
  • 网络Bond Fund;Total Return Fund
  1. 明星债券基金经理比尔格罗斯(BillGross)将分析简化为三张饼图:谁买过?

    Star bond fund manager Bill Gross reduces the analysis to three pie charts : Who Bought ?

  2. 债券基金经理比尔格罗斯(BillGross)谨慎地认为,美国距丧失AAA评级已为时不远了。

    Bill Gross , the bond fund manager , has mused it will not be long before the US loses its triple A credit rating .

  3. 需要使用的所有债券基金是受独立审计

    Requires that use of all bond funds is subject to independent audits .

  4. financialresearchcorporation的数据和行业估计显示,债券基金太平洋投资管理公司(pimco)是唯一一只零售资产出现增长的基金。

    PIMCO , the bond manager , was the only one to show a rise in retail assets , according to Financial Research Corporation and industry estimates .

  5. 债券基金经理、太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)的比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)今年2月表示,黄金是一种“相当不错的保值资产”。

    Bill Gross of Pimco , the bond fund manager , said that gold was a " decent hedge " in February .

  6. 诸如安硕高收益率企业债交易所交易基金(iSharesHighYieldCorporateBondexchange-tradedfund)这样的高收益率债券基金为风险较高的企业提供贷款,这类基金的收益率约为5%。

    A high-yield bond fund such as the iShares High Yield Corporate Bond exchange-traded fund ( HYG ), which lends money to risky companies , sports a yield of about 5 % .

  7. 如果这种情况再次发生,将引发违约潮和债券基金亏损——正如OFR所警告的那样。

    If that happened again , it would spark the defaults and bond fund losses of which the OFR warns .

  8. 在法国,投资者对深奥难懂的可转换债券基金的需求,将爱德蒙得洛希尔银行(lcfedmondderothschild)推到了榜首。

    In France , demand for the esoteric convertible bond sector propelled LCF Edmond de Rothschild to the top of the rankings .

  9. 在首阶段,只有一般型股票基金、债券基金、混合基金、非上市指数基金和实物跟踪指数交易所买卖基金(ETF)才符合资格参与基金互认安排。

    Initially , only general equity funds , bond funds , mixed funds , unlisted index funds and physical index-tracking exchange traded funds will qualify .

  10. 世界最大债券基金经理比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)已调转方向,重金押注于按揭债务,将其所持的按揭债务增至目前水平的近3倍,占基金总值的60%以上。

    Bill Gross , the manager of the world 's biggest bond fund , has switched gears to make a big bet on mortgage debt , almost tripling his holding of it to more than 60 per cent of the fund .

  11. 与此同时,汇丰(HSBC)上月推出的新兴市场通胀挂钩债券基金已经吸引到投资者1亿美元的认购,该银行称,这是香港首只获得授权的此类基金。

    Meanwhile , HSBC has already attracted $ 100m of retail subscriptions for what the bank says is Hong Kong 's first authorised emerging markets inflation-linked bond fund , which it launched last month .

  12. cerulli称,相对于普通股票型基金,投资者目前更倾向于选择债券基金和保本基金。

    Cerulli says plain-vanilla equities funds are being shunned in favour of bond and guaranteed funds .

  13. RQFII主要由债券基金和交易所交易基金(ETF)组成,监管部门迄今没有批准过RQFII货币市场基金。

    Regulators have not so far approved a money market fund under RQFII , which mainly consists of bond funds and equity exchange traded funds .

  14. 同时,投资者还卖出了债券基金,部分原因是为了利用新债券基金的发行&这是中国零售市场炒单(churning,又称挤油)特征的一个例子。

    Investors also sold out of bond funds , partly to take advantage of new bond fund offerings – an example of the churning that is characteristic of the Chinese retail market .

  15. 亚洲债券基金预计将在半年开设八个新Primark商店在该日-五三在英国和西班牙。

    ABF expects to have opened eight new Primark stores in the six months to that date-five in the UK and three in Spain .

  16. 据晨星公司(Morningstar)统计,持有一家应纳税债券基金的年均成本是投资资产的1.03%,最高可达到2.98%。

    The average annual cost of owning a taxable bond fund , according to Morningstar , is1.03 % of invested assets , with a maximum of2.98 % .

  17. 客户们因此做出反应:EPFR环球声称第三季度有149亿美元撤出了高收益率债券基金。

    Clients have reacted accordingly : EPFR Global says that $ 14.9 billion was withdrawn from high-yield bond funds in the third quarter .

  18. cerulli指出,普通股票型基金日益失宠,投资者现在青睐进取型债券基金和保本型基金。

    Cerulli notes plain-vanilla equities funds are falling out of favour , with investors flocking to aggressive bond and guaranteed funds .

  19. 债券基金管理公司DoubleLineCapital的负责人杰弗里•岗德拉什非常担心,拖欠不可能持续走低,那些购买了垃圾债券、大宗商品以及银行贷款等风险较高的资产的投资者会被套牢。

    Jeffrey gundlach , head of bond fund manager doubleline capital , worries that defaults are unlikely to remain low and that investors in riskier assets like junk bonds , commodities , and bank loans are in for nasty surprises .

  20. 丹·福斯已在华尔街工作50年,如今是LoomisSayles&Co.公司的副董事长,也是LoomisSayles债券基金的基金经理。

    Dan fuss , who has worked on Wall Street for five decades , is the vice chairman of Loomis Sayles & Co. and the manager of the Loomis Sayles Bond Fund ( lsbdx ) .

  21. 但在英国、法国和国际性机构,投资级企业债券基金仍是最受欢迎的选择。LipperFMI对国际性机构的定义是,从单一国家吸收的资产少于整体资产规模五分之四的基金。

    However , investment grade corporate bond funds remain the most popular option in the UK , France and the international segment , which Lipper FMI defines as funds that do not generate four-fifths of their assets from a single country .

  22. 此外,应税债券基金的资金流入额也达到了110亿美元。

    They added another $ 11 billion to taxable bond funds .

  23. 麦凯表示:企业债券基金领域已出现爆发性增长。

    There has been explosive growth in the corporate bond sector .

  24. 亚洲债券基金的价值转换器是一个应用计量单位的转换。

    ABF Value Converter is an application for measurement units conversion .

  25. 亚洲债券基金是亚洲区首个类似的项目。

    The EMEAP Asian Bond Fund is the first such regional effort .

  26. 债券基金经理的表现也不相上下。

    The numbers for bond fund managers are similar .

  27. 通货膨胀调整债券基金就是这样。

    That 's what happened with inflation-indexed bond funds .

  28. 在个人投资债券基金,它是重要的选择。

    Personal investment in bond funds , it is important to have a choice .

  29. 债券基金品种创新

    Innovation on the varieties of bonds and funds

  30. 最近,还有一些资金流入了垃圾级债券基金。

    More recently , there have also been some flows into junk bond funds .