
  • 网络job fair;career fair
  1. 前不久,在北京国家农业展览馆举行的人才招聘会也证实了这些数字的真实性。

    A job fair held recently at the National Agriculture Exhibition Center in Beijing echoed these numbers .

  2. 在今年春季人才招聘会上筹办本届奥运会的北京奥组委表现格外突出。

    At this year 's Spring Job Fair it 's Olympic organizer , BOCOG 's booth that stands out amongst the rest .

  3. 但今年5月,国有汽车制造商北京汽车集团(BeijingAutomotiveGroup)首次在斯图加特、慕尼黑和亚琛举办了德国人才招聘会,目的是招聘工程师。

    But in May , Beijing Automotive Group ( BAIC ), the state-owned carmaker , held its first German recruitment fairs in Stuttgart , Munich and Aachen – to hire engineers .

  4. 你还可以参加人才招聘会。

    Also , you can take part in job fairs .

  5. 他们还可以让学生了解职位空缺和人才招聘会的信息。

    They also let students know about job openings and events like job fairs .

  6. 以下例子是一位美国学生如何在人才招聘会上“推销”自己。

    The following is how an American student " sells " herself at a career fair .

  7. 在人才招聘会上递出的简历上,他突出强调的是自己实习期间在山东两家企业担任促销员的经历,而不是生物技术专业的背景。

    On the resume he hands out at the job fairs he highlights two internships as sales promoter at two Shandong companies rather than his biotechnology major .

  8. 24岁的彭川(音译)2008年7月毕业于英语系。在紧邻北京古老的雍和宫举行的一场人才招聘会上,彭川已降低了预期,希望找一份服务生的工作。

    At a talent fair next to Beijing 's ancient Lama Temple , 24-year-old Peng Chuan , who graduated with a degree in English in July 2008 , has lowered his sights and is looking for work as a waiter .

  9. 深圳市高校毕业生就业专场招聘会、毕业生就业“双选会”、深圳市人才网络招聘会等活动也将陆续开展。

    Shenzhen on the employment of college graduates ( casc ), graduates " double choose ", shenzhen talent recruitment activities such as the network will also gradually .

  10. 等一下人才招聘组的人会去找�

    and someone from talent acquisition will come get you .

  11. 主动招聘指的是派员工外出搜寻人才,例如参加招聘会等。

    Active hiring means sending staff to scout for talent , for example at careers fairs .