
  • 网络For-profit organization
  1. 企业作为营利性组织,随着经济全球一体化趋势的进一步加强,开放性的国际市场环境既为企业的发展带来了众多机遇,同时也使企业在发展壮大过程中面临着多重的风险。

    As a for-profit organization , with the further strengthening of the trend of economic globalization , the open international market environment , both for the development of enterprises has brought many opportunities , but also enable enterprises facing multiple risks in the process of development and growth .

  2. 本文在充分借鉴营利性组织的传统4Ps营销策略理论的基础上,对非营利组织营销进行了全面深入的理论分析和实证研究,提出了非营利组织的6Ps营销策略。

    This thesis provides the in-depth theory and empirical study of non profit organizations marketing , and brings forward 6Ps strategies of non profit organizations based on conventional 4Ps strategies of profit organizations .

  3. 组织网络化是近十年来营利性组织与非盈利组织出现的一个重大趋势。

    Enterprises and nonprofit organizations tend to become network organizations recently .

  4. 因此,市场营销不只适用于企业、适用于营利性组织。

    Therefore , marketing is not only applicable to business enterprise but also nonprofit organization .

  5. 行政组织与一般营利性组织和社会组织存在明显不同,行政决策因以国家权力和行政权力为后盾存在着比其他组织更为复杂的效率困境。

    There is obvious difference between the administrative organization and the general commercial quality organizations or social organizations .

  6. 营销理论不仅可以大量应用于营利性组织,还可以广泛应用于非营利组织。

    Marketing theory can be applied in profit organizations largely , as well as in non profit organizations widely .

  7. 营利性组织和非营利性组织的战略联盟分析试论非营利组织的自治性行政主体地位

    Analysis on Cooperation of Profit Organizations and Non-Profit Organizations ; On NPO orientation of autonomy administrative principal part in law

  8. 社区养老服务具有公共物品的属性,通过营利性组织来提供会存在先天缺陷。

    Community care service has the properties ofpublic goods , Through for-profit organizations to provide , there will be birth defects .

  9. 企业是依法设立的能够以自己名义从事市场活动的营利性组织。

    Enterprises are association for malting profits which are built in accordance with the law and act in market by themselves names .

  10. 随着社会经济的发展,作为除了政府、营利性组织之外的慈善组织在扶助弱势群体、解决贫困问题等多方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the socio-economic development , charitable organizations are playing an increasingly important role in helping the vulnerable groups and solving the problem of poverty .

  11. 在《公务员法》中明确规定了国家公务员不得通过兼职获取任何经济利益,不得在企业或者其他营利性组织中兼任职务。

    In the civil servant law of specified by the national civil servants shall not through part-time economic perks , not in the enterprise or other nonprofits in part-time position .

  12. 近年来,随着市场经济的逐步发展,非营利性组织下在弥补营利性组织和政府部门的不足,成为一个引人关注的领域。

    With the development of market economy in recent years , non - profit organizations , as a supplement to ' profit organizations and the government , have become very remarkable .

  13. 但它属于什么性质什么类型的法人组织?是营利性组织还是非营利性组织?这直接关系到对合作社的制度设计。

    However , it is the nature of what type of legal organization ? Is a for-profit organizations or non-profit organization ? This has a direct bearing on the design of the system of cooperatives .

  14. 独立学院在应用平衡记分卡时不能局限于营利性组织中平衡记分卡的维度和指标设计,关键在于运用其平衡的思想和原理。

    In application of the Balanced Score Card in the independent colleges , they shall not be limited to the design of dimensions and indexes of the Balanced Score Card in the profit organization and it is key to make use of its concepts and principles of balance .

  15. 最后对可供我国民办学校采用的营利性法律组织形式进行分析、介绍。

    The part finally analyses and recommends the legal form of profit organization which is suitable for private school in China .

  16. 截止2008年底,重庆市共有各类营利性中介组织59220户,注册资本(金)840亿元,从业人员38.8万人。

    As of the end of 2008 , Chongqing City , a total of 59,220 various types of for-profit intermediary organizations , households , registered capital ( gold ) 840 billion , employed 388,000 people .

  17. 根据我国有关法律的规定,私营企业是指由自然人投资设立或由自然人控股,以雇佣劳动为基础的营利性经济组织,主要包括独资、合伙和公司制企业三种类型。

    According to relevant laws in our country , private firms refer to those profit economic organizations based on hiring labors which are invested or taken hold by natural persons , mainly including the sole ownership , partnership and company .

  18. 公司是营利性的经济组织,股东投资的目的就是为了营利。

    The company is to make money of economy organization , shareholder investment of purpose be for make money .

  19. 企业作为一个营利性的社会经济组织,来自于市场的经济刺激无疑是其承担社会责任的内在动因。

    The interior drive for corporates as profit-oriented social organizations to take social responsibilities is the economic stimulus from market ;

  20. 本文从人类行为的两种基本逻辑出发,讨论公共部门和私有部门之外的领域中组织分类问题,提出将第三部门类型分为非营利中介组织和营利性中介组织两种类型。

    This paper discuss types of organization outside public sector and private sector from two basic logics about human action , and suggest to divide the third sector into two types : for-profit and non-for-profit intermediary organization .

  21. 随着合作社的发展,合作社已不再是传统的非营利组织,而转变为营利性组织。

    Now the cooperative has been transformed into profit organization rather than traditional non profit organization .

  22. 有鉴于此,本文从非营利组织的概念、特点入手,在借鉴营利性组织财务绩效评价体系的基础上,展开了对非营利组织财务绩效评价的研究。

    Therefore , the thesis start with the conception and characteristic of non-profit organization , and draw on the experience of the financial performance evaluation system of profit organization , then start the study of financial performance evaluation of non-profit organization .

  23. 因此,如何引导营利性医疗机构走向法制化的轨道已成为我国当前一项十分紧迫的任务,而其中一个重要的方面则是制定较为完备的营利性医疗机构组织法。

    And to make a complete constituent instrument is one of the important aspects of the legislation of the profit medical institution .