
  • 网络humanity hypothesis;hypothesis of human nature;assumption about human nature
  1. 本文先从理论入手,对人性假设理论和国外重要激励理论进行了综述,进而以美、法等五国为例,简要介绍了国外公务员激励机制建设的成功经验。

    Proceeding with theory expounding , the article makes a summary about the theory of assumption about human nature and key foreign incentive theory , and then introduces successful experiences about civil office-bearer incentive mechanism construction in foreign countries including five countries like America and France .

  2. 不可否认,经济人是一种很重要的人性假设,道德人同样也是一种不可回避的人性假设。

    Incontestably , " economic man " is a sort of very important hypothesis of human nature , and " moral man " is a sort of great hypothesis of human nature .

  3. 麦格雷戈的人性假设的X理论与Y理论对管理产生了很大的影响。

    Mcgregor 's X Thoery & Y Thoery about Human Nature Assumption has great impact on management .

  4. 由主张任务管理的经济人性假设提出的X理论,启迪管理工作必须注意经济效益、建立科学的工作制度、实行奖勤罚懒、奖优罚劣制度、避免金钱刺激与管卡压的管理方式;

    The theory X suggested by economic assumption of human nature favoring task management advocates the administrative styles like taking more care about economic benefits , setting up a scientific work system , exercising the system of rewards and penalties and avoiding money stimulation .

  5. 基于人性假设的企业员工激励模式研究

    The Research of Employee Motivation Patterns Based On Human Nature Assumption

  6. 生命个体:教育的一种人性假设

    Individual Human Being : a Hypothesis of Human Nature in Education

  7. 管理学中对人的认识就是各种人性假设。

    Humanity assumptions are the knowledge about human in management science .

  8. 从人性假设的发展看激励理论的演变

    The Development of Humanity Hypotheses and the Evolvement of Motivation Theories

  9. 西方管理学人性假设的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thoughts on the Human Nature Assumption in Western Management Science

  10. 人性假设与渔业管理的关系分析

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Human Nature Hypothesis and Fisheries Management

  11. 经济学两种范式关于人性假设前提的比较分析

    Comparative Study on Human Nature Hypothesis of Two Economics Paradigms

  12. 第二,应用人性假设中的混沌特征来研究企业行为激励。

    Second , apply the behavioral hypothesis to study the action prompting .

  13. 马克思经济学关于人性假设的现实意义

    On the Practical Significance of the Humanity Hypothesis in Marx 's Economics

  14. 网络社会交往主体的人性假设

    Humanism Supposition on the Intercourse Main Body of Network Society

  15. 人性假设下的企业人力资源管理制度

    Enterprise 's Human Resources Managing System under the Hypothesis of Human Nature

  16. 人性假设与管理学演化的逻辑

    The Hypothesis of Human Nature and the Logic of the Management Development

  17. 论企业家人性假设:经济人与道德人的整合

    Assumption of Nature of Entrepreneur , Integration of Economic and Moral Being

  18. 中国传统人性假设与华人管理思想探讨

    A Probe into Chinese Traditional Human Nature Hypothesis and Chinese Management Ideas

  19. 管理理论的建构常常以某种人性假设为前提。

    The construction of management theory presupposes certain assumptions about human nature .

  20. 西方制度伦理的主要人性假设

    The Main Human Nature Hypothesis in the Western System Ethics

  21. 人性假设与人类社会的管理之道

    Hypotheses of Human Nature and Ways of Managing Human Society

  22. 人性假设理论与思想政治教育个体价值

    Humanity Hypothesis and Individual Value in Ideological and Political Education

  23. 人本管理的理论基础及人性假设

    The theoretic basis of human resource capital management and its humane hypothesis

  24. 组织行为学作为一门新兴学科,更是与人性假设紧密相关。

    Because organization and behavior are related to human nature in practice .

  25. 不同的人性假设对腐败的根源有不同的解释。

    Different humanity hypotheses give different explanations to the root of corruption .

  26. 知性人:高等教育学的一种人性假设

    Intellectual : A Kind of Humanity Hypothesis of Pedagogy of Higher Education

  27. 以机械论、还原论和自然论为基础的“人性假设”;

    Ethology hypothesis based on mechanism , on reductional theory and on naturalism ;

  28. 论现代组织行为学中的人性假设

    On Assumption of Human Nature in Organization and Behavior

  29. 人性假设与高等教育管理理论创新

    Humanity Assumption and Theoretical Innovation of Higher Education Management

  30. 经济学与管理学中人性假设的分析与比较

    An Analysis and Comparison of Humanity Hypothesizes in Economics and Science of Management