
  • 网络social personality;antisocial personality
  1. 我国社会人格现状的弊端及其危害

    Maladies of the Present Situation of Social Personality and their Harms

  2. 试论人格五因素模式与社会人格的健全发展

    Five Factors Model of the Personality and the Sound Development of Social Personality

  3. 和谐社会人格权的法律保护

    Legal Protection of Right of Personality in a Harmonious Society

  4. 和谐社会人格修养的途径是加强学习、内省慎独、知行统一。

    The means of cultivating it is to strengthen learning , thinking deeply and unify knowledge with action .

  5. 社会人格是自我发展的最终结果,它决定着社会中个体的思想、感觉和行为。

    Social personality was the final effect of the self-development . It determined individual 's thoughts , feelings and behaviors in society .

  6. 然而,我国文化价值观念的实用功利性的阶值取向所形成的社会人格心理机制是影响当前我国学校体育发展的关键所在。

    Unfortunately , school physical education is confined in China by its social personality system , which embodies the typical Chinese philosophy-practical utilitarianism .

  7. 社区文化既是实施社区矫正的门槛,又是促使犯罪人由犯罪人格向社会人格回归的酵母。

    Communal culture is not only a threshold of communal correction , but also a kind of yeast prompting the criminals to convert from criminal personality to social personality .

  8. 校园文化属于文化的范畴。文化在塑造个体的社会人格,树立个体的社会理想,培养个体的社会意识,明确个体的社会角色方面具有极为重要的作用。

    Campus culture belongs to the field of culture which plays a vital role in shaping personalities , fostering ideals , developing social awareness , as well as defining social roles of the individuals in society .

  9. 宽罚严管少年刑事司法政策注重少年的人格特征,并据此对少年实施特殊保护和个别化处遇,因此,社会人格调查报告是贯穿少年司法始终的一项根本制度。

    The juvenile criminal judiciary policy emphasizes personality characteristics of juvenile , carrying out special protection and individual treatment . Thus , it determines the fundamental status of social personality report throughout the processes of juvenile justice .

  10. 篮球比赛的观赏价值在于促进个体人格与社会人格的和谐统一、使人产生优美与崇高感、有助于人的社会化与社会道德修养的协调发展;

    The value to appreciation lies in that it can promote the harmonious between individual personality and social personality , it can arouse people 's graceful and sublimate feeling and it useful to coordinate between human being 's socialization and social moral culture .

  11. 同时,这个思维模式具有两个方面的特质:第一,从历史主义的角度来看,社会人格是集体经验与文化的产物,并不是如技术工程一样,可以根据设计蓝图来塑造。

    At the same time , this mode of thinking has two features : First , from a historical point of view , social personality is the product of culture and collective experience of people , and not the same as engineering which can be carried out following a blueprint .

  12. 马克思对资本主义社会的人格分析

    Marx 's Analysis of the Personality of Capitalist Society

  13. 现代社会的人格完善以法制本身的建设与完善为前提。

    The perfection of personality in modem society presupposes the construction and perfection of legality .

  14. 而四有新人是当今我国社会理想人格的集中体现。

    The new persons with four-haves embody the ideal personality in the current society of China .

  15. 知识社会与人格转型

    Knowledge Society and Personality Transformation

  16. 现代社会中人格的分裂与模糊&试析《八月之光》中的双重人格

    The Splitting and Ambiguity of Personality in the Modern Society : Analyzing the Double Personality in Light in august

  17. 这种文化被视为各社会建立人格类型及社会特质的各种身份人格系列的支配因素。

    This culture is seemed as the dominant factor of various communities establishing personality types and the social characteristics series .

  18. 要重构现代社会道德人格,就必须注重人文素质的重塑。

    To reconstitute morality and personality in the modern society , we must lay emphasis on the reconstruction of humanistic quality .

  19. 个人背景、家庭、学校、社会和人格特质这五大因素对农业院校大学新生适应性有影响。

    The adaptation to agricultural freshmen is influenced by their personal background , family , school , society and personality factors .

  20. 现代社会,人格权日益成为一项重要的民事权利。

    In modern society the right of personality treasured more and more along with the increase of consciousness of individual right .

  21. 觉醒农民法律意识有益于:构建市场经济运动之基础和市民社会之人格&心理基础;

    To awake farmers'legal consciousness is helpful to construct the function of market economy movement and the personality of civil society-psychological foundation ;

  22. 小康社会的人格理想将以追求人性的自我完善和人格的自主、自觉、自由为基本特点。

    The ideal goal of a well-to-do society should strive for the self-perfection of humanity and human autonomy , consciousness and freedom .

  23. 这种模型由两个层面构成:在社会个体人格层面,期待满大街都是圣人。

    This model society was made up by two levels . Firstly , the individual moral personhood level & " saint " full of main street .

  24. 本文讨论了福克纳的著名长篇小说《八月之光》的一个重要主题&现代社会中人格的分裂与模糊。

    This paper discusses one of the most important themes in William Faulkner 's well-known novel Light in August - the splitting and ambiguity of personality in modern society .

  25. 本论文对造成大学生虚拟社会道德人格缺失的因素进行归因,主要从外因和内因两个方面着手分析。

    The thesis aims to analyze the factors that cause the college students ' lack in social morality and characters under the background of virtual society from both external and internal influences .

  26. 在教育过程中,师生互动所构成的情境会有意无意地作用于学生的心理层面,潜在地影响学生的认知、社会性人格发展等心理品质,进而影响学生的行为方式。

    In education process , the situation made by interaction will act on students ' psychology unintentionally , effect students ' development of cognition and social personality potentially , then effect students ' behavior way .

  27. 其次,中国传统社会的人格是一种典型的依附型人格,而在现代化进程中,个人独立性逐渐增长,并产生着关于个人独立性的各种观念。

    Secondly , the personality in Traditional Chinese Society is a typical dependent personality , but in the process of modernization , the independence of the individual has gradually grown , and kinds of senses of individual independence have emerged .

  28. 教师人格塑造的过程是一种有目的、有选择的社会教师人格要求的传递和个体教师人格内心体验与追求相统一的过程。

    The molding process of teachers ' personality is the process transmitting social requirements upon teachers ' personality with particular intention and selection on one hand , on the other hand , integrating individual teacher 's inner world experience together with his pursuit of ideal personality .

  29. 在这项发表在期刊《社会心理学与人格科学》上的研究中,近300名大学生被问及他们的“友情期”持续了多长时间,以及他们是否愿意在谈恋爱之前先做朋友。

    In the study , roughly 300 university students were also asked how long their " friends phase " lasted and whether they preferred to be friends before taking things in a romantic direction .

  30. 自我同一性是美国心理学家埃里克·H·埃里克森提出的重要概念,随后,这一概念被广泛地应用于社会心理学、人格心理学、发展心理学、教育心理学、咨询心理学和文化心理学。

    The important concept of ego-identity is introduced by Erik . H.Erikson . After that , the concept of self-identity has been applied to social psychology , personality psychology , developmental psychology , educational psychology , counseling psychology and cultural psychology .