
  • 网络Potential Stock;Potential;Potential shares;Potential unit
  1. 总体上讲,本·股票·颇具竞争力,可称之为·潜力股中的黑马·值得共同来投资理财最佳方式。

    Generally speaking , the stock is quite competitive , to be called the potential of the common stock of the black horse is worth to invest in the best way to finance .

  2. 现存的管理调查没有告诉我们很多关于怎样发掘和发展那些有潜力去达到组织高层的潜力股。

    Existing management research does not tell us much about how to find and develop high-flyers , those people who have the potential to reach the top of an organization .

  3. 格雷伊犬易于调教,是作看门犬的潜力股。

    These dogs are easy to train and have superior watchdog abilities .

  4. 她(他)是支潜力股吗?

    Is she ( he ) a good value ?

  5. 组织必须把目光投向正在培养中的潜力股以外的地方。

    Organizations need to look beyond the high-flyers they are currently developing . D.

  6. 公司现在没有在指导策略的支持下辨别潜力股。

    Firms currently identify high-flyers without the support of a guidance strategy . A.

  7. 开发潜力股,经理们需要在公司内部得到专家支持。

    Managers need expert assistance from within their own firms in developing high-flyers . D.

  8. 经理们必须采取措施使潜力股们相信他们对公司的价值,也就是要让潜力股们对公司忠诚。

    Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the firm . C.

  9. 无论在教练心中还是在球队管理层心中,阿里扎都是一个潜力股。

    Ariza is one definite sleeper candidate both for the Lakers'coaching staff and for potential fantasy owners .

  10. 有人称他为一潜力股说他壮志凌云当然还有些人说他固执得不可理喻

    Some called him a visionary a Maverick sure some folks said he was as crazy as he was stubborn

  11. 为了取得成功,你要使你的员工信服,而不是你自己或者是你的上级。让你的员工觉得你是个值得被追随的潜力股。

    To be successful you have to convince your followers , not yourself or your superiors , that you are worthy of being followed .

  12. 我们意识到很多劣质电影被我们忽略了,程先生说,不过这也和其他的奖项一样,总会有潜力股被埋没。

    We realize that many other bad films are left out , said Mr. Cheng . But like any other awards , there are always talents that are overlooked .

  13. 阿格表示他对于恩戈格的出色表现很满意,他预测这个小孩会是个潜力股,只要他能继续将时间花在梅尔伍德训练场上。

    Agger admits he was delighted with Ngog 's performance and is predicting the striker will only improve further if he continues to put the hours in at Melwood .

  14. 我们把这些队伍依照特点分成三组:“我是潜力股”,“命中注定我克你”,和“我们就差谁谁谁了”。

    The teams will be separated into three categories - " Growing long shots , " " The fatalistic upper-middle class , " and " ( Maybe ) one player away . "

  15. 但是关于创立“吸引中心”我们必须帮助管理者认识到如果公司以开发员工著称的话,将会对潜力股产生更大的吸引。一个指导者说。

    We must help line managers to realize that if their companies are known as ones that develop their people , they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers , said one advisor .

  16. 实际上,为了在得到培训的作为未来高层管理者潜力股那里完全受益。

    Indeed , in order to benefit fully from training high-flyers as the senior managers of the future , firms must actually address the development of all managers who will be supporting the high-flyers .

  17. 值得信任的朋友和同事都可以为此提供建议。另外,公司的人事部也可以针对公司内部的“潜力股”——比如你的队友那样的员工,开展几期相关的专业培训。

    A trusted friend or coworker may be able to offer suggestions , or your company 's human resources department may even provide a few professional coaching sessions -- especially for high-potential types like your teammate .

  18. 值得信任的朋友和同事都可以为此提供建议。另外,公司的人事部也可以针对公司内部的潜力股&比如你的队友那样的员工,开展几期相关的专业培训。

    A trusted friend or coworker may be able to offer suggestions , or your company 's human resources department may even provide a few professional coaching sessions & especially for high-potential types like your teammate .

  19. 首先,我们看第一组“我是潜力股”:这组中,有两支球队已经迈上正轨,如果夏天来几波神操作,就能在下赛季翻身做主,把那些强队按在身下摩擦了。

    First up , the long shots : two young teams that are on the right track , and could leapfrog teams in front of them as early as next season if they make a few creative moves this summer .

  20. 他们抵制住了给德马库斯考辛斯开出大合同的诱惑,签了一些负担得起的球员来填满他们的名单——一个相当好的(朱利叶斯兰德尔),另一个,至少从理论上讲的潜力股(埃尔弗里德-佩顿)。

    They resisted the temptation to pay big money to DeMarcus Cousins , then filled out their roster with a couple of affordable players - one pretty good ( Julius Randle ) , the other serviceable with , at least theoretically , some remaining upside ( Elfrid Payton ) .

  21. 本文列出了他们认为2013年最有增长潜力的15大金股。

    Read on to discover their most promising stock picks for 2013 .