- 名ordinary share;common stock;common share;equity

The company priced its offering of 2.7 million shares of common stock at 20 cents a share .
Companies may issue both voting and nonvoting ( or limited voting ) common stock , normally differentiating the issues as Class A and Class B , respectively .
The bonds are convertible into ordinary shares .
The company does not bet its own money on equities , and so is shielded from market risk .
Equities of the company are raising .
Ordinary shareholders receive dividend from profit after deducting the preference shares dividend .
Analysis of domestic common share and American ADR of Posco
In return , the federal government is getting preferred stock in the banks and warrants to buy common shares .
Baidu , which is the majority shareholder of Qunar , exchanged 178702519 Class A shares and 11450000 Class B shares for 11488381 newly issued ordinary shares in Ctrip .
Some analysts declared the deeply indebted company 's common shares basically dead money .
At Ford , which has been a publicly-listed company since 1956 , descendants of the founder maintain effective control through Class B supervoting stock that gives them 40 % of the common stock vote .
Taxpayers aren 't profiting , or taking a hit , from the movement in AIG 's common stock .
Today it provided more specifics , saying that the deal included $ 300 million in cash and " approximately 23 million shares " of common stock .
Those guidelines were even more lax than those of Basel II , with which European banks were compliant right up until losses on mortgage securities wiped their balance sheets clean of equity capital .
It allowed the other 20 % of the company 's equity -- its millions of common shares -- to continue to trade publicly .
It is proposed that one ordinary share of the ABC Co. , Ltd. , shall exchange for one share of the XYZ Co. , Ltd.
ⅰ . Significance of the ArticleIPOs ( Initial Public Offerings ) is a behavior that a company sells its stocks ( common stocks ) publicly to investors on the stock market for the first time .
Of course , no one is arguing for a return to the bad old days of extreme asset-to-tangible common equity ratios .
After the offering , Citi will have $ 100bn in tangible common equity a measure of the strength of its balance sheet .
AIG and the US Treasury , which obtained its stake when it converted preferred shares into common stock last month , declined to comment on the share sales .
In the past seven weeks , its common shares have careened between $ 13 and $ 55 , surging past $ 54 on Tuesday before closing at $ 45.80 .
JPMorgan , which has accepted $ 25bn in capital from the US government , said it had been solidly profitable in the first quarter to date and had $ 81bn of tangible common equity on its balance sheet .
This , in short , expresses that the common shares outstanding fact is in the domain of entity information line items , an expression made formal by links to definitions in XBRL taxonomy Web resources .
Groupon , Inc. is offering [ blank ] shares of its class a common stock and the selling stockholders are offering [ blank ] shares of class a common stock .
The company also revealed plans to raise $ 5bn through the sale of common stock to repay some of its borrowing from the Troubled Asset Relief Programme .
At the same time , the European Banking authority ( EBA ) is raising European banks ' common equity capital requirement to 9 % , a huge jump from the Basel II standard of 2 % and roughly equivalent to the New Basel III standards .
The company will offer up to $ 100m in common shares , according to a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission , although that figure is just for registration purposes and is likely to change .
The micro-messaging service price 70 million shares at $ 26 per share , which is higher than both its original $ 17 - $ 20 price range and its recently-revised price range of $ 23 - $ 25 per share .
To leave the bail-out scheme , the banks , including JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs , will have to repay the funds and reach an agreement on how to price warrants that the Treasury holds over their common stock .
However , some AIG executives are worried that the conversion would lead to the issuance of a large amount of common stock and result in a severe dilution in the value of the holdings of non-government shareholders .