
  1. 第二,笔者介绍了工资优先权的实现程序,包括破产申请,债权申报和债权人会议。

    Secondly , the procedure of the realization includes application for bankrupt , declaration of credits and creditors ' meeting .

  2. 现有理论通说认为债权申报期限是除斥期间、公司注销后股东不再承担责任。

    The current theory claims that consequential existing debt is the deadline scheduled period , and shareholders no longer bear any responsibilities after the cancellation of the company .

  3. 破产债权的申报与调查制度研究

    A Study on the System of Proof and Investigation for Insolvent Credit

  4. 人民法院对有财产担保债权和无财产担保债权的申报,应当分别登记。

    The people 's court shall register separately claims that are secured with property and claims that are not secured with property .

  5. 这时可申报的债权以实际损失为限,违约金不得作为破产债权申报。

    This is to declare creditor 's rights to the actual loss as liquidated damages may not constitute bankruptcy claims .

  6. 第一部分在吸收各国立法例的先进经验的基础上,结合我国的立法实践,就重整中有担保债权问题在以下八个方面提出了立法建议:债权的申报;

    In the first part , by absorbing the advanced experiences of foreign insolvency law and integrating the legislative practice in our country , the author brings up some suggestion in the following eight aspects : declaration of the claims ;