
  • 网络social product;Social Good
  1. 随着市场经济发展、社会产品日益丰富,消费者在进行购物决策时,冲动购买发生的比重越来越大,已成为不可忽视的一种消费形式。

    With the development of the market economy and the increasingly abundance of the social goods , impulse buying has a larger and larger proportion among the shopping decisions , and has already become a nonnegligible consumption pattern .

  2. 经过数月关于GOOGLE开发什么东西来挑战Facebook的猜测之后,这个搜索巨人最终揭开了它的社会产品+1的面纱。

    After months of speculation about Google building something to challenge Facebook , the search giant has finally unveiled its social product + 1 .

  3. 社会产品分配核算的再认识&兼谈帐户法核算国民最终收入

    Re - understanding of accounting of social product distribution

  4. 从社会产品分配原则看高等教育的公平与效率

    Fairness and Efficiency of Higher Education under the Distribution Principle of Social Product

  5. 税收是一个分配范畴,税收分配关系是国家参与社会产品分配所形成的一种经济利益关系。

    Taxation belongs to the category of distribution , is one kind of economic benefit relation .

  6. 随着现代工业的发展,社会产品日趋丰富,产品责任风险也随之加大。

    With the development of modern industries , increasingly rich social product , product liability risks also will be increased .

  7. 第三部分,第三部门在提供社会产品上的理论与现实中的错位。

    The third part , the third department in provides on the social product in the theory and the reality dislocation .

  8. 研究了社会产品的属性和社会产品的有效配置方式,以此为基础界定本文的研究框架与研究内容;

    By studying the property and the effective distribution manners of the social products , the research frame is established and main contents are limited ;

  9. 一个国家的生活水平是指该国居民对社会产品和劳务的消费程度。

    The " standard of living " of any country means the average person 's share of the goods and services which the country produces .

  10. 目前我国高校设计艺术学专业主要实行偏艺术轻技术的课程配置,导致学生的实践设计能力难以转化为实际社会产品。

    Currently Chinese colleges mainly focus partially on arts but neglect technical courses , which keeps students ' ability of engineering design from conversion into practicable environments .

  11. 生产力的提高导致了社会产品的极度膨胀,也使人们对快速便捷的个性化产品提出了更高的要求。

    Productivity has led to social products have been greatly inflated , and people quickly and easily " personalize " the product has put forward higher requirements .

  12. 本文从财政参与特区社会产品分配和再分配中的特征出发,论述特区财政所具有的特征及其本质属性。

    This paper proceeds from the SEZ financial participation in the distribution and redistribution of social products to an expounding of the features and the nature of SEZ finance .

  13. 因为生产出大量社会产品并不等同于积累了社会财富,所以你并没有富裕。

    Because the community to produce a large number of products is not the same as in the accumulation of social wealth , so you do not have well-off .

  14. 精神产品是一种社会产品,其核心是精神内容,其功用是为了满足购买者精神上的需求和享受。

    Immaterial product is a kind of social product , the core is the content of its spirit , and its function is to satisfy the spiritual need of purchasers .

  15. 商业保险作为一种经济补偿手段和社会产品再分配的特殊方式,在现代经济生活中占据着非常重要而特殊的地位。

    The business insurance takes one economical compensation method and the social product redistribution special way , is occupying very important and the special status in the modern economic life .

  16. 但生产内容单调,多数为纯粮型种植结构,经济效益不高,不利丰富社会产品和改善土壤物理性状。

    But the low benefit of mono - cereal cropping structure is their main weak point which are unfavourable for providing plentiful agricultural products and improving the physical character of soil .

  17. 税收负担,简称税负,是指纳税人承受国家税收的状况或量度,反映一定时期内社会产品在国家与纳税人之间的税收分配数量关系。

    Tax burden , which is the measure of taxes borne by taxpayers , reflects the tax distribution in respect of social product of a certain period between the government and the taxpayers .

  18. 税收作为参与社会产品分配的工具,对人们的储蓄和投资行为都会产生一定影响,政府征税行为和税收政策必然对资本形成产生影响。

    Tax , as a tool in distribution of the social products , can influence the savings of the people and also the investment banks . And the government taxation and tax policies will certainly influence the capital formation .

  19. 深入分析社会产品生命周期下成本管理的新变化并探讨社会产品生命周期五个阶段实施占略成本管理的策略,有助于企业成本管理实践。

    This article according to these changes and focusing on the five phases of social product lifecycle makes further research on corresponding tactics of cost management , so as to provide instruction in the practice of enterprise cost management .

  20. 农村公共物品是指在一定范围内农村居民消费、享用的,具有非竞争性和非排他性的社会产品,涉及农村公共设施、公共事业、公共福利、公共服务等各个领域。

    Rural public goods refers to consumption of rural residents within a certain range , accessible , with non-competitive and non-exclusive social product , related to rural public facilities , public utilities , public welfare , public services and other fields .

  21. 随着社会产品小型化和精密化程度的提高,电火花成型加工技术作为现代制造技术发展趋势之一被广泛应用于航空航天、医学、传感器、精密模具等方面。

    With the social product miniaturization and precision , the degree of improvement in EDM technology as one of the trends of modern manufacturing technology has been widely used in aerospace , medicine , sensors , precision molds and so on .

  22. 研究生教育产品属性是准社会产品,根据谁投资谁受益的经济学原理,西部政府对西部高校研究生资助投资的战略意义重大。

    Graduates education is quasi-community property product . With the principle of economics , which is " who invests , who benefits " , it have great significance in strategy for the western governments to invest the post-graduates of colleges and universities .

  23. 税收是主权国家为了实现国家职能,利用政治权力,凭借法律手段,参与社会产品价值的再分配,强制、无偿地取得财政收入的制度。

    The tax revenue is the system that the sovereign state use politics authority , relies on the legal method to participate in the redistribution of social product value thus to obtain the financial revenue freely and forcibly in order to realize the state function .

  24. 战略成本管理理念深刻地影响着成本管理行为,社会产品生命周期理论的提出使成本管理在管理动因、管理范围、管理主体、管理理念、管理方法等方面发生了新的变化。

    Currently the idea of strategic cost management deeply affects the behavior of cost management . And the promotion of social product lifecycle has brought about the cause , the area , the body , the idea and the method of cost management to a new change .

  25. 物流产业涵盖了全部社会产品在社会上与企业中的运动过程,涉及到第一产业、第二产业、第三产业和全部社会再生产过程,被认为是国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业。

    Logistics industry has contained the movement course of all social products in the society and in enterprises , involving primary industry , the secondary industry , the tertiary industry and production process of societies , considered to be the artery of national economic development and basic industry .

  26. 根据税收来源于社会产品价值的本质,增值税实行价外税,只是采用便于征收的计税方法,并没有改变税金包含在价格内的经济属性。

    Based on the essence that the tax revenue according to the value of social products , the price excluding tax is only an easy tax method collected for the value-added tax , not changing the economic attribute of that , the tax is included in the price .

  27. 图书馆是社会精神产品的一个组成部分。

    Library is a component part of social spiritual products .

  28. 当今社会,产品同质化现象严重。

    Nowadays , the trend of product homogeneity is serious .

  29. 信息社会的产品易用性初探

    Preliminary Study on Use Accessibility of Product in Information Society

  30. 基于非物质社会下产品设计用户界面研究

    User Interface Research of Product Design Based in Immaterial Society