消极作用。

    Part three : Through the analyses we can comprehend that how do the structure of propriety rights influence the economic growth , explained artificial persons ' inter-holding and the main bank system how to affect the economic system in positive and negative aspects .

  11. 银行四因素之间又相互依赖,相互影响,构成银行服务的整体。

    In the meantime , four factors of the bank are interdependence , and they constitute the whole banking services .