
  • 网络Latent conflict;potential conflict
  1. 政治竞技场已成为不同族群群落间潜在冲突的战场。

    The political arena became the battlefield for the latent conflict among the different ethnic groups .

  2. 有利于通过人口统计数据预测外来文化潜在冲突区域,有效地规避文化冲突,构建和谐社会。

    Tt is helpful to use the statistic data forecast external culture latent conflict region , get away from the cultural conflict effectively , and construct harmonious society .

  3. 第三章介绍京都议定书所规定的灵活机制与WTO法存在的潜在冲突。

    The third chapter introduces the potential conflict between flexible mechanisms and WTO laws .

  4. PendingChanges视图中不再出现潜在冲突的标志。

    The potential conflict decorations no longer show in the Pending Changes view .

  5. 治理(governance)就是构建秩序,目的是解决潜在冲突以实现共同利益。

    Governance is the means by which to establish order , thereby to mitigate potential conflicts and realize mutual benefits .

  6. 根据基于电路状态信息的测度和冲突分析所选择出来的部分复位触发器,可以割断电路中的关键回路,使得电路容易被初始化,同时减少在时序ATPG中的潜在冲突。

    Partial reset flip flop selection according to a circuit state information based measure and conflict analysis can break critical cycles of the circuit , make the circuit easy to initialize , and reduce potential conflicts in sequential ATPG .

  7. 推荐第三方投资产品的潜在冲突显而易见。

    The potential conflicts in recommending third-party investment products are obvious .

  8. 处理南海潜在冲突讲习班;

    Workshop on managing potential conflicts in the South China sea ;

  9. 城市边缘区的潜在冲突与平衡路径

    The Potential Conflict of the District of Urban Fringe and Balanced Route

  10. 这有助于缩小潜在冲突的范围。

    This helps to narrow the scope for potential conflicts .

  11. 这决定了知识产权与反垄断法之间的潜在冲突。

    Thus it decides the potential conflict between Intellectual property and antimonopoly law .

  12. 基于飞行姿态的潜在冲突预警算法

    Potential Conflict Alert Algorithm Based on Flight Posture

  13. 行业网站和聊天室充斥着关于潜在冲突的讨论。

    Industry websites and chat rooms are full of debate about the potential conflicts .

  14. 并强调,中日军事关系中存在合作、摩擦与潜在冲突,而美国因素的影响不可忽视。

    Chapter 4 explores the Sino - Japanese military relation and the American influence .

  15. 这将控制权交给用户,简化了管理所安装的特性之间的潜在冲突。

    This gives control to the user and simplifies managing potential conflicts among installed features .

  16. 通过对公路车头时距分布的研究,给出了公路平面交叉口潜在冲突计算模型。

    The model for calculating the latent conflict is given by analyzing the distribution of highway headway .

  17. 在规划国防政策时,我们还必须对气候变化可能引发的一些潜在冲突领域加以审视。

    We must also examine potential areas of conflict caused by climate changes in planning defence policies .

  18. 试论当代中东地缘政治区域结构及其潜在冲突

    A trial discussion on the regional structure of Geopolitics in the Middle East and its potential conflicts

  19. 世卫组织评估所申报的利益,确定是否有潜在冲突或是否会被视为存在冲突。

    WHO assesses declared interests to determine whether a potential conflict or a potential perception of conflict exists .

  20. 这一战略之中包含有潜在冲突,它需要通过寻求合作的机会来进行平衡,特别是在美中关系方面要这么做。

    This potentially friction-laden strategy needs to be balanced by pursuing the opportunities for co-operation , especially in US-China relations .

  21. 在主站点恢复时,更新的应用程序将保留在当前位置,直至解决了所有潜在冲突。

    When the primary site returns , updating apps stay where they are until the potential for conflicts is resolved .

  22. 在这两个国家,财政干预是在短期和长期目标之间解决潜在冲突的一种方式。

    In both countries , fiscal policy intervention is one way to resolve potential tensions between short-term and long-term objectives .

  23. 后半部分分析专利联盟与反垄断法的价值一致性和潜在冲突,得出用反垄断法规制清洁能源专利联盟的必要性与合理性的论点。

    Analyzes the patent pools and the value of anti & monopoly law consistency and potential conflict in the second part .

  24. 论文表述了中日军事关系中,合作与摩擦以及潜在冲突的特点及原因。

    The paper puts stress upon the characteristics and the reasons for the co-operation and friction in the Sino-Japanese military relations .

  25. 在设计覆盖网络时,必须注意既要满足上述要求,也要避免上述要求中的潜在冲突。

    To design an overlay network should meet above requirements and do the best to avoid the potential conflict among these requirements .

  26. 这会让您浏览引起潜在冲突的变更,但您不需要解决。

    This allows you to browse the changes made that cause the potential conflict but you don 't need to resolve anything yet .

  27. 她带着女性的柔美和苦行僧般的意志,默默描绘着当下文化在历史进程中的潜在冲突。

    With her feminine tenderness and pilgrim 's volition , she is quietly depicting the potential conflict of society in the historical process .

  28. 随着这些选举后的潜在冲突迫在眉睫,可以理解泰国和中国是关注与缅甸的边界沿线的不稳定。

    With all of these potential post-election conflicts looming , Thailand and China are understandably concerned about instability along their borders with Burma .

  29. 随着这种情况的出现,准则将试图强调它们,并提出避免潜在冲突或将潜在冲突最小化的方法。

    As such situations arise , the guidelines will attempt to highlight them and suggest ways to avoid or minimize any potential conflicts .

  30. 隐藏站点使得系统的潜在冲突概率陡然增大,越高的冲突概率,越低的系统性能。

    Hidden stations make the system potential collision probability increasing . The higher the probability of collision , the lower the system performance is .