
  • 网络knowledge-based organization;Knowledge Organization
  1. 本文针对智力资源管理问题,基于CAS与ICAS理论,导出知识型组织智力资源的有控自组管理理念,并提出了组织智力资源管理的环境创设机制、资源共享机制与智力涌现调控机制。

    Based on CAS and ICAS theories , management concept of " controllable self-organization " in knowledge organization intellectual resource is introduced on intellectual resource management . Environmental creation mechanism , resource sharing mechanism and intellectual emergence control mechanism in organization intellectual resource management are presented .

  2. 对知识型组织的执行力机制进行了研究。

    Have carried on research to the executive ability mechanism of knowledge organization .

  3. 利用EXCEL等统计工具,结合国内外相似问题的研究结论,发现知识型组织的个体激励存在的问题以及中国知识型员工的激励偏好。

    Using the EXCEL statistical tools to discovered individual incentive problems and Chinese knowledge employee motivation preference of the knowledge organization .

  4. 一种面向知识型组织的岗位知识推送系统构建框架

    An Architecture Platform of Knowledge Push System for Knowledge-based Organization 's Post

  5. 论图书馆的知识型组织特性

    Inquiry about Characteristics of the Library as a Knowledge-Based Organization

  6. 并探索性地提出以知识型组织为框架的工程公司管理模式。

    Approach the management model based on the knowledgeable structure for engineering company .

  7. 中国知识型组织核心能力的影响因素

    Factors effecting core competency of knowledge organization in China

  8. 史蒂尔表示:政府现在是一个知识型组织。

    The government is now a knowledge organisation .

  9. 知识型组织模式探讨知识型企业组织形式论

    On Knowledge-type Organization Form of Enterprises

  10. 对基于项目团队的知识型组织的运行逻辑进行了探讨。

    Have carried on the discussion to the operation logic of knowledge organization based on project-team .

  11. 提出知识型组织智力资源系统是复杂自适应系统;

    It is presented that intellectual resources system of knowledge organization is a complex adaptive system .

  12. 知识型组织的知识化管理

    Intellectualization Management of Intellectualized Organizations

  13. 知识型组织的运行机制成为亟待研究和解决的重要问题。

    The operating mechanism of knowledge organization becomes the important problem demanding urgently to be studied and solved .

  14. 另一方面,通过创新、共享和协同发展等文化理念的重建,进一步使知识型组织整合为一个具有精神内聚力和良性文化环境的知识&文化共同体。

    Second , a knowledge organization should develop into a knowledge-culture community through the reconstruction of culture idea .

  15. 因此,在知识型组织中,管理主体与客体之间关系处理的是否恰当直接影响着知识型组织的生存和发展。

    Therefore , the relationship between management subject and object influences the existence and improvement of information organization .

  16. 在这种环境下,基于项目团队的知识型组织应运而生。

    Under this kind of environment , the knowledge organization based on project-team arises at the historic moment .

  17. 又通过对调查样本组的详细对比分析,发现和归纳了不同背景的知识型组织激励特点。

    Through the investigation and analysis of the detailed sample group , and summarizes the different background knowledge organization incentive characteristics .

  18. 知识型组织中人才智力资源密集,以创新能力为其生存与发展的决定性因素。

    Knowledge organizations are rich in intellectual resources and take knowledge creative ability as the key factor of living and development .

  19. 日丰机械大力倡导建立学习型、知识型组织,积极追求共同进步。

    Company of RiFeng mechanism energetically spark plug to set up a organize of study and knowledge to actively pursue synchronous progress .

  20. 该理论认为,大型制造企业最好依靠命令和控制来管理,而小型知识型组织最好依靠合议和协作进行管理。

    Big manufacturers , the theory held , were best led by command and control and small , knowledge organisations , by collegial collaboration .

  21. 虚拟团队作为一种新兴的知识型组织,正迫切地呼唤着与之相匹配的新型领导者出现。

    As a new knowledge organization , virtual group is having an exigent call for the appearance of the new type of leader that matching it .

  22. 综上,基于项目团队的知识型组织要保持、显示出特有的竞争优势,就要依赖其核心竞争力&知识能力。

    So knowledge capability is important to the knowledge organization based on project-team to keep competition , and it is the core competition of the organization .

  23. 越来越多的企业应用项目制的模式来进行企业管理,作为典型知识型组织的软件企业更是如此。

    A growing number of enterprises apply the mode of project targeted to manage itself ; software enterprise is typical knowledge targeted organization , so it is .

  24. 在知识型组织中,人力资本的作用不仅体现在产品生产上,还体现在知识生产上,对组织的价值生产具有乘数效应。

    Human capital has a great impact on both product yield and knowledge creation process in knowledge-based organizations , as well as multiple effects on value manufacturing .

  25. 对于图书馆这种知识型组织,加强隐性知识的管理,提升图书馆的服务质量和服务效率具有重要意义。

    As for knowledge-oriented organizations like libraries , enforcing the tacit knowledge management would be of considerable significance for the improvement of their service quality and working efficiency .

  26. 文章的第四部分论述了知识型组织的知识创新。

    In the fourth part , paper talked about the knowledge innovation of knowledge type organization , which is the foundation of improving the key competitiveness of organization .

  27. 首先描述了知识型组织和知识推送系统的基本内涵,说明研究知识推送的现实意义。

    Firstly , the concepts of knowledge-based organization and knowledge push system are introduced which indicates that there is a demand for knowledge push in the real world .

  28. 在同样的方式中制造性企业将首先分类它的实物资产,一个积极的知识型组织也应该分类它的智力资本资产。

    In the same manner that a manufacturing company will first inventory its physical assets , an aspiring " knowledge organization " should also inventory its intellectual capital assets .

  29. 因此,本文以组织作为研究主体,探索了知识型组织的激励理论和激励方法,从而对知识型员工以及团队采取更科学的方法进行激励,具有一定的理论意义和现实意义。

    Therefore , this paper will research on the knowledge organization theory and incentive methods and so on , hoping to solve some important questions in knowledge employees and teams .

  30. 绪论部分对知识型组织的概念和特征进行了研究。

    The research contents of this text include five following parts : 1 、 The part of the introduction has carried on research to the concept and characteristic of knowledge organization .