
pǔ tōng gǔ
  • ordinary share;common stock;common share;equity
  1. 这家公司把其抛出的270万股普通股的股价定为每股20美分。

    The company priced its offering of 2.7 million shares of common stock at 20 cents a share .

  2. 公司可以发行有投票权和无投票权(或限制投票权)普通股,一般以A级和B级作为区分。

    Companies may issue both voting and nonvoting ( or limited voting ) common stock , normally differentiating the issues as Class A and Class B , respectively .

  3. 债券可兑换为普通股。

    The bonds are convertible into ordinary shares .

  4. 该公司没有把自己的钱押在普通股上,这样就规避了市场风险。

    The company does not bet its own money on equities , and so is shielded from market risk .

  5. 该公司的普通股正在上涨。

    Equities of the company are raising .

  6. 普通股股东可获派剩馀的盈利为股息

    Ordinary shareholders receive dividend from profit after deducting the preference shares dividend .

  7. 浦项钢铁公司国内普通股和美国存股证(ADR)浅析

    Analysis of domestic common share and American ADR of Posco

  8. 作为回报,Fed将获得它们的优先股和普通股的认股权证。

    In return , the federal government is getting preferred stock in the banks and warrants to buy common shares .

  9. 去哪儿的大股东百度将178702519股去哪儿的A类股和11450000股去哪儿的B类股,置换为携程增发的11488381股普通股。

    Baidu , which is the majority shareholder of Qunar , exchanged 178702519 Class A shares and 11450000 Class B shares for 11488381 newly issued ordinary shares in Ctrip .

  10. 一些分析师宣称负债累累的AIG的普通股基本上已经不值钱了。

    Some analysts declared the deeply indebted company 's common shares basically dead money .

  11. 在自1956年起一直是上市公司的福特汽车公司,该公司创始人的后代一直通过手中有超级表决权的B类股票有效地控制着这家公司,他们因手中的这类股票而享有40%的公司普通股表决权。

    At Ford , which has been a publicly-listed company since 1956 , descendants of the founder maintain effective control through Class B supervoting stock that gives them 40 % of the common stock vote .

  12. AIG普通股的涨跌对纳税人没有影响。

    Taxpayers aren 't profiting , or taking a hit , from the movement in AIG 's common stock .

  13. 周一,它公布了更多的交易细节,声称收购价包括3亿美元现金以及“约2300万股”Facebook普通股。

    Today it provided more specifics , saying that the deal included $ 300 million in cash and " approximately 23 million shares " of common stock .

  14. 那些标准甚至比巴塞尔资本协议II的还更松弛;欧洲银行就一直遵照这些标准,一直到按揭证券上的损失完全抵销了它们资产负债表上的普通股资本时为止。

    Those guidelines were even more lax than those of Basel II , with which European banks were compliant right up until losses on mortgage securities wiped their balance sheets clean of equity capital .

  15. 政府允许AIG其余的20%资产(数百万股普通股)继续公开交易。

    It allowed the other 20 % of the company 's equity -- its millions of common shares -- to continue to trade publicly .

  16. 现提议将以ABC股份有限公司普通股一股交换XYZ股份有限公司一股。

    It is proposed that one ordinary share of the ABC Co. , Ltd. , shall exchange for one share of the XYZ Co. , Ltd.

  17. 选题的意义股票首次公开发行(InitialPublicOfferings,IPO)是指公司的股票(普通股)第一次在证券市场上向投资者公开发售的行为。

    ⅰ . Significance of the ArticleIPOs ( Initial Public Offerings ) is a behavior that a company sells its stocks ( common stocks ) publicly to investors on the stock market for the first time .

  18. 当然,没有人主张要回到往日那种有形普通股权益比率(tce)极端化的日子。

    Of course , no one is arguing for a return to the bad old days of extreme asset-to-tangible common equity ratios .

  19. 完成股份转换后,花旗将拥有1000亿美元有形普通股权益资本(TCE)(一种衡量资产债表状况的指标)。

    After the offering , Citi will have $ 100bn in tangible common equity a measure of the strength of its balance sheet .

  20. AIG和美国财政部拒绝就出售股份一事置评。上月,美国财政部将持有的优先股转换为普通股,从而获得了现有股份。

    AIG and the US Treasury , which obtained its stake when it converted preferred shares into common stock last month , declined to comment on the share sales .

  21. 过去7周,AIG普通股在13美元-55美元之间波动,周二飙升54美元上方,随后收于45.8美元。

    In the past seven weeks , its common shares have careened between $ 13 and $ 55 , surging past $ 54 on Tuesday before closing at $ 45.80 .

  22. 已接受美国政府250亿美元注资的摩根大通表示,到目前为止,它在第一财政季度实现了稳健的赢利,资产负债表上拥有810亿美元有形普通股权益资本(TangibleCommonEquity,简称TCE)。

    JPMorgan , which has accepted $ 25bn in capital from the US government , said it had been solidly profitable in the first quarter to date and had $ 81bn of tangible common equity on its balance sheet .

  23. 简而言之,这表示普通股事实位于实体信息行项目范围内,通过链接到XBRL分类Web资源中的定义可以使表达式更加正式。

    This , in short , expresses that the common shares outstanding fact is in the domain of entity information line items , an expression made formal by links to definitions in XBRL taxonomy Web resources .

  24. Groupon,Inc.现提供[空白下划线]股A级普通股股份,同时售股股东现提供[空白下划线]股A级普通股股份。

    Groupon , Inc. is offering [ blank ] shares of its class a common stock and the selling stockholders are offering [ blank ] shares of class a common stock .

  25. 高盛同时透露了通过出售普通股融资50亿美元的计划,用以偿还公司从问题资产救助计划(TARP)获得的部分借款。

    The company also revealed plans to raise $ 5bn through the sale of common stock to repay some of its borrowing from the Troubled Asset Relief Programme .

  26. 与此同时,欧洲银行管理局(EuropeanBankingAuthority)正在将欧洲银行业的普通股权益资本比率提高到9%,大大高于巴塞尔协议II的2%标准,基本相当于新的巴塞尔协议III的标准。

    At the same time , the European Banking authority ( EBA ) is raising European banks ' common equity capital requirement to 9 % , a huge jump from the Basel II standard of 2 % and roughly equivalent to the New Basel III standards .

  27. 提交给美国证交会(SEC)的申请文件显示,该公司将发行至多1亿美元普通股。不过,该数字仅为登记用,将来很可能发生变化。

    The company will offer up to $ 100m in common shares , according to a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission , although that figure is just for registration purposes and is likely to change .

  28. Twitter以每股26美元的价格发售7000万股普通股,这个价格高于它最初的IPO定价区间17至20美元,也高于它最近调整后的区间23到25美元。

    The micro-messaging service price 70 million shares at $ 26 per share , which is higher than both its original $ 17 - $ 20 price range and its recently-revised price range of $ 23 - $ 25 per share .

  29. 作为脱离救助计划的条件,包括摩根大通(jpmorgan)和高盛(goldmansachs)在内的多家银行必须偿还资金,并就如何定价财政部持有的普通股认股权证达成协议。

    To leave the bail-out scheme , the banks , including JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs , will have to repay the funds and reach an agreement on how to price warrants that the Treasury holds over their common stock .

  30. 不过,一些aig高管担心,优先股转换会导致大量发行普通股,由此严重稀释非政府股东所持股份的价值。

    However , some AIG executives are worried that the conversion would lead to the issuance of a large amount of common stock and result in a severe dilution in the value of the holdings of non-government shareholders .