
  1. 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)的老牌分析师罗德•拉什认为,3月份,由于通用汽车砍掉了1000多美元的单位营销激励成本,其市场份额跌到了17%左右。

    Veteran analyst rod lache of Deutsche Bank figures that GM cut incentives by more than $ 1,000 in March , and its share fell to the 17 % range .

  2. 湖南邮政包件业务营销激励机制研究

    The Research on Motivation System for HUNAN POST Postal Parcels Services Marketing

  3. 同时,他们也警告说,由于用于营销激励计划的开支过度,还有可能造成附带损害。

    They also warn about the collateral damage that comes from excessive spending on marketing incentives .

  4. 据Edmunds.com数据,1、2两月,通用汽车用于营销激励计划的单位成本是1000多美元/辆车。

    GM was spending $ 1,000 more per vehicle in January and February , according to Edmunds .

  5. 分析师们表示,3月份,通用汽车停止推行营销激励措施,其市场份额随之下降。

    Analysts say GM has backed off on incentives in March and taken a resulting hit in market share .

  6. 其次分析了保险代理人制度的历史演变、个人寿险营销激励制度的内涵以及该制度在我国的优势和积极作用。

    Secondly , I introduced the history of insurance agent abroad , the individual development market management in China and analyzed the intention , the advantage and active effect of the system .

  7. 营销渠道激励模型研究

    An Incentive Model of Marketing Channel

  8. 世界银行集团可以提供帮助,通过支持针对穷人的应急措施。同时鼓励作为可持续发展内容的粮食生产与营销的激励措施。

    The World Bank Group can help by backing emergency measures that support the poor while encouraging incentives to produce and market food as part of sustainable development .

  9. 长久以来,营销渠道激励机制一直是经济学领域中的研究重点,合理的激励机制可以有效减弱渠道商们由于信息不对称而带来的负面影响。

    For a long time , the incentive mechanism in marketing channel is the focal point in economic researches , a reasonable incentive mechanism can be effectively reduced the negative impact of the asymmetric information .

  10. 因此,当务之急,必须尽快建立科学合理的营销代表激励体系,从而有效地吸引、留住高素质、业务能力强的营销代表。

    Therefore , urgent matter of the moment , we must build up one science reasonable motivation system for the marketing representative as soon as possible , So that it can draw on and keep those salesman who are highly educated and with good ability .

  11. CH公司营销人员的激励研究

    The Study of Inspiration for Marketing Personnel in CH Company

  12. WH有限公司原先对营销人员的激励还存在着些许不足,究其原因,主要在于缺少一套更为合理的薪酬激励制度。

    The reason for it mainly lies in the lack of a more reasonable salary incentive system .

  13. 为了系统地对营销人员的激励机制问题进行研究,本文以xx食品公司为例,提出对其营销人员的激励机制研究。

    Marketing personnel systematically study the incentive mechanism . the paper xx food company , for example , proposed incentives to its sales staff research .

  14. 其主要原因就在于对营销人员的激励制度还存在缺陷。

    The main reason lies in the marketing personnel incentive system is flawed .

  15. 第二,从三个层面初步设计了寿险营销员的激励机制。

    Secondly , the paper designs incentives for life insurance salesmen from three levels .

  16. 做为企业人力资源的重要构成部分&营销人员的激励,更是企业研究的重点内容。

    As the enterprise human resources , marketing personnel is an important part of enterprise research motivation , key content .

  17. 报纸开始迎合,首先是迎合“公众”,然后是迎合“年轻人”,在营销部门的激励下,它们几乎尝试了各种各样可怕的愚蠢行为。

    They pandered & first to the " general public " and then to " the youth demo , " with all kinds of terrible , marketing-department-inspired drivel .

  18. 本文着重于研究DS公司山东分公司营销部员工的激励问题。

    The research object of this thesis is the Sales department of Shandong Branch of DS Company ( SBDSC ) .

  19. 接下来的第四章研究了ACLAS公司对营销渠道成员的激励和对渠道冲突的处理。

    Next the fourth chapter deals with ACLAS ' promotion on marketing channel members and handling the channel conflict .

  20. 设计营销人员多元薪酬激励体系。

    Multidimensional salary inspiring system for marketing salesmen should be designed .

  21. 联合分析现在已经广泛应用于市场营销、战略、激励机制、金融、教育、社会福利政策制订等各个领域,成为发达国家最流行的应用统计方法之一。

    Its applications have spread to marketing research , strategy decision , incentive system , finance , education , welfare policy , and so on .

  22. 解释了保险营销短视、短时激励的内在原因,并在此分析的基础上建立了组织&系统激励模型。

    The internal causes of nearsighted insurance marketing and short term incentive measures are analyzed thus to establish the Organization – System Incentive Mould on this base .

  23. 从企业营销工作实践和激励理论相结合的角度,论述了企业如何设计营销的激励和约束机制,提高销售人员的工作效率和积极性。

    The article describes how should enterprise design the exciting and restraining system of sale from the view of the combination of enterprise sale managing work and exciting theory .

  24. 然后,从组织结构、文化理念、战略管理、营销管理、员工激励、测量评价等六个方面入手,深入探讨了如何建立卓越绩效管理体系。

    Then , form the organizational structure , cultural idea , strategic management , marketing management , staff prompting , survey appraisal etc six aspects , it discusses how to establish the excellent performance management system .

  25. 二是将市场开拓问题不是单纯的作为一个独立的环节来分析,而是尝试用市场营销理论结合管理激励理论来解决实际问题。

    The second innovation of the author is that instead of making the market developing an independent link , he tried to combine marketing theories with managerial motivation theories to solve actual problems . The market kept empty since ET found its Foshan branch two years ago .

  26. 最后,从组织和人员保障的角度,提出了公司营销组织结构设置及营销人员培训、激励策略,以确保以上营销策略能够顺利实施。

    Finally , in order to guarantee that the above marketing tactics can be implemented smoothly , the paper proposes the strategy of MP by establishing marketing organization structure , training and encouraging marketing staff , at perspective of organization and personnel guarantee .

  27. 最后,从营销队伍自身实力、信息沟通、营销控制与评价、营销激励等角度提供了一系列措施以保证营销策略地有效实施。

    At last , this paper offers a series of measures to ensure the successful execution of marketing strategy in terms of marketing strength , communication , marketing control , effect assessment and incitement .

  28. 激励机制是现代企业人力资源管理的一种重要工具和手段,湖南邮政尽管已经认识到激励机制对营销体系的巨大作用,但又无法找到适合企业自身的营销激励机制。

    Motivation System is an important tool of human resource management in modern enterprises . The Hunan POST have known the notable effects on the competition ability of Marketing Motivation System , but in practice , they feel it is difficult to find a Motivation system for themselves .

  29. 因此,对于寿险个人代理人营销体制的完善,应当以市场为导向,建立持续的长期的营销激励机制,并强化对于市场准入和销售行为的监管。

    Therefore , individual life insurance agent for the improvement of marketing system should be market-oriented and establish sustained long-term marketing incentives , and strengthen market access and sales practices for the regulation .

  30. 所以,对照营销理念和对应的营销人员、营销环境,构建新型营销理念下的营销人员激励机制,对于企业的生存和发展具有非常重要的战略指导意义。

    Therefore , the comparison and the corresponding marketing concept of marketing personnel , marketing environment , to construct a new marketing concept of marketing personnel incentive mechanism , to the survival and development of enterprises has important strategic significance .