
  • 网络Debt income;receipts from debt
  1. 年度财政的债务收入已经超过6000亿元,相当于GDP的5.3%,已经越过警戒线。

    Income from fiscal debts exceeded 600 billion RMB accounting for 5.3 % of GDP which exceeded the red line .

  2. 职业学院联合会称债务收入相比的建议是不明智,不必要,未经证实,而且不合法的。

    The Career College Association called the debt-to-earnings proposal , unnecessary , unproven -- and unlawful .

  3. 消费者也在削减开支,如今家庭债务收入比已降至114%。

    And consumers have cut back , too : debts are now 114 % of income .

  4. 注:本表收入中不包括国内外债务收入,支出中不包括国内外债务还本付息支出和用国外借款安排的基本建设支出。

    Note : revenue in this table exclude the foreign and domestic debts revenue , expenditure exclude payment for the principal and interest of foreign and domesticebts and expenditure for capital construction which is financed by foreign debts .

  5. 改革开放以来,我国重新启动公债的发行。特别是1994年以来,政府债务收入迅速增长,成为政府可支配资源的重要组成部分。

    Since the reform and opening up policy , our country has started issuing bonds again , especially from 1994 , the revenue of governmental debts has increased rapidly , which has become an essential part of our government 's disposal resources .

  6. 全国财政收入不含债务收入完成8642亿元,1041.2亿美元,比上年增长16.7%。财政支出不含债务支出9197亿元,1108亿美元,增长15.9%。支大于收555亿元,66.9亿美元。

    The country 's financial revenue excluding liability revenue totaled 864.2 billion yuan , us $ 104.12 billion , up 16.7 % on the previous year and financial expenditure excluding liability expenditure reached 919.7 billion yuan , us $ 110.8 billion up 15.8 % with the latter exceeding the former by 55.5 billon yuan , us $ 6.69 billion .

  7. 但节约悖论(Paradoxofthrift)意味着,沿着这种思路的共同努力,将会推动美国这样的经济体陷入更深的衰退,从而提高债务与收入之比。

    But the paradox of thrift means that a concerted effort along these lines will drive an economy such as that of the US deeper into recession , raising debt-to-income ratios .

  8. 与信用评分相比,债务-收入太高

    Debt-to-income too high compared to credit score

  9. 目前债务与收入的比率为130%,即使只是回落至100%,后果也必将十分惨痛。

    With debt-to-incomes currently at 130 per cent , even getting back to 100 per cent will be very painful indeed .

  10. 假设收入毫无增长,债务与收入的比率每下降5个百分点,消费就会减少约5000亿美元。

    Assuming no income growth , each 5 percentage point fall in the debt-to-income ratio equates to about $ 500bn less consumption .

  11. 他们还可以显示减少还款能力来衡量的信用分数,债务对收入比率,或其他标准,可能包括借款人的信用记录不全。

    They may also display reduced repayment capacity as measured by credit scores , debt-to-income ratios , or other criteria that may encompass borrowers with incomplete credit histories .

  12. 打算逐步削减赤字、最终稳定债务与收入比例的国家,如德国和英国,则被诟病为顽固的财政保守主义者。

    Governments that instead propose gradually reducing deficits and ultimately stabilising debt to income levels – such as both Germany and the UK – are accused of pig-headed fiscal conservatism .

  13. 问题在于,美联储的最新数据显示,以目前的储蓄率计算,要让总体债务与收入比例回到90%的水平可能需要50年。

    The trouble is , the latest fed data show that at current savings rates it would take 50 years to return the overall debt-to-income ratio to 90 per cent .

  14. 尽管全球化无疑使大量中国人和印度人摆脱贫困,使西方富人更加富裕,但数百万背负沉重债务、收入数年没有增长的西方人没有获得一丝慰藉。

    While globalisation has most certainly dragged millions of Chinese and Indians out of poverty and turned rich Westerners into the super-rich , that is scant consolation for those millions of Western citizens heavily in debt and without a pay rise for many years .

  15. 家庭债务占国民收入的47%。

    Household debt was 47 per cent of national income .

  16. 创造债务和创造收入所需的想像力一样多。

    It takes as much imagination to create debt as to create income .

  17. 作为这一战略的一部分,科尔津决定通过交易一定数量的欧洲主权债务来增加收入。

    As part of that strategy Mr Corzine decided to increase revenue by trading certain eurozone sovereign debt .

  18. 本财年注定要成为连续第二个新增债务超过税收收入的年份。

    This fiscal year is set to be the second in a row when new borrowing is bigger than tax income .

  19. 标普发出上述警告是因为它预测:英国净政府债务占国民收入的比例可能会接近100%,并将维持在这一水平。

    S & P based its warning on a forecast that UK net government debt risked approaching 100 per cent of national income and staying at that level .

  20. 日本政府债务与财政收入的比例接近200%。有人将日本形容为低利率、高负债国家的典范。

    Some portray Japan , with nearly a 200 per cent government debt to income ratio , as a poster child for extremely indebted countries with low interest rates .

  21. 由于前景更加黯淡,奥斯本表示英国将延后一年才能达到2015-16年债务与国家收入比率下降的目标。

    As a result of this bleaker outlook , Mr Osborne said Britain would miss by a year its target of 2015-16 for debt to fall as a percentage of national income .

  22. 债务不断增加,收入缩减,支出飙升。

    Debt piled up , revenues shrank and expenditure soared .

  23. 在爱尔兰,家庭债务总额是税后收入的两倍。

    In Ireland , household debt is twice after-tax incomes .

  24. 在美国出现信贷泡沫时,家庭债务占可支配收入的比例大幅飙升。

    During the credit bubble household debt as a proportion of disposable income jumped sharply in the US .

  25. 自2001年末以来,美国家庭的债务/可支配收入比已从100%蹿至创纪录的136%。

    Since late 2001 , households ' debt-to-disposable income ratio has surged from 100 per cent to a record of 136 per cent .

  26. 它应该一面再次出台短期刺激计划(采用资助就业的形式),一面采取措施在较长期内削减债务(增加财政收入和实施福利改革)。

    It should combine renewed short-term stimulus ( in forms that subsidise jobs ) with measures to reduce borrowing ( revenue increases and entitlement reforms ) in the longer term .

  27. 按照3-5年的还债期,2013年地方政府将达到一个收支紧张的阶段,此时地方债务与地方当年收入相比缺口最大。

    In accordance with the repayment period of 3-5 years , in 2013 the local government revenue and expenditure will reach a stage of tension , that is the largest gap .

  28. 当然,美国家庭债务与可支配收入的比率从130%降至110%,主要是通过违约(银行减记)实现的,收入增长也起到了一定的作用。

    Sure enough , the cuts in US household debt from 130 per cent of disposable incomes to 110 per cent have largely occurred through default ( bank write-offs ) with a modest benefit from growing incomes .

  29. 河北省高校债务额度较大,收入相对较少,无力按期偿还债务,一些高校的正常教学和科研活动已经收到了影响,面临较大的债务风险。

    The universities of Hebei Province have been more indebted and lower income , inability to repay debt on time , the normal teaching and research activities of some universities have been affected , facing greater liability risk .

  30. 他警告说:但如果我们继续像现在这样愚蠢行事,美国经济将会崩溃。他指出,这些债务相当于美国人收入中值的3亿倍。

    But if we were so foolish to do things as we are now , the US economy will break , Holtz-Eakin warned , noting that the debt is equal to the median income of Americans 300 million times over .