
  • 网络European Stock;europe equity;european equity
  1. 区域股票指数都在走高,日经指数上涨4.46%,但欧洲股票期货正在低开。

    Regional equity indexes are all higher , with the Nikkei up4.46 % , but European stock futures are pointing lower .

  2. 一些专家相信,兴业银行清算科维尔先生财务状况的工作在推动上周早期欧洲股票价格下跌中起着作用。

    Some experts believe efforts by Societe Generale to close out Mister Kerviel 's financial positions played a part in driving down European stock prices early last week .

  3. 我以前特别提醒大家留意德意志银行(deutschebank)的一项研究,该研究根据企业主要面向的市场对欧洲股票进行划分。

    I have highlighted before research by Deutsche Bank that divides European stocks according to where they are most heavily exposed .

  4. 1982年:JP摩根(JPMORGAN)(欧洲股票部门)研究分析师

    1982 : Research analyst ( European equity ), JP Morgan

  5. 但是目前为止,今年的欧洲股票业绩一直低于msci世界指数。

    But overall European stocks have underperformed the MSCI World index so far this year .

  6. 绝对战略研究中心(AbsoluteStrategyResearch)的欧洲股票策略师伊恩•哈尼特(IanHarnett)对此表示赞同:我们只能说,随着经济活动减弱,企业失去盈利能力,市场已找到了自己的基本面水平。

    Ian Harnett , European equities strategist at Absolute Strategy Research , agreed : What we can say is that the markets have found their own fundamental levels with economic activity weakening and companies losing profitability .

  7. 投资者仍然看好欧股,但对希腊问题和收益率升高日益担忧,美银美林欧洲股票策略主管詹姆斯巴尔蒂(JamesBarty)称。

    Investors remain bullish on European equities but are increasingly concerned about Greece and higher yields , said James Barty , head of European equity strategy .

  8. 但德利佳华(DresdnerKleinwort)欧洲股票策略师菲利普•伊舍伍德(PhilipIsherwood)不同意上述观点:“银行明显在囤积现金,为什么企业就不应这么做?”

    But Philip Isherwood , European equity strategist at Dresdner Kleinwort , disagreed : " Obviously the banks are hoarding cash , so why shouldn 't the corporates ?"

  9. 瑞银(UBS)欧洲股票策略主管尼克纳尔逊(NickNelson)表示:过去的数周及数月,全球股市出现了大幅上涨,因此它们在某个时刻下跌并不令人感到意外。

    Nick Nelson , head of European equity strategy at UBS , said : The world 's stock markets have risen sharply over the past few weeks and months , so it is not surprising that they would sell off at some point .

  10. 近几个月来欧洲股票遭受重创。

    European stocks have taken a battering in recent months .

  11. 以历史标准衡量,一些指标已表明欧洲股票现正处于很便宜的价位。

    By some measures , European shares are now looking cheap by historical standards .

  12. 在索罗斯公司,唐纳德受命建立一支新的欧洲股票团队。

    At Soros , Mr Donald was hired to launch a new European equities team .

  13. 对于欧元区解体以及随之而来的混乱心怀忧虑的投资者,将回避欧洲股票。

    Those who fear a eurozone break-up , and the chaos that would follow , will avoid European equities .

  14. 利比亚宣布该国决定停止一切军事行动,受此影响,欧洲股票周五午盘延续早盘涨势。

    European shares extended gains in afternoon trade on Friday after Libya said it has decided to halt all military action .

  15. 对于债务危机的担忧使得今年的欧洲股票逊于华尔街,从而使其估价更具诱惑力。

    Worries about the debt crisis have caused European shares to underperform Wall Street this year , making valuations look rather more attractive .

  16. 我能想到十多个欧洲股票都是相当有吸引力的。它们是否比我可以在美国发现的其它股票更有吸引力,取决于它们在任何一天、或任何一周的价格。

    Whether they 're more attractive than something else I can find in the United States depends on the prices on any given day , or any given week .

  17. 富时100指数创下一天最大跌幅,欧洲股票接近至2001年911以来最底点,亚洲股票跌幅将近14%。

    FTSE 100 had its biggest ever one-day points fall , European stocks closed with their worst result since 11 September 2001 , and Asian stocks drop as much as 14 % .

  18. 严重下挫的欧洲股票市场星期一开始升温,之前欧洲债务危机的恐慌影响亚洲股票市场,并导致欧元币值跌至4年以来的最低点。

    Battered European stocks markets began to recover Monday , after worries about the European debt crisis hurt Asian stocks and drove the value of the euro to its lowest level in four years .

  19. 例如,在欧洲股票领域,2009年估计只有不到一半的交易是在受监管的市场(如伦敦证交所或德意志证交所)完成的。

    In the world of European equities , for example , it was estimated that less than half the trading was done on regulated markets ( such as the LSE or Deutsche Brse ) in 2009 .

  20. 欧元昨日下滑至近两年来最低位。投资者抛售风险较高的欧洲股票,因为有迹象显示,政策制定者正准备迎接希腊退出欧元区将可能引发的金融动荡。

    The euro tumbled to its lowest level in almost two years as investors dumped riskier European equities amid signs that policy makers were bracing for the financial turmoil that could be unleashed by a Greek exit from the eurozone .

  21. 新闻和市场数据提供商汤森路透(thomsonreuters)今天启动一项新的服务,这将使解决欧洲各股票交易商面对市场数据日渐割裂的努力取得一定进展。

    Efforts to address the increasing fragmentation of market data faced by equities traders across Europe will take a step forward today with the launch of a new service by Thomson Reuters , the news and market data vendor .

  22. 此举帮助欧洲银行股票和主要的欧洲股票价格上升。

    The announcement helped European bank shares and major European stock lists .

  23. 这一消息提振了欧洲银行股票和欧洲主要股市。

    The announcement helped lift European bank shares and major European stock lists .

  24. 美国、亚洲和欧洲的股票市场都对美国政府接管两房反应积极,股价大幅上扬。

    U.S. , Asian and European stock markets soared in response to the takeover .

  25. 看起来好像美国央行行长比欧洲人自己更担心欧洲的股票跳水。

    America 's central bankers , it seems , are more worried about tumbling shares in Europe than Europeans are themselves .

  26. 在美国和欧洲的股票市场星期一再次下滑之后,人们现在谈论更多的是这次经济衰退将会持续多长时间以及会有多么严重。

    After another down session on the European markets , the talk is how long and deep the recession will be .

  27. 亚洲和欧洲的股票市场均表现坚定,美国股指期货高开。

    Equity markets , both in Asia and Europe , are firmer and US index futures are pointing to a lower opening .

  28. 欧洲主要股票指数在前一天遭遇损失的基础上再次下跌,交易日结束的时候下跌了超过1个百分点。

    The main indexes in Europe ed losses from the previous day - more than one percent as the trading day closed .

  29. 摩根斯坦利根据市值把欧洲银行股票评级从减持上调为中性,同时也上调了科技板块的股票评级。

    Morgan Stanley upgraded the banking sector to neutral from underweight based on valuation and also made the same call for the technology sector .

  30. 在他发表这番言论之后,欧洲银行股票和欧元汇率均大幅下挫,市场对未来纾困方案中银行存款的安全感到担忧。

    European bank stocks and the euro suffered sharp losses following his comments amid concerns over the safety of bank deposits in any future bailouts .