
  • 网络option fund;option mutual fund
  1. 他开始减少手头的指数看跌期权,增持基金中的公司股票。

    He starting reducing the index puts and buying more shares of the companies in his fund .

  2. 去年,马云曾表示已和他的首席财务官一道,用相当于阿里巴巴约2%股本的股票期权设立了基金,消息公布时这一捐赠价值约为30亿美元。

    Alongside his chief financial officer , he said last year that he had set up a fund using share options worth about 2 per cent of the company 's equity , or about $ 3bn at the time of the announcement .

  3. 除沽出买入期权以外,这些基金还买进认沽期权,使它们有权(而没有义务)以某个固定的价格出售一只股票。

    As well as selling call options , these funds also buy put options , which give them the right - but not the obligation - to sell a stock at a fixed price .