
  • 网络interpersonal attraction;interpersonal interaction
  1. 人际吸引理论在大学生人际交往中的应用

    The Application of Interpersonal Attraction Theory in Interpersonal Communications among College Students

  2. 把握人际吸引规律构建和谐大学校园

    Building the harmonious college campus through interpersonal attraction laws

  3. 人际吸引理论与人际关系建立

    Relationships Theory of Attraction of People and Founding of Relations with People

  4. 会话话语的审美体验,可以增进人际吸引,促进人际和谐。

    Such experience may increase the interpersonal attraction and therefore promote interpersonal harmony .

  5. 人际吸引与大学生人际关系

    Interpersonal Attraction and College Students ' Interpersonal Relationship

  6. 这就让我们联系到成人依恋的人际吸引特点。

    This situation is related to the character of adult attachment in interpersonal attraction .

  7. 在依恋未激活情况下,实验1和实验2均验证了主我分享对人际吸引的影响。

    Under inactive attachment condition , both two studies verified the effect to interpersonal attraction from subjective similarity .

  8. 应通过正确理解和把握人际吸引规律,来促进和谐大学校园的构建。

    We should promote the building of the harmonious college campus by correctly understanding and mastering the interpersonal attraction laws .

  9. 根据这个模型,社区工作者应将促进人际吸引、增进交往实践和创设互动空间作为介入新型社区网络建构的主要目标。

    This paper holds that new community network construction in cities is very important for individual development , community construction and social stability .

  10. 人际吸引的基本规律包括仪表吸引、接近吸引、相似吸引、互补吸引、相悦吸引、个性品质吸引几大规律。

    The basic laws of interpersonal attraction include appearance attraction , distance approaching attraction , similarity attraction , mutual-compensation attraction and personality attraction .

  11. 人际吸引指人与人之间产生注意、欣赏、倾慕等心理上的好感,进而相互接近而产生感情关系的过程。

    Drawing upon the interpersonal attraction , we can make the relationship closer , so as to strengthen the cohesion of the colleges .

  12. 人际吸引还受到邻近吸引、权威效应、仪表吸引和特质吸引等因素的影响。

    Human attraction is usually affected by the factors such as adjacent contact , authoritative effect , appearance attraction , special quality attraction , etc.

  13. 师生交往的心理动力在内部是由师生需要激发引起的,外部则取决于师生在交往中形成的师生之间的人际吸引的力度。

    The psychological motives in the contacts between teachers and students are internally aroused by the needs of them , and depend on the interpersonal attraction evolved from their contacts .

  14. 可见,侦查讯问中侦查人员对犯罪嫌疑人的人际吸引是讯问的关键,是获得讯问成功的重要因素。

    Evidently , investigation personnel 's human attraction to the criminal suspected persons by establishing good human relations is the key in investigative interrogation and the most important factor for successful interrogation .

  15. 客观相似性是人际吸引的一个重要因素,但是有研究者提出人际吸引可以仅通过相似的主观经验便可以实现,而主我分享是实现主观经验相似的一种重要形式。

    Objective similarity is an important factor in interpersonal attraction . But some scholar pointed out that subjective similarity can lead to interpersonal attraction which I-sharing is one form of the subjective similarity .

  16. 人类行为研究员、美国罗格斯大学教授海伦•费希尔专注于研究人际吸引中的浪漫因素。她表示,大量的心理研究也表明,男性会比女性更快地陷入爱河。

    Numerous psychological studies have also found men fall in love faster than women , says Helen Fisher , a human behavior researcher and a professor at the US ' Rutgers University with a focus on romantic interpersonal attraction .

  17. 如果把广博的知识当成教师才能吸引的资本的话,那么科学有效的教学方法和精湛的教学艺术是师生人际吸引的重要媒介。

    If the teachers ' wide knowledge can be regarded as capital of their ability , their scientific and effective teaching methods , as well as their perfect teaching arts will be a kind of important medium for them to attract their students .

  18. 班级的形成可能是受到诸多因素的影响,如:个人需求和人际间的吸引。

    Groups can be formed due to the influence of various factors , such as : personal needs and interpersonal attraction ( Forsyth , 1990 ) .

  19. 网络人际交往与传统的交往方式不同,它具有匿名性、改变的人际吸引基础、分享有共同兴趣的虚拟空间、控制交往的时间和速度等特征。

    There are differences between interpersonal interaction on the internet and traditional one : anonymity , altered basis of interpersonal attraction , shared virtual space of interest , controlled time and pace .