
  1. 研究人员设计了一种有同等功效的双面胶带,这种胶带经酸处理过。

    The researchers developed a double-sided tape treated with a type of acid to do the same .

  2. 屏幕由一名图形Web设计人员设计,以使它们看上去更专业一些。

    The screens were designed by a graphical Web designer , for a professional look and feel .

  3. 电路制图CAD是一项专门用来帮助电气工程技术人员设计电路原理和印刷电路板图的得力工具。

    Circuit Drawing CAD is a useful tool with which electric engineers design circuit elements drawings and printed substrates .

  4. 因此,需要广大的研究人员设计出适应于adhoc网络的路由算法。

    Therefore , numerous researchers who design some good routing algorithms adapted to the Ad hoc network are necessary .

  5. ZendFramework中的ZendRestClient组件是专为试图集成PHP应用程序和基于REST的web服务的开发人员设计的。

    The Zend_Rest_Client component in the Zend Framework is designed specifically for developers trying to integrate PHP applications with REST-based web services .

  6. 我看到很多次测试人员设计了一个UI自动化测试,然后这里改一点,那里改一点来使它运行。

    I have seen many cases where a tester designs a a UI automated test , and then tweaks a bit here and there to get it to run .

  7. CatWalk是为那些希望使用一个GUI工具来快速创建、更新和删除模型中数据的开发人员设计的。

    CatWalk is designed for developers who want to quickly create , update , and delete data for their model using a GUI tool .

  8. NEC系统科技公司和三重大学的研究人员设计出一款能够品酒的机器人。这款电子斟酒侍者能够识别几十种酒、奶酪和餐前小点心。

    Researchers at NEC System Technologies and Mie University have designed a robot that can taste & an electromechanical sommelier able to identify dozens of different wines , cheeses and hors d'oeuvres .

  9. 计算机专业人员设计、创造、开发计算机软件。

    Computer professionals design , create , and develop computer software .

  10. 有些领域特定语言面向的是商务用户,而有些则更多为技术人员设计。

    Some DSLs are business facing while others are more technically focused .

  11. 计算机专业人员设计计算机硬件和相关设备。

    Computer professionals design computer hardware and related equipment .

  12. 窗体设计器提供了设计时服务和一个供开发人员设计窗体的工具。

    A forms designer provides design-time services and a facility for developers to design forms .

  13. 为餐厅员工和航空公司工作人员设计制服一直是时尚界的副业。

    Designing uniforms for restaurant employees and airline crews has long been a fashion sideline .

  14. 由专业技术人员设计生产实木餐桌、餐椅、中高档钢木办公椅。

    The technicians design and produce wood dining tables , dining chairs , mid-grade and high-grade steel-wood office chairs .

  15. 作为头一步,研究人员设计出能阻止微波探测到物体的斗篷。

    For their first attempt , the researchers designed a cloak that prevents microwaves from detecting ( 6 ) objects .

  16. 它们允许测试人员设计构件,然后他们就可以将这些构件组装起来创建一系列测试来验证整个软件应用程序。

    They allow testers to design components they can then assemble to create a suite of tests to validate an entire software application .

  17. 在从分析到设计的过程中,我们将子系统或类和位置变换为硬件、软件和工作人员设计。

    In going from Analysis to Design , we transform subsystems / classes and localities into hardware , software , and worker designs .

  18. 该机是本厂专业人员设计制造,外型美观大方,质量稳定技术含量高,欢迎各界客户参观指导。

    This machine is a factory professional design and manufacture of elegant appearance , stable quality and high technological content and welcome customers to visit .

  19. 机械式杠杆压力机本文深入论述了现代变频同步电动机的电压等级、绝缘结构和通风冷却,以供电机工程人员设计参考。

    Mechanical lever press The paper presents modern transducer-fed synchronous motor 's voltage lever , insulation and ventilation , which give a reference for electrical engineer .

  20. 来自巴塞罗那生物医药研究所的研究人员设计了一种新型的工具用于深入研究援救信号途径和细胞自杀。

    Researchers at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine ( IRB Barcelona ) have designed a new tool to study rescue signalling pathways and cell suicide in depth .

  21. 香港科技大学的研究人员设计了一款模拟人眼结构和性能的电化学眼球。

    Researchers from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have devised an electrochemical eye whose structure and performance mimic those of the ones humans are born with .

  22. 只是在此标准中搭建了一个框架,为开发人员设计有效的调度机制,以满足不同流量层服务质量的严格要求。

    The standard only establishes a framework which provides an opportunity for developers to design efficient scheduling mechanisms to fulfill stringent QoS requirements for different classes of traffic .

  23. 好的,这样有二十五个。接下来的课程是人际技巧,这是一个专门为销售人员设计的新课程。

    Right , so that 's twenty-five . Moving on , the next course is interpersonal skills . This is a new course , specially designed for sales personnel .

  24. 分别从企业建立财务共享服务中心的流程设计、信息系统设计、组织设计和最终的人员设计提出自己的意见。

    Separately from the business of a financial shared services center process design , information systems design , organizational design and , ultimately , to design put forward its own views .

  25. 在神舟六号升空的筹备阶段,理大纺织及制衣学系也应中国国家航天局的邀请,按局方的严格要求为地面控制中心的工作人员设计可防静电的工作服。

    At the invitation of CNSA , the University 's Institute of Textiles and Clothing has designed anti-static work clothes for CNSA staff at the Control Centre during its latest China Space Mission .

  26. 近几十年来,研究人员设计了多种水文采样采水器,但普遍存在着劳动强度大、水下通信距离短、水深测量不精准等缺陷。

    In recent decades , the researchers designed a variety of hydrological sampling water samplers , which have prevalence defects as follows : labor-intensive , short underwater communication distance , and imprecise depth measurement .

  27. 通过这些模拟分析,可以证明这些不同截面的薄壁梁的简化模型可以在碰撞分析中帮助设计人员设计修改关键部位的参数以节省大量的时间和精力。

    According to the analysis results , this simplified model can help the designers modifying the structural parameters of key components according to the crashworthiness demands to save a lot of time and effort .

  28. 第七章创新型企业员工的职业生涯发展,介绍了专为专业技术人员设计的双梯阶机制,并通过案例研究的方式讨论创新型企业研发人员的职称评定与职业发展制度。

    Chapter seven introduces dual ladders mechanism designed exclusively for professionals , and discusses the assessment of the title of a technical post and the system of career development of RD personnel in innovative enterprise .

  29. 针对技术人员设计的薪资体系,它主要是以员工的所拥有的技术方面的知识和实际工作中的技能水平来确定其在组织中的价值。

    As to the design of the salary system for the technical personnel , it defines its value in this district mainly through the skilled knowledge owned by its staff and the technical level in working .

  30. 详细介绍了隐框玻璃幕墙结构施工中的技术措施,以期为工程技术人员设计及施工类似幕墙提供参考。

    In this paper , technology measures in construction of hidden framing glass curtain wall is introduced in detail so as that it can offer some references to the engineers designing and constructing similar glass curtain wall .