
  • 网络Talent economy
  1. 知识经济时代也就是人才经济时代。

    Knowledge economy era is also " talent economy " era .

  2. 当今社会已进入人才经济社会,人才经济发展的关键是人才环境,人才环境建设已经成为经济发展的焦点问题。各个地区都在讨论人才环境建设,究竟人才环境包括那些内容?

    After the talent economy age comes , human resource environment becomes the key of development .

  3. 人类业已进入了知识经济时代,知识经济在本质上是人才经济。

    Mankind has entered into knowledge economy era . It is essential that the knowledge economy is human resources economy .

  4. 知识经济的本质是人才经济。未来的竞争是知识人才的竞争,是高等教育的竞争。

    The true nature of knowledge economy is talent economy Competition of future is competition of knowledge talent and of university .

  5. 在人才经济的背景下,人才已经成为企业提高核心竞争力的主要动因。

    Under the background of talented economics , the talents had been an important motivation factor to enhance the core-competence for company .

  6. 知识经济,从本质上说,是人才经济,留住人才,用尽其才是企业稳健持续发展的关键。

    Knowledge economy is trained people economy in essence , and it is the key to the sustained development of state-owned enterprises to maintain a steady labour force and bring into full play the talent of trained people .

  7. 知识经济的实质是人才经济,市场竞争的实质是人才竞争,争夺人才就是争夺发展、争夺未来、争夺生存空间。

    The essence of knowledge economy is the talented person economy , the market competition essence is the competition for talent , capturing the talented person is capturing the development , capturing the future , capturing the existing space .

  8. 人类社会在经历了农业经济和工业经济之后,一个全新的时代&知识经济时代已经到来。知识经济本质上是人才经济。

    Human society has experienced agricultural economy and industrial economy during its long history , while now a brand new economic era , the knowledge economy era , is on the threshold , which is essentially a economic era of qualified personnel .

  9. 21世纪将是知识经济的世纪和全球经济一体化的世纪,从一定意义上讲,知识经济就是人才经济;全球经济一体化所引发的竞争,归根结底将是对人才的竞争。

    The century of the 21st century is the century of the knowledge economy and the economic globalization . In a certain way , the knowledge economy is the talented person economy . The competition caused by the economic globalization is actually the completion of talented person .

  10. 知识经济的核心是知识,而人是知识的载体,知识只有通过人的创造性劳动才能转化为财富,实现其价值,因此,知识经济就其实质而是人才经济。

    Knowledge is the core of a knowledge-based economy , people are the carrier of knowledge , knowledge is only can be converted into wealth , and realize its value through the creative work , so , the substance of the knowledge-based economy is the human economy .

  11. 人才是经济发展的重要资本

    A Talented Person is the Important Capital Factors of Economic Development

  12. 西部大开发,人才是经济发展的要素和最主要的推动力。

    Talent is the key element and the predominant driving force of economic development .

  13. 人才是经济发展的财富之源,决定着一个国家或地区的核心竞争力。

    Talents are the source of social wealth which determine core competitiveness of a country or a region .

  14. 随着经济的发展,科技和人才在经济发展中起着越来越重要的作用。企业要想获得更好的发展,就必须依靠科技和人才。

    Since the 21st century , science and technology have been playing an important role in the development of economy .

  15. 这可使双语人才在经济上得到应得的优待,这样或许有助于培养更多双语精英。

    Giving bilingual talent the financial rewards they deserved may be the way to nurture and develop more bilingual talent .

  16. 在知识经济的社会里,知识是经济增长的内动力,人才是经济发展的决定性因素。

    During this period , knowledge is the driving force of economic growth and talents are the decisive factor in economic development .

  17. 进入知识经济时代,科技和人才在经济发展中起着越来越重要的作用。

    Embracing the Knowledge Economy Era , science and talents have been playing more and more important role in the development of economy .

  18. 高级人才是经济科技社会新世纪发展最重要的稀缺资源和动力源泉。

    High-level talent is the most important rare resource and drive source for the development of economic science and technology society in the new century .

  19. 工程技术人才对经济与社会的发展有着不可替代的作用,工程技术人才的质量直接决定着一个国家的核心竞争力。

    Economic and social development is inseparable from engineering and technical personnel . The quality of engineering and technical personnel directly determines the competitiveness of a country .

  20. 随着人才在经济社会发展中地位的不断上升,有关人才现象的研究日益为学术界所关注。

    With the status of the talent in economic and social development rise , the academic circles pay more and more attention to the talents ' phenomenon .

  21. 世界各国发展的历史也证明,人才是经济和社会发展的重要资源,是提升综合国力的根本之所在。

    The history of the development around the world also proved that talent is the economic and social development of resources , enhance the comprehensive national strength is fundamental .

  22. 诺艾丽·安杰文对此表示同意。“一位好老板雇佣我家拉斐尔这样的人才对于经济发展也有助益,而不是让他们倒毙街头。”

    Noelie Angevine , agrees . " The economy would profit by using the talents of people like Rafael instead of letting them end up on the street . "

  23. 人才在经济社会发展中起着举足轻重的作用,直接关系到一个国家、一个地区的核心竞争力和可持续发展能力。

    Talent plays an important role in the economic and social development , which is directly related the core competitiveness and sustainable development capacity of a country or a region .

  24. 现代市场竞争已从资本、设备、技术竞争转向了人力资源的竞争,高技能蓝领人才是经济发展不可或缺的人力资源。

    The stress of modern market competition has already transformed from capital , equipment and technology into human resources . Blue-collar workers with high skill are the necessary human resources in the development economy .

  25. 提出人才-经济系统协调发展的主成分分析与回归分析相结合的综合评价方法,建立了协调性评价的指标体系及数学模型。

    The synthetic evaluation method of combining the principal component analysis of " talent-economy " system coordination development with the regression analysis is proposed ; and the index system and mathematical model of coordination evaluation is established in this paper .

  26. 近年来,随着国际竞争的日趋激烈,培养各类高素质人才为经济服务已成为国家关注的焦点,这就为高等院校提供了重要的发展契机。

    In recent years , cultivating all kinds of high-quality personnel to serve the economy has become the national focus of attention , along with the increasingly fierce international competition . This provides institutions of higher learning provide an important opportunity for development .

  27. 而专业人才是经济后进者发展高科技新产业的真正关键。(10)从形成的源头来观察的话,产业聚群是在政府因素积极参与下、根植于当地原先的条件与资源而形成的。

    Moreover , the real key point to the development of high-technology industry for economy latecomers is the top-level professionals . ( 10 ) Industry cluster is generated by the active participation of government and local inherent resources when observing from the source of its formation .

  28. 由于历史等方面原因,西部民族地区教育与经济发展长期处于低水平均衡状态,即经济不发达教育落后人才匮乏经济不发达的恶性循环。

    As a result of the history and other reasons , the education and the economy of the western nationality area develop at the low level for a long time , Namely , vicious circle of " undeveloped economy-backward education the lack of talented person-undeveloped economy " .

  29. 浅谈人才与城市经济发展

    The Analysis of the Relation Between the Talents and Urban Economy Development

  30. 人才是知识经济的决定性因素,开发人才是迎接知识经济挑战的关键;

    The talent is a decisive factor of knowledge economy .