
  • 网络Futures;future contract
  1. 1978年,纽约商品交易所(nymex)推出了世界上第一个成功的石油期货合约&纽约取暖油期货合约。

    In1978 , nymexpresented the first successful oil futures contract in the world , i.e. , New York heatingoil futures contract .

  2. 举例来说,它的日经225指数期货合约的交易量,远远高于东京证交所的东证指数(Topix)合约。

    For example , its Nikkei 225 futures contract is traded in much higher volumes than the TSE 's Topix contract .

  3. ICE决定在今年5月推出其新加坡交易所,首批交易的期货合约是布伦特原油和黄金。

    ICE is set to launch its Singapore exchange in May , starting with futures on Brent crude oil and on gold .

  4. 因此PVM持有了大量期货合约。

    Substantial volumes of futures contracts were held by PVM .

  5. 利用期货合约(Futures)进行套期保值(Heding)是期货市场上交易者一种重要的策略,套期保值者也是期货市场十分重要的参与者之一。

    It is one of very important strategies for bargainers to use futures contracts to hedge on futures market , and hedgers are also very important in futures market .

  6. 我能做的是交易3月期libor期货合约。

    What I could do , however , was trade a futures contract on the three-month LIBOR rate .

  7. 美国原油期货合约价格重回每桶100美元上方,这是因为有关方面计划逆转一条关键输油管道的流向,再次将西得克萨斯中质原油(WestTexasIntermediate)供应与全球市场连接起来。

    US crude oil futures sprang back above $ 100 a barrel on plans to reverse a key pipeline that would reconnect the supply of West Texas Intermediate to global markets .

  8. 芝加哥商品交易所集团(CMEGroup)正在调查本月的一起案例,迷你标普指数期货合约的一名交易员因疏忽大意,同时以买家和卖家的身份交易了近20万份合约。

    CME Group , the Chicago-based futures exchange , is investigating a case this month where a trader in mini SP Index futures contracts inadvertently traded approximately 200,000 contracts as both buyer and seller .

  9. 唯一广泛交易的大米期货合约较今年年初上涨了7%,周二收于每100磅15.895美元。该期货合约由芝加哥商业交易所控股公司(CMEGroupInc.)提供,可以反映美国的价格。

    The only widely traded rice futures contract , offered by CME Group Inc. and reflecting U.S. prices , is up 7 % this year , ending Tuesday at $ 15.895 for 100 pounds .

  10. CME集团新人民币期货合约的报价形式将以银行间市场为准,反映的是每一美元兑换的人民币数值。新合约将于8月22日(周一)正式推出。

    The renminbi futures contracts will be quoted in interbank terms to reflect the number of renminbi per dollar and will launch on Monday August 22 .

  11. 上海和深圳证交所指称,新华富时在为中国a50股指期货合约编制指数时,使用数据的方式未经授权。

    The Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges alleged that FTSE Xinhua used data in an unauthorised manner to compile the index for the China A50 futures contracts .

  12. 美国司法部(DoJ)估计,在2010年至2014年期间,他通过交易标普500(S&P500)期货合约总共赚了大约4000万美元。

    The Department of Justice estimates that he made about $ 40m in total between 2010 and 2014 trading in S & P 500 futures contracts .

  13. 通过GARCH模型估算了COB电力期货合约的最佳套期保值比率,最后阐述了建立电力期货市场对我国电力工业改革的现实意义。

    Using a GARCH specification , I estimate minimum variance hedge ratios for electricity futures . Finally , I expound the reality significance of the electricity futures market in the reform of electricity market .

  14. 根据Nordhaus模型与Arrow模型,对北京商品交易所绿豆期货合约的有效性进行检验,并对其检验结果进行了分析讨论。

    In this paper , based on Nordhaus Model and Arrow Model , the efficiency of mung bean futures market of Beijing commodity exchange is tested and its testing results are discussed .

  15. CME预计,人民币期货合约的交易量增长,将与其他新兴市场货币(如俄罗斯卢布和巴西雷亚尔)期货合约相仿,后者在去年上半年增长了三倍。

    The CME expects the volume growth to mirror that of other emerging markets currency contracts , such as the Russian rouble and Brazilian real , which grew fourfold in the first half of last year .

  16. 交易商一般会以更高价格同时卖出期货合约以后再交付,以此来锁定利润,这个结构被称为期货升水(contango)。

    Traders lock in a profit through the simultaneous sale of futures contracts at higher prices for later delivery , with the market in a structure known as contango .

  17. 在中国国有企业和俄罗斯亿万富翁奥列格德里帕斯卡(olegderipaska)的支持下,香港商交所本周表示将推出以人民币计价的黄金等贵金属期货合约。

    Backed by Chinese state companies and Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska , HKMEx this week said it would launch a renminbi-denominated gold futures contract along with other precious metals .

  18. CME主张,其规模较小的竞争对手ELX提供的一种期货合约不合法。但美国期货市场监管机构&商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)拒绝接受这一主张。

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission , the US futures markets watchdog , rejected the CME 's claim that a futures contract offered by ELX , a smaller rival , was illegal .

  19. 纽约商品交易所Comex分部8月交割的黄金期货合约涨12.40美元,至每盎司1616.10美元,涨幅为0.8%。

    Gold futures for August delivery gained $ 12.40 , or 0.8 % , to settle at $ 1, 616.10 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  20. 很多ETF的表现可能会显著偏离大宗商品价格,尤其是从长期而言&原因是它们投资于期货合约,而不是购买基础大宗商品并将其储存在仓库。

    The performance of many of these ETFs can diverge markedly from the headline price of a commodity & especially over the long run , if they are investing in futures contracts rather than buying the underlying commodity and sticking it in a warehouse .

  21. 它还超过其竞争对手洲际交易所的WTI在线成交量。洲际交易所于2月份启动仅使用电子交易系统的WTI期货合约,此举迫使纽约商交所与芝加哥商品交易所结盟。

    It has also overtaken the online trading volumes in WTI by Mr Sprecher 's rival Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE ), which launched its electronic-only WTI contract in February , a move that forced Nymex into its alliance with the CME .

  22. 斯普雷彻表示,他并不担心Globex会成为WTI期货合约的主要交易平台,同时他不认为,全球最受关注的石油价格会偏向一个平台。

    Mr Sprecher says that he is not concerned about Globex becoming the main platform for WTI trading , and did not think that the world 's most referenced oil price would gravitate to one platform .

  23. 目前,香港唯一从事大宗商品衍生产品业务的交易所是新成立的香港商品交易所(HKMEx)。该交易所去年才开始交易,提供黄金和白银期货合约。

    The only existing Hong Kong-based bourse to offer commodity derivatives is the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange ( HKMEx ), a new venture which last year made its debut with gold and silver futures contracts .

  24. 期货合约所规定的商品的实际数量。

    The actual amount of a commodity represented in a contract .

  25. 期货合约之间的价格变化特征存在相关性。

    There is correlation in price variation of the futures contract .

  26. 大多数小麦期货合约收益率序列存在内部非线性结构,但是不存在自相关。

    Most wheat futures contracts yield sequences are not auto correlate .

  27. 中国大陆股指期货合约设计探讨

    Study on the Design of China 's Stock Index Future Contract

  28. 基于期货合约和股票整体市场的股票定价模型

    Stock pricing model based on futures contracts and the stock market

  29. 直到期货合约到期之前,期货价格才稳定。

    The futures price is not constant until the contract expires .

  30. 不同于期货合约的实际商品。

    The actual physical commodity as distinguished from a futures contract .