
  • 网络Social measurement;sociometry;Sociometric Methods
  1. 莫雷诺社会测量法在运动队群体内人际关系测量的运用

    Application of Moreno Social Measurement in Interpersonal Relation Measures Inside Sports Team Groups

  2. 本文运用同伴关系的社会测量法和父母教育观念问卷研究父母教育观念对小学生同伴关系类型的影响。

    This article gives out the influence of educational concept from parents to the pupils ' companion relationship types by means of social measurement to the companion relationship and the questionnaire of educational concepts from parents .

  3. 所谓社会测量表是一种用于检测同学间关系的一种调查表。

    A sociometry is an instrument used to examine the interrelationship between students .

  4. 方法:用社会测量法和自我报告法对285名青少年进行集体测试。

    Methods : Sociometric techniques and self - report instrument were applied collectively to a sample of 285 adolescents .

  5. 本研究的目的是采用访谈法、问卷法、社会测量法与投射法探讨小学生社会智力的结构。

    A study was made to explore pupils ' social intelligence structure through interview , questionnaire , social test and projective technique .

  6. 儿童攻击行为的测评方法主要有问卷法、量表法、观察法、社会测量法、访谈法等。

    The main methods of measuring children 's aggressive behavior include questionnaire , scale , observation , nomination , interview and so on .

  7. 方法:运用社会测量法对265名初中生进行人际关系测试,并在一周后对他们进行自我意识测量。

    Methods : 265 junior high school students were given the measurement of interpersonal relationship , and administered the questionnaire of Piers-Harris children self-consciousness one week later .

  8. 用社会测量法和问卷法调查了初一到初三120对社会退缩儿童友伴的友谊状况。

    With the method of sociometric nomination and questionnaire , the friendships of social withdrawal adolescents of 120 mutual dyads from grade 7 to grade 9 were investigated .

  9. 方法:采用社会测量法和问卷法对100名3~6岁幼儿的社交地位与问题行为进行评定。

    Method : Based on a sample of 100 children aged 3 ~ 6 , their social status and problematic behavior were assessed by method of questionnaire and sociometric measurement .

  10. 本研究使用临床访谈、问卷调查、社会测量等方法,探讨幼儿生气和伤心情绪倾向及其与同伴接受性的关系,分为四个具体研究。

    Method : Using the methods of clinical interview , questionnaire , and sociometrics , this study sought to explore children 's anger and sadness disposition and its relationship to peer acceptance .

  11. 农民社会地位测量指标初探

    Pilot Study on Indicators of Surveying Countrymen Social Stratum

  12. 疾病社会负担测量方法探讨及其意义

    A study on methods to measure the social burden of disease and their significance

  13. 基于社区社会资本测量的公共危机管理环境研究

    Study on the Environment of Public Crisis Management Based on Community Social Capital Measurement

  14. 对适应性行为进行评估的方法主要有测验法、行为观察法、功能性评估、生活质量评估和社会技能测量。

    Approachs of mental retardation assessment include interviews , behavioral observations , functional assessment , quality of life assessment and sociometric techniques .

  15. 这个理论填补了“社会关系测量学模式”的空白,该模式声称:自尊已逐渐成为人们社会地位的标识。

    The theory complements the " sociometer model " that purports self-esteem has evolved as a marker for people 's social status .

  16. 最后,文章针对社会资本测量方法中存在的缺陷,从心理测量学角度提出优化的测量方案。

    Finally , focusing on the shortcomings about the measurements of social capital , this article optimizes the measurement of social capital from psychometric angle .

  17. 研究首先检验了团队社会资本测量工具的信度与效度,并对团队社会资本的两阶两因子结构模型进行验证性分析与评价,在此基础上采用多元层级回归方法检验团队社会资本的调节作用。

    This research examines the reliability and validity of team social capital measurements , using CFA to testify the two-level-two-factor structure model of team social capital , and multivariate regression analysis to testify the moderating effects .

  18. 通过实证研究,得出以下主要结论:①利益相关者视角下的我国制造业企业社会责任测量量表的三维度结构更适合我国制造业企业的现状,体现了一定的科学性和合理性。

    Through empirical research , there are the following conclusions . ① From the stakeholder perspective , the new three-dimensional scale of corporate social responsibility for manufacturing enterprises in China is along with some science and rationality .

  19. 采用《亲社会倾向测量》和《亲社会推理客观测量》研究了17至20岁大学生的六类亲社会倾向和亲社会推理的状况。

    The prosocial tendencies , prosocial moral reasoning and their correlations were investigated with 165 Chinese college students ( aged 17-20 ) as subjects and the Prosocial Tendencies Measure ( PTM ) and Prosocial Reasoning Objective Measure ( PROM ) applied .

  20. 本文对24例先天愚型患者进行了社会生活能力测量、头部CT和脑电图(EEG)检查。

    Adaptive behavior was determined , also head CT and EEG were inspected on 24 cases with Down 's sydrome .

  21. 讨论了社会资本的测量和预测问题,认为社会资本有两种测量方法,一是明确的制度,二是社会个体的消费取向;

    First , the measurement and forecast of social capital are explored ;

  22. 对社会责任的测量,利用的是课题组前期研究出的医院社会责任指标体系。

    Measurement of social responsibility is by the social responsibility indicator system .

  23. 可以作为在校大学生社会智力的测量工具。

    And can be served as a measurement tool for social intelligence . 3 .

  24. 这种信息应当包括与组织内人员、所有者和投资者、供方和合作者以及社会有关的测量。

    Such information should include measurements relating to the people in the organization , owners and investors , suppliers and partners , as well as society .

  25. 采用社会计量法测量儿童的同伴关系,教师领导行为问卷测量儿童知觉的和期望的教师领导行为。

    We used sociometry to measure the children peer relations , and a Teacher Leadership Behavior Questionnaire to assess teacher 's leadership behavior perceived and anticipated by children .

  26. 本文以对西部城乡居民社会资本的测量为例,具体说明了如何在经验社会调查中测量复杂的社会概念。

    Taking the measurement of social capital of urban and rural dwellers in a survey in China 's western region , the paper illustrated in details how to measure a complex social concept in empirical social studies .

  27. 通过调查所得数据来分析南宁市大学生社会网络的测量维度(组成、规模、类型、密度等),以期获得大学生社会网络的普遍特征。

    In order to obtain the general characteristic of the college students ' social networks , we analyzed the social network measurement dimensions ( composition , size , type , density , etc. ) through the survey data in Nanning city .

  28. 社会资本的科学测量方法

    A Scientific Method of Measurement for Social Capital

  29. 介绍了目前关于创业企业社会网络的资本测量模型;

    Various capital-measuring models about the social network of high-tech venturing enterprises are elaborated .

  30. 目前对人格的评估主要是通过社会调查和人格测量两种途径进行。

    Now the assessment of character is carried out by the way of social surveys and character measurement .