
zhài quán rén dài wèi quán
  • obligee's right of subrogation
  1. 我国债权人代位权行使方式仅限于裁判方式,存在缺陷;

    Way of exertion on subrogation is confined to by judgment .

  2. 债权人代位权的行使。

    The fourth part , exertion of creditors ' subrogate right .

  3. 对债权人代位权效率的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis about the Efficiency of Subrogation Right of Creditor

  4. 我国债权人代位权制度存在诸多问题。

    There are many problems in the subrogation-right system of creditors .

  5. 完善我国债权人代位权制度的几点构想

    Probing into the Perfection of System of Subrogation by the Creditor

  6. 本章还花了很大篇幅对保险代位求偿权行使的法律保护进行了研究,明确指出被保险人应协助保险人行使代位求偿权的法定义务;论债权人代位权客体扩张及行使范围

    Research on the object of subrogation right and its range

  7. 债权人代位权制度若干问题探讨

    Discussion of Several Issues of Creditor 's Subrogation Right System

  8. 债权人代位权的性质及其构成研究

    A Study of the Nature and Constitutive Requirements of Obligee 's Subrogation

  9. 代位权制度具有保全债权的功能。第二章债权人代位权法律关系。

    Subrogation with preservation of function . Chapter ⅱ, Legal relations of Subrogation .

  10. 债权人代位权行使效果归属有入库原则和直接受偿两种学说。

    There are two theories on subrogation , rule of warehousing and direct-discharge .

  11. 股东权利说;受益权说;债权人代位权说。

    Shareholders the right to say ; beneficial , said ; Subrogation said .

  12. 债权人代位权成立要件研究

    On the Research of Important Condition of Establishment of Creditor 's Action Oblique

  13. 第一部分为债权人代位权的一般分析。

    The first section is the general analysis on the creditor 's subrogation .

  14. 债权人代位权行使的若干问题。

    Part III some issues about the exercise of the subrogation right of creditors .

  15. 债权人代位权制度在我国有存在的必要性吗?

    The creditor 's subrogation system has the necessity to exist in our country ?

  16. 债权人代位权制度为债的保全制度之一。

    Subrogation of creditor system is one of the creditor 's rights preservation systems .

  17. 论债权人代位权与代位执行权的立法冲突与解决

    The Conflict of Legislation between Creditor 's Subrogation and Subrogation Performance and its Resolution

  18. 债权人代位权的目的在于保全债权人的债权。

    The purpose of subrogation right of creditor is to preserve the creditor 's right .

  19. 我国债权人代位权诉讼制度若干方面的完善。

    Part IV. Improvements about the lawsuit System of Subrogation Right for Creditors in China .

  20. 第三章债权人代位权成立的条件与代位权的行使。

    Chapter ⅲ, Creditor rights and the establishment of conditions for the exercise of subrogation .

  21. 债权人代位权制度是大陆法系国家一项重要的民事法律制度。

    Creditor 's subrogation system is one important civil law system in civil law countries .

  22. 认为债权人代位权的实现必须经过诉讼程序;

    It concludes that the realization of creditor 's subrogation must follow the proceeding procedures ;

  23. 保全债权是债权人代位权制度的基本价值取向。

    Creditor 's rights preservation is the fundamental value tropism of the creditor 's subrogation system .

  24. 在此基础上,笔者着重分析了法国、日本、我国台湾关于债权人代位权制度的立法例及我国的立法实践;

    Legislative base of creditor 's subrogation and the legislation of creditor 's subrogation system in different countries .

  25. 本部分的重点在于剖析债权人代位权的性质,得出的结论是:债权人代位权为实体法上的权利;

    Finally the conclusion emerges that the right is one in civil law , not a procedural right .

  26. 作为债的保全措施之一的债权人代位权,从性质上讲是对债的相对性的突破。

    As one of the security measures of debt subrogation , qualitatively , is the debt relative breakthrough .

  27. 债权人代位权客体是债权人代位权制度的重要内容之一。

    The object of the creditor subrogation is one of the important content of the creditor rights system .

  28. 我国债权人代位权制度既传承了传统代位权制度,又对传统代位权制度进行了扬弃和创新,体现了中国社会主义的立法特色。

    The system of subrogation right of creditor in our country embodies the distinguishing feature of Chinese socialistic legis-lation .

  29. 有时被归属于绵枣儿属。债权人代位权行使效果归属有入库原则和直接受偿两种学说。

    Sometimes placed in genus Scilla . There are two theories on subrogation , rule of warehousing and direct-discharge .

  30. 债权人代位权的客体围绕立法宗旨采取目的扩张的方法确定;

    The object of creditor 's subrogation is determined by the aim expansion method according to the legislation principle ;