
  • 网络Social Comparison Theory;parison theory;S-ocial Comparisinon Theory
  1. 自1983年Cash等研究者首次把社会比较理论引入身体意象领域后,社会比较理论被广泛的应用于身体意象的研究中。

    Since Cash first brought social comparison theory into the field of body image , the social comparison theory had been widely applied in the field of body image .

  2. 根据社会比较理论,我们会参照身边的圈子,来判断什么样的行为是可以接受的。

    As social comparison theory shows , we look to others in our immediate circle for guidance for what are acceptable behaviors .

  3. 本文将在评述社会比较理论的基础上,从个体和组织两个层面阐述社会比较理论对公平理论的启发和借鉴作用。

    Based on introduction of new achievements of social comparison theory this paper analyzes its referential and instructive contributions to the equity theory .

  4. 边际生产率理论、社会比较理论、组织政治学理论及分配偏好理论也证实了组织收入分配政策中的公平因素的重要性,联合产权更是从产权角度奠定企业内公平收入的产权基础。

    Marginal productivity theory , social comparative theory , institutional politics theory and bias distribution theory also prove the import of fairness in institutional distribution .

  5. 社会比较理论最近在比较频率、高(低)人一等的评价、组织层面的社会比较上取得了新的成果。

    The social comparison theory has recently made some new achievements in such fields as comparison frequency , individual evaluation and social comparison in organization .

  6. 本研究使用文献法对社会比较理论和侵犯动机理论进行了整理和分析,并对社会比较理论与侵犯动机理论的相关性进行了分析和探讨。

    This research based on the documents observed by literatures to analyze Social comparison theory and Aggressive motive theory , and analyze the relationship of Social comparison theory and Aggressive motive theory .

  7. 首先,借鉴相关理论对我国纳税人的纳税决策进行理论分析,主要运用预期效用理论、期望理论和社会比较与公平理论对影响人们纳税决策的因素进行分析。

    Firstly , this paper theoretically analyzes the influential factors of taxpayers ' making tax - paying action , through expected utility theory , equity theory and prospect theory .