
  • 网络pledge of obligation
  1. 在大陆按揭存在两种形式:楼花按揭和现楼按揭。楼花按揭是一种债权质押,而现楼按揭是一种不动产抵押。

    There are two kinds of mortgage , the presale mortgage ( a pledge of obligation ) and the spots mortgage ( a pledge of immovable ) .

  2. 其次是对票据质押是否属于票据行为,票据质押行为的特殊性,以及票据质押与一般债权质押的区别分别做出讨论。

    Second , the author discusses whether the bill hypothecation belongs to bill act , the special character of the bill hypothecation , and the difference between the bill hypothecation and the pledge of obligation .

  3. 浅议一般债权质押设立条件

    On the Establishing Condition of the Pledge of General Obligation

  4. 主要探讨了以下问题:第一,合同债权质押协议。

    The first question is about the contract of pledge of obligatory right .

  5. 一般债权质押制度研究

    A Study On General Creditor Right Pledge

  6. 试论一般债权质押

    On Pledge of General Creditors Rights

  7. 但从法律构造分析,仅有一般债权质押可以在物权法中确认。

    According to the structure of the law , only general liability mortgage can be confirmed in the law for properties .

  8. 通过对一般质权的比较分析,认为保险单质押属于权利质押中的债权质押。

    Through the comparative analysis of general pledge , we regard the pledge of policy as the pledge of claim in the pledge of rights .

  9. 一般债权质押、浮动担保、一般债权让与担保在实践中运用广泛,均有立法必要性。

    It is necessary to bring legislation to the practical application of general liability mortgage , floating guarantee and the guarantee for the transfer of liability .

  10. 实践中债权质押中的无效率与破产程序中别除权的行使均影响担保权利的实现。

    In practice the realization of the right of guarantee is influenced by the no-efficiency of credit mortgage and the exercise of the right of exception in bankruptcy procedure .

  11. 第三章有选择性和针对性地探讨了三种主要的非典型权利质押类型的实践操作问题:普通债权质押、不动产收益权质押、经营权质押如何设定和实行。

    The following chapter explores operation of three type of major pledge of atypical rights selectively and pointedly . The problems are to how to create and fulfill the pledge of rights of general creditors ' rights , rights of immovable property gains and management rights .

  12. 在担保制度中,一般债权质押担保的地位越来越重要,第三债务人(入质债权出质人的债务人)权利与义务与一般债权质押设立存在重要的关系。

    In the security system , the standing of the pledge of general obligation is more and more important . The right and duty of the third obligor ( the pledgor 's obligor ) remains the important relationship with the establishing of the pledge of general obligation .

  13. 一般债权作为质押标的可操作性的探讨

    Probing into the Practicability of General Obligatory Right as the Subject-matter of Mortgage

  14. 略论债权转让论股权质押

    On transfer of creditor 's equity On Pledge of Stock Rights

  15. 本文针对小企业应收债权融资时出现质押、不附追索权的出售以及附追索权的出售等会计事项进行讨论,并给出了具体的会计处理方法。

    The essay discusses such accounting issues as mortgage , selling with and without recourse appearing in the obligation receivable financing of small-size enterprises , and proposes definite accounting methods .

  16. 应收债权融资可分为应收债权质押融资和应收债权转让融资,前者是银行等金融机构的信贷服务,后者是企业的资产变现交易,两者性质完全不同,不可能发生转化。

    There are two kinds of financing creditor 's rights receivable . One is mortgage service from financial institutions , and the other is transaction of the company 's assets .

  17. 笔者从一般债权本身的固有属性、社会需求等角度论证了一般债权可以成为权利质押的标的。

    From the angle of inherent attributes and social needs of the general creditors right itself , the writer prove that the general creditors right could be the right impawn set .