
  • 网络Heavyweight stock;barometer stock
  1. 香港股市下跌,有传闻称,投资者正抛出市场权重股中国移动(chinamobile),买进固定线路运营商中国电信(chinatelecom)的股票。

    Hong Kong lost ground amid talk that investors were switching out of China Mobile , a market heavyweight , and into China Telecom , the fixed-line operator .

  2. 拥有权重股将增加机构投资者对股指期货的控制力。

    Owning heavyweight stocks will give institutions more control of the index futures .

  3. 上证综指成分股中,有许多权重股(包括几家大型银行)均是在2005年之后才上市。

    Many of the biggest components of the Shanghai Composite Index , including the top banks , listed after 2005 .

  4. 最后利用图解分析通过权重股操纵上证指数进而实现沪深300期货和现货共同获利的模式。

    Finally , through graphic analysis , a mutual benefit pattern between Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 futures and spot goods can be achieved by the manipulation of weighted stock on Shanghai Composite Index .

  5. 金砖四国股市的权重股有很多是自然资源公司,因此,大宗商品的繁荣也带动了金砖四国的繁荣直到两者均在2008年的危机中陷入崩溃。

    The Bric countries ' stock markets are weighted towards natural resources companies , and so the booms in commodities and in Brics ran together until both collapsed amid the crisis of 2008 .

  6. 此外,还实证分析了通过操控权重股-就能很容易对上证指数进行操纵,因此沪深300指数的操纵性也会受到很大的影响。

    In addition , the thesis empirically analyzes that it is easy to manipulate Shanghai Stock Index by the manipulation of the weighted stock ; hence the Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Index will be greatly affected .

  7. 股市上的二线蓝筹股与权重指标股是什么意思?有何区别?

    Is the second line on the stock market blue prepare with weight index what meaning be ? Have why to distinguish ?