- 名expectant;expected value;desired value

And then Fuzzy Controller ( FC ) for machining process is proposed to make cutting force reach the set desired value rapidly , steadily , and without error .
However , since in most process plants there are hundreds of variables that must be maintained at some desired value , this correction procedure would required a tremendous number of operator .
Women are too often constrained by family commitments and by low expectations
Expectations have been raised with the Government going on about choice and market forces
It 's a well-tried tactic to play down public expectations in advance of a superpower summit .
Defensive is a strategy that anticipates a negative outcome and then takes steps to avoid that outcome . Defensive pessimists tend to be very successful people , and their low opinion of the outcome isn 't realistic ; they use it to motivate themselves to perform better .
Too high expectation of college graduates ' employment .
The expected value of an everywhere stopped b-value martingale
The DNA Genetic Algorithm Applied for Solving Stochastic Integer Programming Expected Value Models
Build a regular expression that describes the expected value format and put it in the pattern attribute .
New method for calculating the mean of h ( n , m , n ) - distribution
Study and Application of DEA Model Based on the Expected Value
The n-th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n-th power of the deviations from a fixed value .
The modification rate was defined as statistic probability for expectated value based on the classified Si phase SEM photos .
Open another file and read the contents of this file ( expected value = BASELINE )
When the mathematical expectation of the total cost , E ( c ), reaches minimum , the design is optimal according to the expected value decision rule .
The sales numbers , if accurate , may also suggest that expectations for the iPhone SE are too low .
In some period of time of a running computer system , mean value of an event 's frequency in k audits is taken as expected value at k + 1th audit .
Typically , different central processing units ( CPUs ) and operating environments store floating points differently and simple comparisons between expected and actual values don 't work .
Then based on the statistical property of SAR image , by using Bayes formulation the MAP estimate of the real intensity by observation image values for every structure is obtained .
For speaker identification , Expectation Maximization Algorithm ( EM ) is adopted to train speaker dependent model , and afterwards recognize speaker according to Maximum a Posteriori Criterion ( MAP ) .
Kappa statistics focuses on the counts in the major diagonal of the C × C table , testing if the diagonal counts were significantly higher than those expected ( by chance alone ) .
The expected and observed genotype frequency of nine STR loci was in accordance with the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium ( P > 0.05 ) .
In Palo Alto , in particular which Mark Zuckerberg calls home sellers are either keeping their homes off the market until the IPO or ramping up expectations .
Based on expectation rule of risk decision , a novel method for evaluating maximum benefit of TTC with transient stability constraints is proposed in this paper .
Then , Using the input / output feedback linearization approach and Lyapunov method , a control law of airship attitude is designed , which guarantees that the airship attitude exponentially tracks the desired attitude .
In this paper , according to the characters of projection data , a scatter correction method which uses maximum likelihood expectation maximization ( MLEM ) algorithm based on poisson model is proposed .
In learning , the primary value of CMAC was zero . Expected value of error and current error of system was quantized and used it as address to send in CMAC .
The simulation result shows that the output of PEMFC can be stabilized on the expectated value with the application of fuzzy-PID compound controller , and its control accuracy meets the commerce application requirement of fuel cell .
Expected Value of Sample Information for Linear Decision Problem on Two Actions under ( IGa-N ) Model