
  1. BenKirshner:“我们有25%的新员工是通过社交媒体招聘的。75%是通过别人口中招聘的。”换句话说,四分之三的人是通过别人的推荐招聘的。

    BEN KIRSHNER : " Twenty-five percent of our new hires come from social media . Seventy-five percent come from word of mouth . " In other words , people are found based on s from others .

  2. 想知道怎么利用社交媒体招聘员工的公司可以留意一下中国的情况。

    Companies looking for hints on how to use social media for recruiting may want to keep an eye on China .

  3. SHL今年对全球人力资源专业人士展开的年度调查显示,46%的受访者说社交网站是招聘、接触合格应聘者的有效工具。这个比例高于去年的36%。

    In an annual global survey of HR professionals compiled by SHL this year , 46 % of respondents said social media sites are effective tools for recruiting and reaching quality candidates , up from 36 % last year .

  4. 要知道,工资收入调研机构PayScale最近调查发现,44%的大公司、65%的小公司和51%的中型公司,甚至包括许多猎头公司都会通过社交媒体进行招聘。

    Bear in mind that , according to a new study from PayScale , 44 % of big companies , 65 % of small businesses , and 51 % of medium-sized companies use social media for recruiting , as do many headhunters .

  5. 布斯克利用旧金山湾区的编程员和工程师社交网络来招聘工程师和设计师。

    Busque has used Bay Area programmer and engineer social networks to recruit engineers and designers .

  6. 在美国受访高管中,有62%的人认为专业的商务社交网站对招聘新员工有帮助,35%的人认为在线社交网站有用。

    Of those polled , 62 percent said professional networking sites were useful for recruiting new employees , and35 percent said social networking sites were useful .

  7. 不管喜欢或讨厌,社交媒体已经成为招聘中的主要手段。

    Love it or hate it , social media has become a mainstay in the employment game .