
  • 网络Self-motivation;Self motivation;Self-motivating;self-motivated
  1. 把它想象成是极端的自我激励

    OK , think of this as extreme self-motivation .

  2. 行动迟缓也许起因于自我激励机制的缺失或者过分忙碌的生活。

    Tardiness may stem from a lack of self-motivation or from an overscheduled life .

  3. 有些CEO缺乏安全感,通常需要进行自我激励。

    Some are insecure , in need of an ego massage .

  4. 我要跟大家分享的一个建议是,在我去健身馆的时候,我通常在锻炼时听Ipod,听一下我的个人发展目标和自我激励的对话。

    One tip I really want to share with you is when I pop down to the gym , I listen to my Ipod and I am listening to my personal development and my motivational talks while I exercise .

  5. 消除心理障碍,关键在于加强自我激励。

    The key to removing mental barriers lies in enhancing self_inspiration .

  6. 能自我激励,有独立工作能力,并能承受工作压力。

    Customer-driven , self-motivated , can work independently and withstand pressure .

  7. 积极主动、承担责任、自我激励、团队合作能力强;

    Initiative , commitment , motivation and strong sense of teamwork .

  8. 自我激励、主动、能承受工作压力。

    Self-motivated , initiative , able to work under pressure independently .

  9. 自我激励;武器计划现在处于自我推动状态。

    A self-propelled egotist ; the arms program is now self-propelled .

  10. 最成功的学生是有自己的目标,并能自我激励的人。

    The most successful students are self-motivated and set their own goals .

  11. 一个成功的人会基于自我激励完成他的个人职责。

    A successful person realizes his personal responsibility for self-motivation .

  12. 二是员工重视内职业生涯的发展,进行自我激励。

    Attaching importance to self-profession development , staff enforce self-inspiration .

  13. 新时期激励理念创新&自我激励模式

    Innovation of inspiration theory nowadays & self inspiration mode

  14. 员工&负责自我激励,承担职责;参与自我发展。

    Employees * own their motivation and responsibilit IEs ; partner on development .

  15. 1.单纯依赖“自我激励”来启动计划

    Relying on " motivation " to get started

  16. 该职位将有技术责任,还必须是一个自我激励。

    The position will have technical responsibilities and must also be a self starter .

  17. 你会把自己归为自我激励那一类人吗?

    Would you define yourself as a self-starter ?

  18. 性格外向,良好的团队合作,工作专注,自我激励、提高。

    Outgoing character , team player , engaged and motivated to learn and improve .

  19. 自我激励,以绩效为导向的工作原则。

    Self motivated and performance driven business sense .

  20. 寻求许多不同的自我激励方法,越多越好。

    Find a few different ways to motivate yourself & the more the better .

  21. 如果你能自我激励,这很好。

    If you can manage to keep yourself intrinsically motivated , that 's great .

  22. 具备时间管理技能,能够独立完成工作并拥有良好的自我激励心态。

    Excellent time management skills . self-motivated , able to work independently and professionally .

  23. 内生型高等教育融资是需求诱致性制度创新的成果,它是一种自我激励性的规则,体现了融资主体内在的利益需求。

    The internal financing institutional arrangement is the result of institution creation caused by demand .

  24. 自我激励:别人能做到的事情,我也能做到,而且会做到更好!

    Bestir : I believe I can accomplish whatever others can accomplish with better results !

  25. 对于自我激励来说也是一样。

    This is also true for self-motivation .

  26. 拥有自我激励和团队合作精神,可以处理多项工作。

    Self-motivator , and good team worker , have the ability to handle the multi-task .

  27. 自我激励的员工总是想启动项目和接受新任务。

    Self-motivated employees are always looking to initiate project ideas and take on new assignments .

  28. 自我激励以获得问题的解决,并扩大您的知识面。

    You are self-motivated , with the drive to solve problems and expand your knowledge .

  29. 自我激励并且勇于承担责任;

    Self-motivation and ready to take responsible .

  30. 越是自我激励,

    The more encouraged you 'll be ,