
  • 网络pledge of rights
  1. 权利质权制度起源于古罗马时期,是古罗马法质权制度的一个重要内容。

    The system of pledge of rights originated from ancient Rome , which was an important content of the pledge system of ancient Roman law .

  2. 主要通过对《物权法》第223条规定的七类法定权利质权的权利范围出发,明确各种权利质权的概念。

    Proceeding from the extent of rights concerning the 7 types of statutory pledge of rights in Clause 223 of the Property Law mainly , the concepts of all kinds of pledge of rights are made clear .

  3. 权利质权设立方式上应进一步完善。

    The methods of establishment of pledge of rights should be further improved .

  4. 权利质权设定方式研究

    The Study about the Way of the Enactment on the Pledge to Right

  5. 权利质权制度中的占有问题研究

    The Study about Possession of the Pledge to Right

  6. 两岸权利质权之比较

    A Comparison of Right Pledges across the Strait

  7. 权利质权的种类与范围应进一步完善。

    The category and applicable scope of pledge of rights should be further improved .

  8. 权利质权制度价值分析

    Value Analysis of Pledge to Right System

  9. 本文作者试图对权利质权制度进行定性定位反思。

    The author tried to think about the property and the orientation of pledge of rights .

  10. 具体如下:第一章阐述权利质权中的知识产权的范围,并对其法律性质进行基本理论分析。

    Concretely analyses as follows : First chapter it firstly described the confines of intellectual property right pledge .

  11. 法定货币财产是没有现实的财产客体的主观财产。结论是所谓的“权利质权”原本应当是货币和智慧财产抵押权。

    It concludes that the so-called objective of right mortgage should have been currency and intelligence in nature .

  12. 因此,权利质权与其他担保方式相比更有发展潜力。

    Therefore , the mortgage of right as the way of security compared with other have more development potential .

  13. 另外,目前实践中权利质权公示制度存在着不足之处,也严重影响了权利质权制度作用的发挥。

    In addition , the current practice of publicity system exist inadequacies , which seriously affected the right pledge .

  14. 特别提及一些学者对权利质权及知识产权质权的几个主要争议问题的观点。

    Especially in introduction some point of views that a vexed question of right pledge and Intellectual property right pledge .

  15. 关于权利质权如何设定,现行法上规定不足。

    As for how to set up the pledge to right , the current provided method is still not enough .

  16. 因而知识产权质权属于权利质权的一种,是担保物权的一种具体形式。

    Therefore the pledge rights over the intellectual property is a kind of the pledge rights which belong to real right guaranteed .

  17. 继该法之后,我国又陆续颁布了一系列有关权利质权的法律法规和司法解释。

    Following the law , China has successively promulgated a series of pledge on property rights laws and regulations and judicial interpretations .

  18. 本章通过对权利质权制度的起源揭示权利质权制度的发展历程。

    In this part , the development history of the system of pledge of rights is revealed with the application of its origin .

  19. 它具有权利质权的特征,其生效以登记公示为必要条件,且具有较高的风险性。

    It has the characteristics of the right impawn , the effective to register public for necessary condition , and has higher risk .

  20. 本文从三个方面分析了权利质权制度所具有的价值:一、担保功能;

    The paper analyzes the value of the system of pledge to right from three aspects : 1 . the function of security ;

  21. 相比较于民法上的其他制度,权利质权公示可以说是一个技术性较强的制度,较少涉及伦理性。

    Compared to the other systems in civil law , the publicity could be a more technical system , less involved with ethics .

  22. 近现代以来,为促进商品经济的发展,权利质权制度发挥着极其重要的作用。

    In modern times , the legislation of the pledge of rights plays an extremely important role in promoting the development of the commodities economy .

  23. 指出按揭是一种权利质权,不宜用抵押的相关法律规范进行规定。

    Pointed out that the mortgage is a pledge of rights , should not use the collateral to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations .

  24. 在权利质权制度中,标的问题是整个制度的基础,是理解该制度的起点。

    In the mortgage of right system , the problem of object is the foundation of the whole system and the starting point of understanding the system .

  25. 随着债权的独立交换价值为社会所认可,以及将人类的主要财产权转化为有价证券之后,权利质权才开始在世界各国盛行。

    With the recognized independent exchange value of creditor 's rights and the securitized main property , the pledge rights over rights begin to prevail in the world .

  26. 权利质权有着悠久而长远的历史,早在罗马法时期便有权利质权一词出现。

    The pledge rights over rights has a long history . During the period of Roman Law , the word " The pledge rights over rights " has appeared .

  27. 其中主要的不足表现在权利质权的标的范围狭小、立法体例欠科学、设定方式不规范以及相关制度存在问题的方面。

    The Shortcomings is mainly in the scope of the subject of Pledge of rights , legislative style , the right way to set the right quality and related systems .

  28. 但是,以登记作为债权质权的公示方式,带来了权利质权与权利抵押权如何区分,权利质权如何界定等一系列理论困扰。

    However , if the pledge of obligation must be registered , it will result in a series of problems such as how to distinguish the right impawn and mortgage .

  29. 主要通过比较国内外专家学者的理论观点,探讨权利质权的概念与特点。

    It mainly deals with the discussion on the concept and nature of the pledge of rights through comparing the theoretical views of experts and scholars both at home and abroad .

  30. 在权利质权制度无法自圆其说的情况下,建立一个以权利抵押权制度为核心的权利担保制度;

    In a situation that can 't justify oneself in right system of the right quality , set up a system of guaranteeing central right with hypothec system of the right ;