
zì zhù yín háng
  • Self-service bank;self-help bank
  1. 自助银行终端前置机系统的设计与实现

    Design & Realization of Self-help Bank Terminal-frontal System

  2. 流程管理部分涵盖网上银行、24小时自助银行等功能;

    The process management referred to the functions like the net-bank and the self-help bank .

  3. 接着对具体的自助银行系统中SET协议的运用作了说明,并给出了基于智能卡的数字签名模拟程序。

    Then this chapter have accounted for application of SET Protocol in the specific Self_Aid Monetary System and the digital signature module program what is based on the smart card .

  4. 从网点规划到ATM机投放和自助银行网点的布局,从传统储蓄业务到信用卡业务,从电子银行到理财计划,商业银行投入大量资源,以便在激烈市场竞争中站稳脚跟并取得发展。

    The business from savings to credit card business , from electronic banking to financial planning , from network planning to launch ATM machines , commercial banks have put a lot of resources to the fierce market competition foothold .

  5. 自助银行系统的设计

    A Kind of Self-Service Banking System Design Approach

  6. 银行的核心业务处理系统只需完成和多功能自助银行系统的接口对接,即可方便的完成该系统的推广应用。

    To have the Self-Service system , the core-bank system only need a interface software .

  7. 自助银行服务&决策与运营

    Self-service Banking & Decision-making and Operation

  8. 因此,开发灵活方便的接口软件,实现银行核心系统同自助银行系统之间方便、快速地接口对接,就成为系统推广应用的最主要、最关键的环节。

    So , the interface software become the most important thing for the use of the Self-Service system .

  9. 本文也分析了自助银行和传统网点的选址、建设成本与效益。

    The paper also analyses the location , construction costs and benefits of self-service banking and traditional bank outlets .

  10. 目前国内外自助银行系统解决方案经济可行性评价还处于摸索阶段,有关评价指标的确立、评价方法的选择以及具体应用都是我国自助银行发展过程中值得研究的问题。

    Problems including confirming of evaluation index , selecting of evaluation methods and application in practice are worth of researching .

  11. 各商业银行为适应激烈的市场竞争,都加强了自助银行与传统网点的建设。

    All the commercial banks enhance the construction of self-service banking and traditional bank outlets to adapt the drastic market competition .

  12. 我国商业银行的个人银行业务正经历从传统网点向自助银行迁移的历史阶段。

    The personal banking business is in the historical period of the transition from traditional channel to electronic in our country .

  13. 伴随着经济全球化、金融自由化背景下的银行管制的放松,以及自助银行、电话银行和网络银行的出现,银行间竞争越来越激烈。

    With the loosening of the banking regulation and the emerging of the phone-banks and the net-banks , the competition becomes more and more fierce .

  14. 近期,有关网上银行、自助银行等电子银行业务发生客户资金被无权限交易所窃取的纠纷事件和诉讼案件不断见诸报端。

    Recently there 're many disputes and cases reported on the stealing of customer 's capital by non-authorized exchange in electronic banking business like online bank or self-service bank .

  15. 一些专家认为,已经习惯于使用电子邮件、玩网络游戏、使用自助银行和其它自助服务的网络新生代面临着不能培养社交技能的危险。

    Some experts believe the cyberspace generation-accustomed toe-mail , computer games , bank machines and other automated services-means people are at risk of failing to develop their social skills .

  16. 自助银行产品与服务及系统集成部门冠亚为中国银行和中国邮政系统提供自动柜员机维修保养服务的业务有稳定增长。

    Self-service banking enabling and Si arm TopAsia achieved stable growth in the provision of ATM repair and maintenance services to Bank of China and the postal administration of china .

  17. 利用排队法对自助银行的排队系统进行分析,确定排队模型。给出了统计平衡条件下的主要指标。

    The article provides a queue model for auto bank queue system based on the queue theory , and figure out the main index under the condition of statistical equilibrium .

  18. 简捷的方法有:手机银行转帐,网上转帐,自助银行机转帐,还有就是柜台转帐!

    The method of forthright has : Mobile phone bank transfers accounts , transfer accounts on the net , self-help bank opportunity transfers accounts , still have even if bar transfers accounts !

  19. 多功能自助银行系统可以作为银行核心系统之外的相对独立的系统,遵循统一的标准规范,功能灵活定制,从而使该系统在不同银行之间的推广应用变得相对灵活和简单。

    The multi-function Self-Service can be a independent system to the core-bank system , it has the same standard and has flexible functions , so , the application among different banks become much easier .

  20. 讨论了自助银行两层直连终端接入系统及其优缺点,提出了3层终端前置机系统及功能模块级的具体实现和终端接入方式。

    This article discusses two-layer-direct terminal access system of self-bank and its excellence and shortcoming , puts forward three-layer terminal-frontal system and the concrete realizing of functional module level and the mode of terminal access .

  21. 最后,根据大量涉自助银行和涉网上银行案件,探讨电子平台环境下金融经营者承担安全保障义务的判断标准。

    Finally , based on a lot of reference self-service bank and in the case of the bank on the net , this paper discusses the specific judgment standards of safety obligation under the electronic platform through cases .

  22. 同时随着银行卡业务的迅速发展,公众持卡意识逐步提高,自助银行在用卡环境建设方面发挥的作用日益明显,国内各家商业银行都把发展自助银行作为战略重点来发展。

    What 's more , with the rapid development of credit card business , public awareness of credit cards increases and ATM is playing a more and more important role in construction of environment of credit card usage ;

  23. 在前一章决策体系的框架下,分析了自助银行服务在经营战略、管理、业务分别在商业银行三个层面的决策和管理中应当关注的问题,主要的焦点集中在效率上。

    Under the frame of the decision-making system in the previous chapter , the study focus on the efficiency of self-service banking , analyzing important decision-making and managing factors and problems about self-service banking through the strategic , managing , and operating layers in commercial bank management system .

  24. 我们的自助餐厅银行和购物中心之间。

    Our cafeteria is on the second floor , between the bank and the shopping center .

  25. 米特兰银行的分支机构,“第一自助”电话银行,将维萨卡的年利率降至22.2%。

    Firstdirect , Midland Bank 's telephone banking offshoot , has cut its Visa card rate to APR 22.2 % .

  26. 普尔古达村也从自助小组和银行贷款模式中受益。

    Powerguda has also availed of self-help groups and bank loans .

  27. 随着银行卡业务的快速发展,自助设备在银行对外服务中的作用日渐突出。

    With the rapid development of the bank card services , the self-service equipments become increasingly prominent role in the external services .

  28. 自助设备管理银行系统,是针对用户设备管理程序,用户、组织机构、权限管理程序,系统监控程序、故障管理程序、报表管理程序等功能集于一身的监控管理系统。

    Self-service banking system equipment management program is for the user , organization , rights management processes systems monitor fault management procedures report management procedures monitoring and management system features rolled into one .

  29. 可以实现银保业务实时、批量操作,支持在线出单、在线核保,并支持银行现有的多渠道服务,包括银行柜台、电话银行、自助终端、网上银行等渠道实现银保业务的相关服务。

    It can achieve real time and batch operation of bancassurance business , support online policy issuing , online underwriting , and support current multiple bank channels , including teller , telephone bank , ATM , online bank .

  30. 随着商业银行信息化水平的不断提高,以自助设备为载体的自助银行已成为服务客户、分流柜台业务、拓展中间业务的重要手段。

    With the improvement of the level of commercial banks of information , a bank for vehicles to self-service facilities has become the most important means to service customers , tap the business and expand the business .