
  1. 创造知识激励环境,增强信息动力;

    Creating an atmosphere inspired by knowledge to strengthen information dynamic ;

  2. 模块化与知识员工激励&一个博弈分析

    Modularization and the Inspiration of Knowledge Worker & a Game Analyses

  3. 自主性技术创新中的知识产权激励

    The Encouragement of Intellectual Property Right in the Independent Technological Innovation

  4. 本文对知识员工激励进行了全面系统的研究。

    This paper does system study about knowledge type staffs ' motivation .

  5. 试论知识员工激励制度全面创新

    On the Overall Innovation of Knowledge Workers ' Incentive Mechanism

  6. 师徒制下的隐性知识转移激励机制研究

    The Research of Incentive Mechanism under the Apprenticeship of Tacit Knowledge Transfer

  7. 非合作博弈条件下企业内部知识共享激励机制研究

    Research on Incentive Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing within Enterprise under Uncooperative Game

  8. 高校科研团队知识共享激励策略分析

    Analysis of knowledge sharing strategies of university scientific research teams

  9. 新经济时代知识生产激励的经济学探讨

    How to Encourage Knowledge Production in New Economy Age

  10. 建立知识产权激励机制。

    The intellectual property motivation system shall be constituted .

  11. 基于过程管理的知识工人激励问题研究

    Research on Motivating Knowledge Workers Based on Process Management

  12. 考虑声誉的风险投资知识转移激励机制研究

    Incentive mechanism for knowledge-transferred venture capital based on reputation

  13. 房地产企业知识管理激励机制及制度设计研讨

    Discussion on Incentive Mechanism and System Design of Knowledge Management for Real Estate Enterprises

  14. 分析我国企业知识创新激励的现状、存在问题与对策。

    The status , problems and countermeasures of staff incentive for enterprises knowledge innovation .

  15. 回顾了前人提出的激励理论,作为研究知识员工激励的理论依据。

    Recalling his predecessors put the motivation theory , as a research knowledge staff motivation theory .

  16. 企业重组后知识员工激励及其生产率关系实证分析

    An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Stimulation and Productivity of Knowledge Workers after Reshuffle of the Enterprises

  17. 因此,有效的进行知识员工激励对高科技企业的发展有着特殊的意义。

    Therefore , the valid motivation about knowledge workers has been special significance for the development of High-Tech Enterprise .

  18. 其中,管理支持对知识共享激励的影响最为明显。

    Among them , the influence of the management support on knowledge sharing incentives is the most obvious . 2 .

  19. 通过公民档案管理员项目,我们能够获得更多工作的公共知识并激励下一代的档案工作者。

    Through citizen archivist projects , we can increase public knowledge of our work as well as inspire future generations of archivists .

  20. 分析了国内企业在知识员工激励方面存在的问题的原因,为解决问题找到了突破口。

    Analysis of the domestic enterprises in the knowledge staff motivation problems in the aspect of the reasons for the breakthrough solution has been found .

  21. 因此,研究非合作博弈条件下企业内部知识共享激励机制具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。

    Therefore , it is an important theoretical and practical significance to research incentive mechanism of knowledge sharing within enterprise under uncooperative game ( UG ) .

  22. 其中时间、相关知识、激励制度、信息资源等被认为是护理人员从事临床科研的主要影响因素。

    Diverse factors influ-enced the present situation of nursing research , and the most important ones were time , related knowledge , encouraging system and information resources .

  23. 再次,以一家典型的高新技术企业为例,对现代高新技术企业知识员工激励现状进行分析,阐明了知识员工激励存在的主要问题及原因;

    After this , it proposes the main problems and the reasons they exist in knowledge worker motivation in modern hi-tech enterprises by analyzing the current situation .

  24. 产权激励制度的体系由知识产权激励制度、人力资本产权激励制度和非人力资本产权激励制度三部分组成。

    Property rights incentive institutions ' system is composed of property rights incentive institutions , human capital technovation subjects ' incentive institutions and nonhuman capital technovation subjects ' incentive institutions .

  25. 本文首先介绍了激励、人力资本以及心理契约等有关理论,作为知识员工激励问题研究的理论基础;

    This paper first introduces the relating theories of motivation , human resource capital , psychological contract and so on , which makes a theoretical foundation for studying knowledge worker motivation .

  26. 第五章软件企业知识共享激励机制的研究,首先从四个方面介绍了激励机制设计的原则,在此基础上提出了软件企业知识共享的激励机制及其实施的配套措施。

    In Chapter V , incentive mechanism of knowledge sharing in software companies and its supporting measures is studied based on principles of incentive mechanism designing which is introduced from four aspects firstly .

  27. 其次,介绍了目前国内企业在知识员工激励方面的现状和存在的问题,也为本文的写作确立了现实的出发点。

    Secondly , the introduction of the current staff of domestic enterprises on motivation of the knowledge workers and existing problems , as well as of this paper establish a realistic starting point .

  28. 结合问卷调查和个别访问,说明软件企业知识共享激励机制低效的原因,为知识共享激励机制的研究提供了科学、合理的依据。

    Combining it , causes to poor efficiency of incentive mechanism of knowledge sharing in software companies are summarized which take a scientific reasonable basis for the study on incentive mechanism of knowledge sharing .

  29. 这里,道德市场与合约机制共同构成了一个相对完整的供应链知识共享激励制度,共同影响供应链知识共享中知识共享主体的行为。

    Here , moral market mechanisms and contracts mechanisms constitute a relatively complete incentive system in supply chain of knowledge-sharing , and jointly impact the behavior of the knowledge-sharing subject in supply chain of knowledge-sharing .

  30. 目前,我国高新技术企业知识员工激励机制存在许多缺陷和问题,造成了知识员工流失严重,总体短缺的状况。

    However , at present , in China , the incentive mechanism of knowledge worker in high-tech enterprises has some defects and problems , resulting in the serious brain-drain , thus , a short of knowledge worker .