
zhènɡ shì zǔ zhī
  • formal organization
  1. 非正式组织则在组织内部不断扩张,成为正式组织的补充。

    Informal organization expands in the formal organization as added .

  2. 非正式组织、亲属关系组织的存在必然要对正式组织的活动及其效率产生影响。

    They interfere with activity and efficiency of formal organization .

  3. 一个正式组织往往可当作一个沟通系统。

    A formal organization is often conceived of as a communication system .

  4. 它所呈现的特点与正式组织有显著的不同。

    Its characteristics are significantly different about formal organizations .

  5. 科研课题组的准正式组织特征及其管理

    Quasi-formal Organization Characteristics of Research Groups and Its Management

  6. 正式组织中的亲属关系组织研究

    The study of family organization of formal organization

  7. 正式组织与非正式组织对我国员工离职影响效用实证研究

    Effects of Informal and Formal Group in Turnover Intention Model : An Empirical Analysis

  8. 非正式组织对正式组织的影响既有正面的,也有负面的。

    The informal organizations ' influence on the formal organizations is both positive and negative .

  9. 试论我国农村社区正式组织的角色功能&一个社会学的个案研究

    On the Role of Formal Chinese Rural Community Organizations & A Case Study of Sociology

  10. 正式组织可产生附带的非正式的组织。

    Formal organizations create additional informal organizations .

  11. 组织行为学认为,在正式组织之外还有非正式组织存在。

    Organizational behavior considers that , besides the formal groups , there are also informal groups .

  12. 科研课题组是准正式组织中的特定任务型组织形态,其组织形态具有一定的特殊性。

    Research group is a task-oriented organization form with a particular characteristic in the quasi-formal organizations .

  13. 而建立在企业正式组织基础上的企业内部社会资本可以促成合作的团队。

    The internal social capital can promote cooperation team on the basis of formal enterprise organization .

  14. 非正式组织存在于正式组织中,但往往会被正式组织所忽视。

    Informal organization existence may be ignored that by formal organization among formal organization , but sometimes .

  15. 准正式组织具有依附正式组织的特征,对正式组织的功能起到补充和强化作用。

    Attached to formal organizations , quasi-formal organizations play the role of complementing and reinforcing the functions of formal organizations .

  16. 群体内部是由多个不同的成员群组成的,不同成员群之间的相互作用关系并非是线性的,也不是正式组织结构中的等级关系。

    Group consists of different sub-groups . The interactions within them are neither linear nor hierarchical in the formal organization .

  17. 作为正式组织的伴生物,它有其自身的特点,它对正式组织目标的实现具有双重影响。

    It has its own features and also has mutual influence on the realization of the aims of the formal communities .

  18. 家族并不直接处理村庄的公共事务而是通过间接的方式影响正式组织对村庄公共事务的管理。

    Clans don 't handle the public general affairs of village directly but affect formal organizations of village through indirect way .

  19. 企业中的非正式组织往往是伴随着正式组织的形成而出现的,其对企业的正常运营影响深远。

    Informal organizations in enterprises always come along with the formal ones and have a profound influence on the operation of enterprises .

  20. 论文通过对大学组织的研究考察,发现准正式组织是一种大学中普遍存在的组织形态。

    Through the research on university organizations , the thesis expounds that the quasi-formal organization is a prevalent organizational form in universities .

  21. 由于正式组织资源的缺位,农民工只能倚重于自身建立的社会关系网络寻求社会保护。

    In the absence of formal organizational resources , migrant workers can only rely on themselves to create social network for social protection .

  22. 本文通过对非正式组织基本属性的客观阐述,比较具体地分析非正式组织对正式组织的积极作用与消极影响。

    This paper tries to using the impersonaL expatiation of basic property of informal organization , particular analyzing the positive effect and negative influence .

  23. 在农村,则因为农业集体化结束,正式组织调控能力下降导致组织真空。

    In the country , a vacuum of organization has resulted from the close of collective agriculture and declining control capacity of formal organizations .

  24. 我国行政主导的正式组织与民间自发组织对接的困难、非盈利组织与市场机制结合的困难及非盈利社团自身发育不足等是造成这种发展停滞的主要原因。

    The poor combination between formal administration organization and informal nongovernmental organization , nonprofit organization and market mechanism is the main reason causing the stagnant phenomena .

  25. 从冲突发生的组织层次水平来看,有非正式组织与正式组织之间、直线主管人员与参谋以及委员会内部成员之间的冲突。

    Tissue Engineering Determining Straight There are three main types of conflicts-conflicts between formal organization and informal organization , beeb'ne and brainman , members in committee .

  26. 并不非得是正式组织的体育活动&在周围踢踢球或带着孩子去公园都是不错的活动。

    It doesn 't have to be formal organised sport activities – even kicking a football around or taking the kids to the park is fantastic .

  27. 在城市,随着改革的深化,单位制弱化,大量人口游离于正式组织之外;

    In urban communities , a large number of people are dissociated from formal organizations along with the deepening of reform and the weakening of unit institution .

  28. 大众传媒,即大众传播媒体,是指有正式组织、按照既定规则、使用媒介技术,向特定大众公开发表信息的实体。

    The mass media refers to the official organization , according to the decided rule and using medium technology to publish the information entity to the specific population .

  29. 以私营企业主为核心的亲缘关系网络嵌入企业正式组织,在企业的用人模式上则呈现家企同构的特征。

    Blood relation network with the owner in the center are embedded in the formal organization of enterprises , the enterprise personnel pattern presents the resemblance to that of family .

  30. 鞋市场或建筑用的钢铁市场都不是正式组织的。它们都不能被定在地图上的某些具体的地方。

    Neither the market for shoes nor the market for structural steel is formally organized , and neither of them can be located at some particular places on a map .